Be femanon

>be femanon
>only attracted to guys my height or taller
>don't mention my preference in height in my dating profile
>short guys try chatting with me
>try to let them down easy
>they get angry most of the time
>add height preference to profile
>get guys messaging me that I'm a bitch for having a preference

How do I turn off shorter men so I don't have them wasting both our time or getting moody at me?

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Take a picture of yourself in high heels standing by a short guy laughing at him. That should get the message across


Get fat. No one wants to fuck a fatty.

>mfw i'd fuck any female regardless of height and i'm a manlet

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you are a bitch, you're going to have to accept that

No, I have a perfectly reasonable preference that I shouldn't be castigated over

i guess "shallow" is more apt
if you cant accept it, then change your shallow behavior
but if you cant, that's just what you are

Honestly, OP should stop being such a faggot and put her height restrictions in her bio, but the
>only men are allowed to have sexual preferences
meme is equally gay and needs to end

just don't respond to short guys? embarrassing you need someone to explain this to you

Couldn't you just add your height to your profile?

It's not like they take pictures next to a measuring stick. I don't find out they're short until talking to them for a bit

How heavy is your body?

it's just over for us males user, don't you see it. glaring us in the face, like death's sithe. all you can do is run till you're old and tired. we were just born wrong. god help us.

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seething manlet

i spelled scythe wrong like a brainlet too

it's fucking over boyo, why did our evil mothers give birth to us?

bring a stepping stool everyone wins

shut the fuck up white knight bois on thot patrol

Being tall sucks (atleast for me) I wish I was closer to being a manlet instead of the 6'4 titan that i am

why dont you list your height in your profile?

hey are you into other girls cause Id like you to punch me in the fucking face please

How is calling you a manlet being a white knight? I could give a fuck about this bitch

If you tell me how to spoiler text on Jow Forums I'll get over you being unavailable.

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online dating is fucking horrible

>t. guy who fucked a few chicks and got bored

maybe mention your amazonian stature and preference in your profile? idk genius, what do you think?

My ex was 6' im 6' .. actually was kinda nice.. although it was weird picking her up and what not it was still fun... I miss her..fuck those retards

just be their mommy already
jerk them off while they suck your nipples with tears in their eyes

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is there any other kind tho?

You should have a sign next to you in a picture like: you must be this tall to message me. Like at theme parks

>How do I turn off shorter men so I don't have them wasting both our time or getting moody at me?
Start dating them and get over your moronic preferences. Women are meant to be baby making factories and homemakers, not hedonistic animals.

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Yeah women shouldn't vote. They can barely even use computers and drive and those were invented by men too.

All these seething Manlets. Why would an Amazon want a smurf?

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now i'm thinking of all the girls i'm pretty sure thought i was too short to be considered human enough to fuck

Why do any men whatsoever allow the opinions of women to be of consequence?

ouch i'm 5'3 but practically 5'4 :L

Be shorter femanon. Or get amputations.

I feel you about being tall. I'm 6'1. I don't really have a height preference though. I got over that a long time ago. I would like to be held like a small girl but I get that isn't going to happen.

PLS b in Australia

Just accept the fact that you're ovaries will dry up and you will die alone, and your name will be forgotten. But it's okay because you stuck to your guns on height

LARP or no LARP. That is the question.

Women aren't human but neither are Manlets

Becoming an hero, or by not having a shitty personality

if I posted in a profile that I prefer only women below 55kg I wonder if the same wouldn't happen?
Just fucking laughing at women requiring a man to be tall but getting angry when you require her too be slim. Nevermind that everyone can change weight quite easily, when it's impossible to change height.

You're a fucking whore. Die. I want to slice your fucking throat you double-standard bitch.

>don't mention my preference in height in my dating profile

There's your issue. Either post that, or mention your own height, and hope that the guy gets the message.

OP's bait thread aside, can you guys imagine your dating pool being so vast and easily acquirable that you can literally turn down potential relationships or mates just by something as trivial as height?
fucking hell its like women's perception of a relative struggle makes it seem like they live on a completely different planet than men

if a manlet put his penis in a woman they could make a baby so they're both of the same species

>wah god made me half a guy
6ft here. Is it hard to know you were literally born dead?

>2 posts off from quints
Manlets rejoice at least you arent this gay

I am 6'1" and I wouldn't date you
Or anyone that was over 150 lbs
>it's ok to have preferences
as long as you can get dates

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i tried to come up with a reply but my sadness beat me, you're right, i lost the genetic lottery, my birth was a mistake but i don't want to die, i'm not at peace.

6ft as well but I don't give a shit about height because that would imply I think that people who are taller are superior to me when all White men are created equal and can improve their economic situation by inventing things and that's why the Jew wants us all dead and uses the powerless women and minorities as his marionettes because they all have a chip on their shoulder.

I mean I wouldn't want to date a fatty or a tiny girl either. Being physically attracted to your partner is probably important

How short are you user?
im currently crushing on a 5ft4 qt
t. fembot

>all white men
5ft11 confirmed
Dont kill yourself at least you arent the epic underage white supermacy fag user

Nope, I'm 6'0 exactly, not that it matters. Why do you even care? It's like caring about a guy's dick size, makes you look like a fucking faggot.

That guy you always posts looks like Chad despite being short. Stop giving them false hope

Yeah see, I'm a guy 5' 9" i have no problem with a woman being 6' to want a guy taller because I usually wouldn't want a woman taller than me, I prefer short women. everyone has preferences arguing over stupid shit isn't going to change it

shut the fuck up spic
are Japanese White supremacists? No, they simply are high IQ and have pride in who they are which drives them forward. Filthy brown mutts and zero IQ blacks of course have an inferiority complex because they NEED to leech off the White man, because otherwise they would be like the Japanese, living in their own homelands with their own people and relying on themselves to move forward instead of leeching off Whites like an inferior being and then being retarded enough to call us supremacists for pointing it out.

Im more focused on being a douche and your odd insertions of white like it matters. To women height does though. If you wanna pretend it doesnt thats.. epic
This doesnt read well, did you let your handler proofread it? I suspect not. Im white too dipshit

Tell that to all the fat girls with chads fucking them.

>they would be like the Japanese, living in their own homelands with their own people and relying on themselves to move forward
I don't remember European countries going to Japan, carving up the land in every country and stealing their resources.

Oh? That didn't happen? Maybe that's why Africa is in such a dire state today and why your argument in completely bogus. Fucking cumskin loser suck your Cheetoh-in-chief's dick some more you cancer patient

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>I don't remember European countries going to Japan, carving up the land in every country and stealing their resources.
you need to brush up on your history then. The japanese went into a full civil war because of western fuckery. and then got completely subdued by the US after WWII, not even counting the firebombs and Nukes

>nigs are tough
>except when they get owned and subjugated by Whites
pick one faggot.
The Portuguese regarded the Japanese are brave and honorable, and because of that they didn't need to scour the land for resources, they knew the Japanese could pull their weight in the world so they shared their technology with the Japanese and prepared them for the future. Niggers were just pathetic and couldn't fucking work so of course we used their land, because that's how the world works. Right now China is subjugating Africa and nig nogs don't give a fuck, they bitch about it only because Whites did it and they can get gibs from retarded shitlibs like this faggot
Race is responsible for IQ, which matters when it comes to extracting resources from the Earth and then manipulating it in useful ways. Whites average at about 100, which makes them capable of maintaining the societies they produce, every now and then Whites produce geniuses who are capable of creating airplanes, cars, computers, etc. Just shut the fuck up you delusional faggots, you're too easy.

seething shitskin defected

>I don't remember European countries going to Japan, carving up the land in every country and stealing their resources.
i smell shitty bait

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It's bitchy when a 5'2 girl demands men be taller than 6 feet but it's pretty understandable for any girl to want her man to be as tall or taller than her.

In the 19th century the Brits deliberately got chinks addicted to opium so they could be drug dealer kingpins. It caused a couple wars.

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Threadly reminder that negroes are not actual people.

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Tbh if a small height difference can turn a perfect dude into a dealbreaker then the girl probably doesnt have much to offer in a relationship be glad you dodged a bullet you bluepilled fucks.
Im not saying attraction doesnt matter but its a pretty menial thing to jump ship for.

Having mommy gf would be nice tho.

>except when they get owned and subjugated by whites
Lol I love how you faggots always complain about Muslims (from countries whose leaders you had killed and caused civil wars in) coming into Europe for asylum and declaring Sharia law and stuff.
In America based Latinos crossing countries to get into America and none of you sissy faggots are gonna dare to lift a finger to stop them for fear of being called a racist. You will just cry and bitch online anonymously, all while your women are taken ethnic cock and every state will go like California and have a 'minority majority'.

Just you fucking whitoids wait. The future belongs to non-whites and non-east asians!
>Don't have an argument? Simply respond with "bait" or ad hominem!

Lol and just look at the state of britbong land today... Full of low class imbreds and teenage mothers. I'm sure sharia law will actually be a good thing for them so they aren't the laughing stock of anglo countries

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>Upset when people call you out for being a shallow superficial bitch
>The state of modern day womyn

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have you tried putting your own height on your bio?
if you do then im surprised shorter guys still hit you up

Based black man gets trips

Even kek supports the KARA BOGA uprising

>negroes are not people
>they are ubermensch!

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>not being at least taller than average
never gonna make it

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Hear that? That is the final battlecry of a loser

Just mention your own height...

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Jews try and divide us White men by height, because alone, no matter what your height is, you're weak. Subsequently, in a group, no matter what your height is, you're strong. We aren't each other's enemies, our enemies are the Jew, and the nonwhites. Anyone who believes otherwise is deluding themselves and needs to realize that being a traitor will get them killed, and they have zero allies.

>Hear that? That is the final battlecry of a loser
I heard all about the Holocaust back in grade school, cumskin

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Keep the preference and just specify that you are well aware that you are vapid bitch. Duh.

Dude, you're just pathetic. You shitskins treat Whites like we're you're fucking mommy and daddy. Grow the fuck up and do some shit on your own.


Hmm but are your thighs thick too

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Just ignore them baby girl. You need a 6'4 man like me to make you feel good, like the pretty princess you are. I'll throw you around like a little doll, my own tiny fuck toy. That pussy will be flowing like a faucet, thighs shaking, toes curling, eyes rolling into the back of your head as I engorge my dick in your feminine juice, your sweet nectar dripping everywhere and squelching as I slide in and out, filling you completely. You'd be convulsing with pleasure; skin tingling, feverishly grabbing at the sheets because you're scared that it feels so good, but I pet your head and tell you to relax, and you let yourself be overcome with wave after wave of intense and burning pleasure and contractions. Afterwards, Id carry you to the bath and wash you off gently, then wrap you up in a warm towel and bury you under the fresh covers. I dont think you're a bitch baby girl, you just need a real man to take care of you. I'll be waiting for your response.

I'm 6"4 and wouldn't date a girl who insists on being with a man taller than her

I'm 6'5 and I'd never date you, tall freak. Tall women are disgustingly ugly. Shorties are way better than some fucking giraffe.

Isnt it what we all already know for sure?

is 5'8 considered a giraffe? Asking for a friend... probably ate too much, cow.

being a tall female is like being a short male

Why the fuck are people reacting to this super obvious bait thread, wow, the OP doesn't even minus from making a bait thread that's weak as fuck, y'all are the ones who minused for replying to it.

Yall niggas retarded lmao, I thought robots were supposed to be smarter than this

It's a stealth thread were we talk about how we're going to stop niggers from interacting with us, because they are pathetic enough to force themselves on us.

6ft 6 here I would date you and make tall babies with you.

OP is obviously a larping tall man. Why is everyone falling for such obvious bait?

This. Tall guys don't want you, short guys don't want you. You might as well become lesbian.

If this were actually true then OP wouldn't feel the need to make a thread complaining about so many manlets wanting to fuck her despite her height

Man its a good thing I am 6 feet tall

wow life is so hard for you!!! im so sorry some guys get angry because their existence is considered disgusting by you

Woah ass.

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Damn right so tired of these bitches women were only created for sex n giving birth

BAIT THREAD made by a tall "man".

You have to understand that tallfags are basically women. Being tall is caused by a lack of testosterone, which leads to growth plates staying open for a longer period of time, giving tallfags a longer window for growth. They're taller simply because they grow for a longer period of time. But this lack of testosterone also means that the brain of a tallfag never fully matures into a man. They always remain half women. This is why tallfags make threads roleplaying as women in a specific and calculated effort to make manlets FEEL bad about themselves in the specific way that being rejected by a woman makes you feel. Its all FEELING, and not just any feelings but FEMALE feelings. They are specifically emulating women and their feelings. What kind of man is this adept at roleplaying as women and emulating their feelings? What kind of man is this interested in the emotions of other men? Tallfags are able to emulate women so well because they basically ARE women. Why do you think so many trannies and traps are tall skinny "men"? Its because LANKLETS ARE WOMEN.

Lanklet girls belong to chad manlets

Same, it sucks desu
The only thing is if the guy is shorter he's gotta have a thicker frame or lift