Fix your fucking diet

Fix your fucking diet.

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Joe Rogan is a hack who is being paid by the elite to divert people who are waking up back into an NPC state of mind. I would never take advice from him, especially on matters of health and well-being. This man is destructive and should be completely ignored.

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I feel like I could eat all those ingredients in a way that doesn't look like someone vomited on my plate.


Maybe you should lay off the clips if you can't handle the full Joe Rogan Experience, user

forgot to mention the avos

That looks absolutely fucking disgusting.

The texture of eating that would be horrendous...I love a bit of hard kale stalk with my eggs.

its like a quiche but worse

good lord 5 cloves of garlic dude's breath is probably radioactive after this shit

Can you people fuck off, it tastes like hair and has the consistency of cardboard.