Manlets are cute

manlets are cute

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how short are you?

Haha look at the manlet trying to speak.

is 5'9" considered manlet?


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manlets have their use

they make great wingman at parties

They also make great improvised weapons in a street fight.

This. If you want to get laid even easier, make friends with an oblivious manlet and take him out with you. Bonus points if you make him sit in the living room while you fuck the girl back at her place.

anyone under 5'9 should transition or at least go gay

lost mine once

couldn't find him for hours. had to retrace my steps

I grew from 5'6 to 5'7 at 19.
phew guys I almost didn't make it. feels good not to be a manlet anymore

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are you cute?

no boys are cute im handsome bcuz im a man

you're the size of a boy.

2 inches below average

user ... I ...

are you not white?

5'9 is the average for whites...

>tfw 5'7, 5 inch dick
>tfw epitome of slightly below average
at least i have 5 inch girth, which isn't great, but better than nothing

I like to bring mine around and randomly lift him while I tell the ladies to check out my 'ceps.


Bonus bonus points if it's his sister


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>talking with complete twink on tinder
>very cute and funny with this messy brown hair
>he's a little under a foot shorter than me
>says he hates his height
>thinks I can do better than him
>tell him how he shouldn't ever feel ashamed, I wouldn't want anyone else
>tfw he will have to stand on his toes to kiss me
>tfw I can wrap him up and pull him into my chest
>tfw I can give him kisses on the forehead
>tfw his manlet genetics give him this perfect tummy since he makes gains so easily
Short guys are fucking precious I don't understand why they don't love themselves.

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cause gays like us more than girls
not that there aren't girls for us
but believe me, if i was gay (and a lot more casual about sex i guess), there'd be a dick in my ass every day cause it'd be so easy

the other day me and my lmao5'4 friend were hanging out at his place and i was watching his feet because he was wearing socks, and he does that thing where he rubs his socked feet together when hes trying to sleep and i was just watching him methodically stroke his feet together while wearing socks, it was cold outside so i started rubbing my arms the same way he was methodically moving his feet together and he was wearing those wool lmao6inch socks that are really warm but i was cold so i was just watching him trying to warm his feet while i was warming my arms


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you can go gay

>tfw would be such a chad if i was gay
well, not really a chad i guess cause i'd be a bottom
but i know guys wanna fuck me left and right
what would that make me?
is there a term for a male homo stacy?


it's called being cute, and not every guy wants to fuck you up the ass. A lot want deep romantic relationships

but what if the gay side of me [spoiler] is a dirty little slut [/spoiler]

>he thinks being gay is anything more than a fetish

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you can be cute and sit in Chad's lap and kiss him and feel small and cute as his big daddy dick is throbbing against yo- I mean you can still kiss and stuff

They're precious in the LGBT world but straight world they are useless.

I wish this were a redeeming quality. As a manlet, the worst part isn’t getting less pussy. It’s the fact that other men who aren’t manlets keeping spreading actual manlet hate. Women wouldn’t think so less of men if other guys wouldn’t make fun of us for our heights so often. But of course that’s not the game works. Manlet posting might be a Jow Forums meme, but it’s still real world truth.

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it sounds like you just surround yourself with shitty people
my friends don't really bring up height that much honestly
even my most manlet friends don't get bashed for their height

>too short to be a hetero top
>right size to be a trap
>want to fuck traps as a last resort (no homo) instead of being one
>traps only go for taller guys
I hate all of this fucking bs

how tall are you user

bro are you tripping

We bully manlets because we want to lower your self-esteem so we can have you to ourselves.

He's a big boy. He should sit on his wallet, he'd be even taller.

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160 cm or 5'3 i think

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post face

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Bar hopping with manlets is nice tho

just don't stand to close. girls will think youre my son

On 4channel? Hell no dude

as long as you've got an ok penis and decent body, you'll find a trap out there to suck you off
t. guy who knows he looks like a stacy in trap mode and loves cock

I mean, i'm sligthly above average in terms of length which makes it look like i've got a huge dick when it really is only about 6.5 inches long

Tfw 5'5

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A living warning to pay attention to the height/genetics of your partner. It's not a light burden to bear.
Success isn't impossible, but you definitely have a lot of metaphysical shit to wade through. Some men turn the irritation into fuel to be great. You'll still get called out for a Napoleon complex... but you'll also be great so fuck those haters. I hope you aspire to be great in spiteful revenge. Following in the footsteps of the short men that have come before.

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must be ugly....

be a trap

It is your destiny...

already sucked off a guy that big
he was 6'1 or 6'2 though so it looked a little more average
i'd imagine it'd look even bigger on your body desu user
trust me, if a trap slut like me exists here, you'll find a trap slut to fuck where you are

Yea but i can't just whip out my cock and tell people to suck me off
i'll just keep lifting and getting broader i guess and maybe then i'll get sucked by a little slut like you

Please dress as a girl and let me jack you off while you sit on my lap

My ribcage is pretty large user, i don't think you would want it

Jeff. You'd be a Jeff.

Wait, 6.5 is slightly above average? I thought all the 6 inch memes were lies to boost male egos. I may be a 5'7 manlet, but at least my pene is above average (about same as you user)

I'm 5'5 127 pounds and can't grow a beard. lots of people think im still 17-20 despite being older.

it doesnt really cause me any problems though, that I notice atleast

Lose weight fat ass

> 5'5
> 127 pounds
> 21.1 BMI
Between the fatties, and the anons whose muscle boosts their BMI, this user probably has a lower bmi than most anons on this board.

>being filthy rich and still so insecure
fucking lol, i guess it's true that no amount of money can buy you confidence and make you a man

user oh god you're not gonna wanna hear what im about to tell you.....

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I fucking forgot about the booster seat. Honestly it was probably the media that insisted so they could get a better shot. If this wasnt filmed he probably wouldnt have had it

It's okay user. Im right here with you

>tfw no qt manlet twink bf

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y-you too

worst thing about being manlet is shopping for clothes in kids section.

Its degrading

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>manlet that's barely 5'7"
Is there any hope for me if I get Jow Forums lads

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>Starts with 5

i do that too uwu

Is 160 cm considered manlet?

That is womanlet territory.

it has its upsides:
Childsiezed jeans have adjustable rubber-bands, so they pretty much always fit.
Clothes are a lot cheaper, like half of what adult siezes cost.
Clothes go on sale more often and get dirt cheap.
If you like oversiezed sweaters, you have a good supply if them.
If your company decides that you have to wear certain clothes they supply, there is a good chance they don't have your sieze and you end up with a shirt two siezes too large, jeans with ~4" too much on waist and legs.

He's 5'7' tho

But I'm not a woman.


i know midgets taller than that

>t. manlet trying to cope
As a fellow manlet just accept it buddy.

You are a qt and you know it user

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Reminder that being a lanklet only makes you an easier target to hit with a bullet when armageddon comes and all hell breaks loose
manlets, like cockroaches, will endure and survive

Urge to kill myself ticks up a bit each passing morning.

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Their long arms can more easily hold the door to the manlet pit shut.

i'm 5'10 in the morning but 5'9 in the evening
please tell me i'm not a manlet

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Don't forget:
A manlet can survive just fine on 1500 kcal, lanklets need 2000-2500 kcal.
A manlet doesn't break bones, the dwarfen race has short but strong bones and a low bodyweight, the lanklets break bones far more often.

The manlets shall inherit the earth

we're all gonna make it

Yes and that is a CLAIMED 5'7 so he is probably 5'6 irl.

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5'9" here

in the western world yes

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We're all gonna make it, manlets.
Pic related are 5'10, 6'1, 5'8 respectively, and Joe on the left admitted he is really 5'9.5.
Just lift hard fellow manlets, we gonna make it

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but what if you're an ugly non-white

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bunch of trolls in this thread

Bring it on!

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thanks friend

dudes in pic don't seem to mind.

You can still lift and get shredded and look like more of a sicker cunt than you used to. The guys in that pic don't have crazy genetics and are most likely not on roids