is this bitch the new boxxy? keep seeing new threads about her
Is this bitch the new boxxy? keep seeing new threads about her
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idk but I wanna suck her toes
i bet she doesn't kiss ya
that girl doesnt have one masculine feature on her face. Even her eyes are feminine which is rare af
Don't even know who the girl (male) on the left is.
I have some terrible news, user.
The trap joke isn't funny and never was, you homos.
Also, boxxy? More like, boxxo.
And I wanna suck 'her' feminine penis
Whomst've this on the left?
Calling an obvious female a trap is old and annoying. Get new jokes.
Got to be kidding
That face is exactly the face of a 12 year old boy
>starting HRT before puberty and shit
does anyone have gifs of her
Nobody gave two shits about her until bonbi quit. She's only getting popular now because there's nothing better.
No female has that kind of body frame. Wide shoulders, flat chest, no hips.
It's a man and you're faggots for wanking off to it.
Makeup, filters, and photoshop
>Sorry, user
>that jaw
>those hands
Shit, maybe it is a man.
where does this song come from
damnit i thought you guys said xe was flat chested. i was crushing on xer hard until i saw this pic.
Don't forget the head size, neck size, and foot size are not female ratios.
>even with that skirt there is an obvious lack of hips
It's a confirmed girl, do your research fools.
The one you posted is shopped. Here's the original.
So is anyone gonna give a name
Post vagina or shut the fuck up
Faggot fapper
>implying they don't look like pic related (purchasable at walmart)
As usual, if you don't know by now then you don't deserve to know.
her tiktok or whatever its called is nyannyancosplay. go cray get stupid
She is a tomboy and flat, that's it, people found her old videos, it's a girl you faggot.
We are going to need a nimimun of 3 vag pics from different angles and in different lighting to confirm.
Alternatively a vag video would also suffice
That's a masculine jaw and look, man hands and skinny man legs.
This. Until I see pussy or "her" crotch up close, I won't believe it.
What are old videos supposed to prove?
i haven't beem to Jow Forums in almost 2 years. can someone break it down for me why they're pushing this shit trap meme so hard? it sounds completely anti/pol/ of the Jow Forums that i remember.
there are a lot more girls than there are sexually-deranged boys
And what is that suppose to prove, dumb ass?
Like another user said, he looks like a young kurt cobain in his other videos.
That she sounds and looks like a girl, you dumb tranny lover.
I'm not the one fapping to a man in drag.
Either post the vag or admit your a faggot trap chaser.
>implying that a a prepubescent boy with long hair can't look and sound like a girl
Obvious girl but fucking unfortunate body.
And these thots come and go. nobody will come close to boxxy.
>unfortunate body.
i think she's pretty hot, really.
I'm not saying she's unnatractive exactly but Tastes aside, most of us do like our women to have women bodies.
You're literally proving me right.
Young kurt cobain, faggot trap chaser.
What a fucking weeb fest, the cringe level is off the charts.
Was going to say this myself. Though it actually makes me nostalgic for my innocent weeb days . Though thank fuck I wasn't that bad.
Whatever though clearly a girl but she actually looks plain and slightly masculine here
>Tastes aside
my tastes include flat chested, so it's a win win for me.
Mia Khalifa by ILOVEFRIDAY.
The second verse. It is a shit song honesty but that verse where the actual clip is from is pretty decent.
And on that note, I am headed back to /mu/
Fucking yikes man. For fuck sakes.
Wow he cute
So original so s