Does dick size matter?

Does dick size matter?
Fembots please be truthful. Don't Virtue signal. I wanna know the truth

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of course it matters. but you dont need to have a big dick, just not be a dicklet

What size is dicklet?

not that person but probably 3.5 inches or less

That's comforting to originally hear

>wight people

Under 6 inches most women would probably agree

Not a girl, but I prefer big dicks. However, I prefer aesthetic dicks, even if they are smaller, over less aesthetic big dicks. As long as your dick looks nice, I will want to suck it

It matters, but its not a deal breaker.

Not a girl but general consensus from past exes & other girls is that average 5.5 is fine, 6-8 inches is great and anything bigger starts to get uncomfortable with huge dicks being outright impossible to work with. This is assuming you have optimal thickness. Porn often gives pretty hefty misconceptions about size in the bedroom.

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Thanks for that but I really wanna know women's thoughts

Yea I know porn fucked up my brain

>Does dick size matter?
You're thinking about them. You're posting about them. It obviously matters.

I wish my dick was above average at least. No girl will ever get excited to see a dull average one.

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Reminder that if you ask girls about dick size then aubtract about an inch or two from the number they give you. Girls literally cannot judge penis size at a glance at all. No really, go watch a video of them trying to guess sizes

Well I just quit my job. I have about 40k saved up in the bank and my grandma left me the house, so I don't have to pay rent.
I'm just gonna become a neet until I die. I don't belong a part of this world.
Heres to the beginning of the end.

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mines about 10.2x7 haven't had any complaints. will say that most women do not care for my huge amount of cum afterwards.

it matters opi

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Kill me now

Lucky bastard

Please be true

Let me move in with you

You have to buy your own food and clean up your room, I don't like being around messy people. You would be living rent free of course. If you live in NYC, tell me a little about yourself.

Thats not real, its photoshopped on. You can tell by how the knife looks.

I'm 5'11.
Jow Forums
About to be on anti anxiety meds
Currently a neet
Been told I'm good looking
Probably autistic
Been told I'm funny
I'm nice and respectful
Although I'm a total brainlet
I can probably get you a gf if I tried
Not near NYC tho

I've experienced most sizes between say 4 to almost 9. My favorite size is 7 to 7.5. That is Perfect. Oh yeah.

And bonus points in a big way for a beautiful penis. Nothing turns me on more than a perfect, clean, groomed, beautiful one.

>I'm nice and respectful

THAT'S your problem. That's the kiss of death for any dude looking to date and mate.

Each woman has an ideal size, but most won't throw a guy out of bed for having the wrong one. Personally I like around average size but most girls prefer a bit bigger. Know that no matter your size you're probably not going to make her come just from penetration.
Also like some other femanons said, dick aesthetics are underrated. My ideal is a pale uncut dick with a dark head.

It matters more to guys who feel the need to compete with other guys than to their girlfriends.

>tfw average
I bet it'll be hard to find a gf who prefers average

Really? I always thought the whole "women like assholes" thing was a meme. I thought it was something incels use to cope

It's real dude. Sorry

Please say it ain't so

it is a fucking meme
i'm nice as hell and my girlfriends have loved it

Girlfriends? As in all of your exes or are you dating multiple women rn

not dating multiple women. my ex liked it and so does my current gf, I've only had 2 girlfriends
both have/had pointed it out and complimented me for being so nice

Alright. That gives me hope

>"I'm really fucking insecure and paranoid pls don't do stuff i don't want you to do"
>Does dick size matter?
Yes, to a crack whore.

With my friend group we kinda all agree its about how its used. People with larger penises generally have more experience due to their confidence so that makes them better on that part but ngl my favorite is like 4.7 or 5 inches because he really put in the work. The worse I've had was 7 and he just assumed because of size he was doing something.

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Women are usually inwardly passive/submissive and like pleasing a man they like, making him feel strong. If he has a big dick, they will flatter him for it like . If he has an average or smaller one but they still like him, they will not complain about it unless they want to be cunts. Women will be happy to have sex with you if they are not sluts and if they actually like you. Maybe there is something primal in women which likes bigger dicks but women are humans too, they do not want to embarrass and belittle you for something you cannot control. Stop viewing love and sex as a competition and view it as what it really is.

This. If she loves you she doesnt give a fuck what you pull out.

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This is what one girl told me about how she determines size.
>wrap hand around dick
>if nothing sticks out it's short
>if the head sticks out it's average
>if she can put two hands on it and there's still dick poking out it's long
>if her fingers have a lot of overlap it's a pencil
>if her fingers barely touch it's average thickness
>if her fingers can't touch it's thick

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The girth matters more than the length, but even the largest penis is meaningless if you cant use it right.

>god has joined the server
>god has spoken he truth.

Is that a 330ml coke can or 500ml? how to get accurate comparison when US uses imperial

To fembots into bigger dicks. Why aren't you into MMF or cuckolding?

>don't have to pay rent
What about property tax?

>fuck gf with long schlong
>she bleeds in her pee the next morning
>she loves every inch of it
feels good man

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Women deserve to bleed for being whores.

Well, it's the end then. Gotta put my life on wageslaving and go for a hookers.

By far the best post in this thread.

I think a big issue is that people here take the traits of the promiscuous type of woman who'd actually jump the "cock carousel" at any given chance, the type to not give a single fuck about anyone who doesn't offer her clear gains in social or monetary status, and assumes all women are like that in all situations possible.

Physique will always have some importance as physical attraction is something that adds to a healthy sex life within a relationship, but if you're looking for a more serious relationship, an average or below average dick won't automatically make you worthless (though being the type to only get off yourself and ending sex right there without getting the woman off is not wise; imagine always getting blue-balled during sex without zero release).

Of course dick size is much more important when trying to be part of that cock carousel the promiscuous women want to ride; you're actively competing with other people's cocks for a carousel spot. This is where physique, dick size, and charisma are most important.

I too would love to experience that sense of sexual value as though I'm seen as desirable by many women, but an average dick + average looks on a good day + manlet status won't ever allow it.
On the other hand, I did get me a gf without really searching for it, one who somehow enjoys sex enough to initiate half the time and not be a reluctant dead fish in bed.

I don't know from personal experience I got dumped for being too big by my only gf ever.
She said it was extremely painful... I was going really slow... It's not my fault.

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This isnt discord faggot

Here's the truth for you OP. Guys like tight vaginas and we like a bigger penis. However, not every girl has a tight vagina and there are very few guys with a big penis so we all settle. Doesn't mean I like a bigger penis any less though.

>I was going really slow...
bullshit. I have never known a guy that goes slow, you all do the jackhammer

it matters when your fucking her thats about it. Have never gotten any favors from being bit besides compliments. Girls don't think about cock nearly as much as men.

>Girls don't think about cock nearly as much as men
True, I am fascinated by a big one when its in front of me and about to go inside (like omg no way that will fit) and that is very different than mens obsession with big penises constantly.

I have a constant fear or hurting others, I can't do it without going slow... I don't even want a relationship as of the past two years because I don't want it to happen again.

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it still sucks to be small just because girls will turn you down and make fun of you over something out of your control

>I think a big issue is that people here take the traits of the promiscuous type of woman who'd actually jump the "cock carousel" at any given chance, the type to not give a single fuck about anyone who doesn't offer her clear gains in social or monetary status, and assumes all women are like that in all situations possible.
ok, now try finding a woman who isn't like that in the slightest.
that's the problem.

This is the girl you wanna avoid OP she will care about your dick size wether she admits or not.

to be fair if you were a girl would you have standards and wouldn't fuck any guy who asks.

Thanks for not giving actual numbers and being vague as fuck.

I used to have a huge dick (little over 8 inches) but it doesn't do much since I got on hrt a year ago, probably shrunk I wouldn't know

>if you were a girl would you have standards and wouldn't fuck any guy who asks.
yeah, but unlike many girls I still wouldn't fuck any guy who would fit my standards if he just wants to fuck.

girls can get their hands around my 6 inches of girth

the fuck man why would you do something so mentally ill

that wasn't a girl user

not to me or lesbians. can't speak for fucking breeder scum.

>tfw dicklet
christ how do i get out of this existence. i need to restart my genetic structure where do i go?

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Not a fembot, just a female.
It doesn't matter that much, if anything I'm happy with average or a bit below. My bf is in between 5.5" and 6" and it still hurts a lot if we go more than once. It's different between everyone, in my case it's just because I've always been very tight down there. Even if I've already come 2-3 times it still ends up hurting.
One of my friends who is a bit of a slut feels similarly. She likes average dicks.

>>if her fingers barely touch it's average thickness
You got advice from some pornstar? No normal girl can take that thick of a cock without 3h of stretching before sex.
>>if the head stick out it's average
You can literally do that with 3.5-4 inches (depending on the girl's hand size) I'm 6 inches and I can put 2 hands on and have the head sticking out.

You either hand tiny hands or shove them into your pelvis

That picture is retarded...I doubt any girl wold be pleased with 2'' thickness and 7'' length. It's like poking her with a pencil.


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I guess thats a bit reassuring, but I feel like most woman arent like this.

I think it's diameter, I was confused at first too.

>No normal girl can take that thick of a cock without 3h of stretching before sex.
Eh, I think that's the most accurate part of his post. I'm looking at my man-hands right now and that looks like 4-5" around.

Average dicks are best. Fills you up without hurting.

Without evidence your opinion is nothing.

In my experience of "girl talks", it really just depends on the person. If a women prefers larger dicks, it's either because she is shallow and chases after it for the fact of it, or simply she can handle more than someone like I can.
Rarely have I talked to a girl about preferred dick sizes and they indicate an average or below average dick is a deal breaker, at least in a long-term relationship. Really, all that matters is you can keep a steady in and out without your dick falling out, while keeping a nice pressure on the clit.
Not posting my titties online. Here is unconventional proof, though, you fuckin nerd.

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What kind of proof is this? You know the fucking rules.

They need lots of dicks. All kinds of different sizes thicknesses and curves.
I imagine even microdicked dudes get scissor action because that's what a ho wants but doesn't want to be some dyke.

That's kind of hot. How many big dicks have you taken?

Given that you all love huge dicks so much. Why are so few of you into cuckolding? You get everything. A loving husband and big black men to rape you.

Don't be silly. That column of saved stories is specifically for pictures you take with your phone. Posting your titties online when you're in a relationship is disgusting.

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girls learn from an early age to spot the small dick boys from how they act. whereas even ugly men with larger penises stand out in a crowd because they have natural confidence.

t. 23 yr old slut, with 13 years of dick exp (i've seen maybe 200)

Hahaha try harder, larpfag

Prove that you're a real girl and I'll date you.

>Posting your titties online when you're in a relationship is disgusting.
the fuck out of here you lying neckbeard

1. Not into huge dicks so jot that down
2. What the fuck? I would kill myself sooner than have sex with someone I was not married to. I know it's racist, but really especially not a black guy.

alright, as a real non larping woman I'll be honest
it matters to an extent. in other words, don't be small. so if you're over 7.5 inches than you're good

none of you fags know the pain of being a testiclelet

I heard they like 6 inches because it touches the cervix, the only place of pleasure for women.

Women could also get free money and notoriety by having sex with a man and #metoo his ass. Plus free sex too.

Well if you want to pound the cervix properly you have to be at least 7 inches. it is the most intense pleasure for a woman but also make sure you get her clit as well

These are Bad Posts.

Is there a way to increase your length and girth with surgery? I have a budget of 80k maximum. Thee must be a way for modern medicine to increase the size.

good point. Too bad 7 inches is in the 10th percentile of penis size.

I can google at least ten pictures with girls galleries like that. Stop your logic gymnastics and post a proper evidence.

fuck off virgin. it's absolutely true that you need a good 7 inches to pound the cervix properly. at an average size you might be barely touching it.

Don't. Pound. The. Fucking. Cervix.

>7 inches
>10th percentile
I think you mean 90th percentile

At an average size don't even bother. Just go for the tiddies and suck them or something.

yeah, 6 inches would be barely touching t,o but you want enough to really jam it in there and put real pressure on it, that's how you stimulate their a-spot and give them the greatest orgasms

>I think you mean the 90th percentile
You know what I mean

>Don't. Pound. The. Fucking. Cervix.
dont make women addicted to my big cock? too late

It's a nog twitter meme, but the point still stands

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