So is this basically you?

so is this basically you?

Attached: w9xebgiok8u11.jpg (1339x1180, 148K)

I am not a subpar post

you really found the loop in this argument, you should be a lawyer, i am undone.

Nope. Try again.

Original commentaries.

no i think this is a lot of guys, we all live on the same blackpilled plant, they know they can't escape but are trying so hard to pretend they're ok with women and not incel.

I just say facts. I don't try to put anybody down or change their opinions. I don't consider myself a "champion for women" but I don't hate them either.

Lot of guys =/= All guys.

can sense the virginity oozing in your post

that goes without saying dipshit

i can sense you projecting, you can't sense anything you fucking retard

so this is you basically, got it. You're one of these cucks who think they're reasonable but everyone can see through their beta persona to the incel within. I hope when you read posts aimed at incels you know it's talking about you as well.

>that goes without saying dipshit
That doesn't prove anything beside an attitude of absolutism and fallacies.

sense my dick you autistic virgin

When normies say incel they don't mean virgins who don't want to be virgins, they mean people who self-identify as incels and indulge in the reddit culture.

Being a virgin doesn't mean you have to enjoy incel memes. I don't particularly dislike women and I can see that they have some unique struggles as a collective. I don't go around deriding incels though, I keep it to myself.

No, because I am a proud misogynist

neither does saying it doesn't prove anything, you're not even debating me properly and you're just being a cuckold frankly it's like you're literally the meme i'm sharing.

that's gay

Shitting on others doesn't make a girl want to fuck you. This is a tactic employed by wannabe alphas. It only reveals you as a complete beta.

You're repeating phrase and making ad hominem. Blatantly open yourself as a fail troll.

i'm just letting you witness your own retarded logic cuck, you are an incel who tries to say he's not incel aren't you? you're a class traitor basically.

>i'm just letting you witness your own retarded logic cuck, you are an incel who tries to say he's not incel aren't you? you're a class traitor basically.
So much logical fallacies. Try harder next time before baiting this hard. You sound like you have a bad case of butthurt.

so do you fuck a lot of girls or something?

I did have a couple of brief relationship in my lifetime although I feel better being by myself.

so did I, i had a few brief relationships, but i'm not an anti-incel incel hypocritically defending women and betraying my people.

I guess so. It's better that way.

How does this even address my post?

everytime someone brings vagina sizes to the discussion, 50% of this board turns into this guy

50% of this board is cucked

Nah, I just don't believe that whining over women does anything to solve your problems in any way. I don't care what you do, but don't whine about your situation to me, you genetic dead ends.