Obsessively save thousands of reaction images over the years

>obsessively save thousands of reaction images over the years
>never ever use them

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just children do that
imagine sorting folders of internet pics

>81,156 reaction images
>ever only use the ones in pepe, wojak and apu subfolders
>and occasionally anime

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Yeah, I've been here since 2006 and reaction pics have always seemed retarded. People post them at me in arguments and I feel bad for them, like "nigger do you seriously have a folder full of that shit and if yes how autistic are you"

I do that. I like to be organized.

give us the folder anons.

>have over 40 gigs of hentai and a bit of normal porn
>keep going back to the favorites which makes up less then 2 gigs
>don't have the heart to delete them after years of collecting and thinking that they look good
>Still go and collect more hentai daily
>Collection is now an unorganized mess to the point I forget I even had whole folders and sections

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>save tons of reaction images
>sort nothing except doujinshi
>the folder is so full it takes ages to load
>know the image I want to post is in there
>50/50 chance on finding it and posting, or to come across a random nude slut, get horny and fap instead
I can't be the only one, right?

I would totally do that but I'm too lazy
I just got some pepes/wojaks/apus and that's all

I got you at
>want/have to do something
>get horny and fap instead

2,685 in my "/b/ folder". Use maybe 50.

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No they are mine. MINE. MINE!!!!!! But if you are a newfag and want to boost your Jow Forums folder I suggest scraping the archives.

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I know yur feelz bro

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>mfw you don't yfw

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So post the fuckers

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This thread is alreadu dead

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I am upset that, despite knowing of this place since 2006 and posting heavily since 2009, I did not start saving memes and images until 2012. I just browsed and didn't save anything. Tons of epic threads and good advice and personal anecdotes I should have screencapped, if I wasn't so lazy

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I have the gif of that pic, add it to your collection

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>getting mad at people for posting images on an imageboard

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>tfw saved hundreds of pictures of cute anime girls over the last couple of days
It's a more recent habit of mine

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>mfw he thinks he's somehow better than us

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For those of you with huge folders, post your smuggest anime girls

>see retard
>think, 'huh, what a retard'
>retard thinks this means you're mad at him
>posts reaction image
checks out

Over 10 years and I have never posted a frog or wojak, saved a few maybe, honestly deserve a medal and a handshake

did it ever occur to you that you only think they're retarded because you're arguing against them?

sorry for calling out your autistic crusade against reaction images.

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I have so many images saved of anime girls but I never took the time to organize them, so they are all just sitting in the same folder. Now if I want to find a specific image it takes me so long to find it, feelsbad

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I have never saved or posted a frog or wojak
Never will

Someone's assblasted their folder got deleted

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Based, keep up the good fight

>tfw literally all your shit is unorganized as fuck

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original thanks original fren

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>Getting mad over pics on internet
I'm LMAOing at your life

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my stuff is on an HDD and it takes like a full minute for the folder to sort itself. I've spent over 10 minutes looking for a specific reaction image before.

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I agree with you. A man's reaction folder is something deeply personal and unique, basically a chronicle of the hours wasted in this place.

>save an image
>don't have any self control, immediately use it in another thread on the same board

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>4789 pics and counting

Pls halp me I can't stop

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I have over 9000 pictures and I personally numbered each while saving them

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Ive never saved a single reaction image in my 10 years on here. Never felt the need, am I alone in this?

>mfw I'm not helping you with your problem at all

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But why, do you remember the numbers?

this is a very nice apu user

if I want a reaction image I just go to google and get one...

I don't remember the exact number, but I can remember in which thousand the picture is located. I mostly use numbers just to look at the history of my stay on imageboards, sometimes it's nice to look at long-forgotten memes from past years.