If you can press a button and disappear painlessly, how many of you would unironically do it? And for what reason?

If you can press a button and disappear painlessly, how many of you would unironically do it? And for what reason?

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Yes because there is no happiness for me in this life.

I might do it. Constantly feeling like I don't belong in this world, don't belong anywhere, it's a painful existence.

Painless for whom? If the button would make my family never remember I existed but caused me physical pain beyond belief, I'd do it.

I have no drive or motivation. There's no chance in hell I'll amount to anything other than being a cashier at Walmart or some shit for the rest of my life. I've always figured that it would be best for me to kill myself now, so my family can imagine the great things I could've done rather than seeing the loser I will ultimately become.

No, because I have so much more to learn.

Yeah in the chance that upon death lies Hell for an eternity.

I'm poor. I'll never own a yacht, heli, jet or a lambo

>And for what reason?
Because there is no button to make others disappear.
Also, returning to the void is eternal bliss. There is no I, no us, no matter, only non-existemce.

If there is non-existence there is therefore it exists

only if the button also completely erased all memories and traces of my existence from everyone who ever knew me. but ye hypothetically I would slam this mf button

Am comfy neet rn I'm unhappy but the circumstances are too good. I would smash it as soon as I face any kind of hardship.

>being this much of a brainlet
Just because there is a definition of a thing, doesn't mean it has to be
Devoid yourself of existence pls

chill out
like igaf about logic

>"chill out"
>"i dun rlly ment wut ay sed"
Have you already considere leaving this board, faggotron?

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there was even the HA to denote banter lol

no place for normalfags here. go back to your mainstream social media, brainlet

You should consider suicide and celebacy

Jow Forums is my social media

what is celebacy

I would do it because my life fucking sucks and i have no potential ive already tried to kill myself multiple times

If you'd press this button why aren't you opting for lethal injection?

You should read pic related. The non-existence paradox is credited to him.
My main reason for it would be money. Right now I'm doing ok but the prospect of becoming a hobo scares me so I'd rather have it as a back up plan.

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Yes because life is perpetual suffering and I'm not normiepilled enough to keep going

is it painless for those who know me too...? Would it be painless for my 3 year old son I take care of... he's the only thing keeping me going and I know he'd do better with someone else.

I would. Literally tried to kms irl several times.

Would do. I didn't try things I wanted to try, so why live in a meaningless waiting for an opportunity when you can just BAM and its all ends.

I would want to erase all proof of my existence, all memories, all things, everything that I've ever impacted would be changed.
That'd be for the better, I think.

Yes. Being alive is a chore but killing myself is also a chore.

I'm a coward piece of shit, won't do that

Only if by disappearing you mean it would erase my entire existence memeory and all. Not wanting to hurt people I care about is the main thing that keeps me going a lot of the time.

Literally this. Better shitposting here, goybook asks for id cards in my country and then you get labeled by mods for being a nazi or pedo just for txt alone.
They can all go kill themselves.