Why the FUCK is everyone so fucking hot and I'm so ugly?

Why the FUCK is everyone so fucking hot and I'm so ugly?

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>post face
That or you are seriously unconfident. The probability of you being among average attractiveness (4-7/10) is way higher than an extreme.

Sometimes I feel like I look like a Chad, and other times I look like a fucking skeleton. I have no idea what I actually am.

Show face and I’ll tell you

Ok but I don't want to seem like I'm fishing for compliments so be as honest as you feel.

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I don’t know how to rate guys, but you seem fairly unremarkable to me. If I passed you on the street I wouldn’t give you a thought. That’s a good thing in this case because it means you aren’t unmistakably hideous.

You're about average. Stop picking at your acne on the bottom half of your face and grow a beard and you'd easily be above average.

Thanks, that helps a bit. I still feel like I walk down the street and notice so many people that are so attractive and just give off this air of confidence and I've never felt that.

you look very skinny
how tall are you?

>mfw they all have genital warts for life
>mfw I don't

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6"3 190 lbs. I've lost weight and want to start building muscles since my arms are like twigs.

Nah, he would still look like a manlet baby boi.

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Good,you have the height

Check out calisthenicsmovement on youtube user. Build a good base, also consider mewing if not already.

you look frail sickly and balding

You need to like yourself before expecting to feel confident, lifting for example. Think about what you respect or admire about other people and ask yourself if someone would see any of the same worthwhile aspects in you. If not then you need to start doing things you find worthwhile

>using social media
I don’t even have to ask. Instafags feel permamogged by everyone around them, it’s why they try so hard to look good.


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Gain some muscle, it will help your looks and possibly your confidence, but you shouldn’t base your self worth purely on your physical appearance.

You need to put some apple cider vinegar on your face to cure that acne.

Op here. Nice digits. Also even with the beard I still feel I look like a child because of the round cheeks. Can I fix that or is it genetic fuckery?

>but you shouldn’t base your self worth purely on your physical appearance
Odd, that's just what an ugly person would say.

I guess it’s a good thing I’m not ugly then.

You sound like a fat female.

genetic fuckery although lifting will help a bit

I swear to fucking god all of you faggots are like a bunch of teenage girls

Do you want a tampon or something? Fuck off

How old are you? As you get older your body stops producing collagen in abundance and your cheeks will lose their roundness. But I wouldn't really worry about it. If you lift then the edit that posted easily bumps you up a point or two on the attractiveness scale. Also work on your self-esteem.

You look like a child. Have you ever considered getting a younger girlfriend? I'm sure you could take a 13 year old to the movies no sweat.

Don’t tell my wife and son that I’m actually a fat female, they’ll be devastated.

Fix the acne and otherwise you’re straight, nigga. There’s uglier fucks than you with women.

t. muhhamad

Literally just lift bro you'll be fine. Bitches love gingers when they're put together right

You’re tall, major plus. Get an athletic body and have good hygiene and you’ll slay

It took me a minute but I figured it out... you’re very pale and have no eyebrows. A nice sun tanning and dying your eyebrows will bump you up from a 5/10 to a 6.5/10. If you fix your messy hair and get rid of the acne, then maybe you can become a solid 7 and if you thicken your neck and your overall frame, an 8/10. A beard is a bonus.

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do something with your hair, spike it, slick it, comb-over, something.
you'd be surprised how much of a difference it makes, but find what actually works

You can:
>A) Become more interesting, wear darker trendier clothes, know alot about obscure music and be with the "in" crowd and know where all the best parties are. You will be the semi mysterious guy at every party that the really cool people know.
>B) Get a tan, a better haircut, some eyebrows maybe, grow a beard if you can, bulk the fuck up, and spend your time preaching physical fitness to people.


Try lifting

get a tan
fix acne
put minoxidil on eyebrows
if you cant grow a beard just grow some stubble so you dont look 12
fix your hair
get bigger

Dude you're on a fitness board asking why you're ugly and you dont even lift. Try exercising first them come back. And nice gyno fag