Hit or miss
memes aside she is /ourgirl/ now
>imagine being so impressionable that after you watch a 10 second video of someone you start to worship them
lmao i don't normally tell people to off themselves but holy shit
g'night avery
It is a male and you're a faggot for wanking to it.
Nice photoshop, cuck
heretic! show me post she made. i'll wait.
goodnight crispyposter i am about to head to bed
Is that, that guy from the school kids show?
ok, good night and sweet dreams fren
i don't see why the faggots are pushing the trap meme as hard as they are. i think she's kinda cute.
gosh she is such a cutie
>Hey everyone Hillary Clinton here, be sure to 'Never Miss' voting for me in 2020!
Geez you switched girls again? Thats the 3rd time this year dude
she is a qt girl anyone that says anything else is a origini fag
Child rapists garner more respect than you.
Nobody dare talk shit on /ourgirl/ otherwise there will be dire consequences
Apply yourself, faggot.
like i said earlier ITT, she can't be /ourgirl/ unless you have proofs of her posting on Jow Forums. provide proofs and i cease my opposition and begin orbiting.
i would protect her smile with my life
she needs to make a single post on Jow Forums so she can gain waifu status and we can orbit her forever
You play with them balls like its FIFA
Hi avery. you dummy :f
She's nothing special. I mean, she's definitely not ugly, but she's not even close to being some sort of perfect being worthy of every robot's worship.
I gave you $20 and you still havent DM chat me?
are you busy? I can pay more if you like.....
have you got a new account or something?
why havent you you message me, paypal says I sent you the money
imagine paying a mentally ill slavshit trap just to talk to them
re-evaluate your life
It was 50 not 20
I thought you were into sticcs
if you're fucking avery around on the price, i'll fight you irl, faggot.
I'm not that's what it was.
>imagine paying a mentally ill slavshit trap just to talk to them
whos the one talking to girls?
me, so what if i pay her its worth it.
she gives me the E GF experience and I dont have to deal with the drama of finding a E GF.
You are just jealous I get to talk to girls online and you dont.
I dont have $30 more until I get NEETbux again..
please im missing you since last week, you dont have to chat to me just let me send you some of the poetry I wrote for you on discord.
unblock me and add me again so I can DM you :(
I would post it here but its special and just for you.
cvnky darling, < this isnt me please dont think I would ever say that, ill pay what you want deont worry
>wanting pure Nyan to come to this cesspool
>wanting pure Nyan to come to this cesspool
if she wants the orbiters, she's got to earn them the old fashioned way. one thread and one timestamped photo isn't too much to ask.
She doesnt seem comfortable with the orbiters desu.
Do you seriously need to pay a girl to get her to talk to you
>pic related
in an original way
Cvnka doesnt mind that im a pedophile all the otherg irls stop talking to me when I come out as a pedophile (technically babyphile)
I was gonna say that you maybe weren't meant to be when you can't get a single girl to talk to you even over the internet
But holy fucking shit please bury yourself
Or at least, you know, if you want girls to talk to you, don't tell them that you are a pedophile???
most girls dont mind saying your a pedo I find its mainly when you mention you are a babyphile they ghost you straight away.
I like 3-18 months the best.
why do I tell them? I just liek to be honest, I am not primarily a babyphile I also like older woman and kids obviously
She has a boyfriend.
how exactly, do we cope with this; christ i don't want to think about it
Genuinely kill yourself
If you pay me too I'll be your friend
>attention whoring cosplayer
>has a boyfriend
and you didn't see this coming, why?
Proof? Originally only though
wait a fuckin minute i thought that was a trap
>wait a fuckin minute i thought that was a trap
she isnt for fucks sake
this girl never looks the same pt.1
that guy is so handsome.
Seek help or kill yourself.
>slutty instagram cosplayer who makes meme videos of her lipsyncing to a song about pornstars getting fucked in a cheerleader's outfit
melon is on this thread
melons a faggot though
This is some next level absurd role-playing going on this thread. I almost believed it until he said she didn't mind that he was a pedo.
people date user, its how the world works.
Don't worry about it though, I dated a mildly well known attention whore and holy shit it was awful.
Not to say this girl would necessarily be bad but ehhh
Are you Gunjy?
This gonna turn out to be a trap, calling it now. That body is just way too masculine to be a woman
>technically babyphile
what the fuck? I thought you were just into lolis, you're a fucking toddlercon?
End yourself immediately
it's a boy. doesn't anybody know that?
yes and I give cvnky 20% of my NEETbux.
I get her to pretend shes megumin, taht way it isnt like im cheating on mai Waifu and i feel closer to megu.
Im only doing this until I make my Megu Tulpa so its not like im some beta orbiterfag.
merely exchanging services.
not being able to see ironic orbiting and meme posting when you come across it
come on man
at this point, idgaf. i want to put my cock in her/him/it.
I guess they never miss, huh? ;)
You got a boyfriend? I bet he never kiss ya!
this a man orgiba
wow user, thats sensible and true. thank you
i didnt expect this board to orient me better, but you have, god she's cute
>that stealth hover hand
you put your arm around someone you GRIP
HahaHAhahaha. hahah oRIGINAL
this, jesus christ I hate pathetic people
Wonder why this video is ridiculously addictive? Its unironically a result of a live testing of AI, to create viral/addictive video techniques.
Holy shit when will waifufags kill themselves? Every time some bitch who isn't a complete slut and has less Staciness than most people is worshipped endlessly, you retards will just latch onto the newest camwhore bimbo and claim them until they get replaced a week later. No wonder you retards struggle to find girlfriends, becaude you'll just dump them as soon as some le quirky slut who cosplays catches your eye. Go and grab your inbred cousins on /wsg/ and /gif/ and crawl back to tumblr you utter imbeciles.
I'm sitting here fantasizing about being in a situation where I can put my arm around a girl for a photo. I wish gookmoot would do a Jow Forums meetup at one of those anime conventions like moot used to do.
good god, if she's going to an anime convention; im flying to America, and i havent seen anime yet
waifufag here.
we hate 3DPD so wrong, we only like anime girls