>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal or Cronometer. Works best on smartphones myfitnesspal.com (better for packaged food) cronometer.com (better for generic food/tracking micronutrients)
DO >count calories, all of them. >buy scales, be accurate in your measurements. autistically accurate. >learn how to cook and start cooking your own healthy meals. lean protein and green vegetables. >develop sustainable healthy lifestyle habits >eat a lot of protein (1g per lb of goal body weight) >cardio. learn to love walking. >start lifting weights! fatties have the advantage that they can build muscle while cutting, especially as complete beginners! >post your height/weight/screenshot of MFP/Cronometer food log when asking for advice
DON'T >eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calorie count >eat processed foods, or at least try to avoid if possible >drink your calories. alcohol, soda, hot chocolate, fancy starbucks shit. forget it. >be a retard
why is /fat/ full of irritable shitposters while /fast/ is full of based replies?
i mean you're one and the same.
Aaron Long
/swimbro/ signing on. Lost 24 pounds so far. Probably won't be going to the pool after the new year for a bit, but my girlfriend scored us some waterpark passes so thats pretty cool.
After i lose 5 pounds i'll be down to 199 lbs again and i'll be able to wear my small sized t-shirts again. Feels so good bros.
>semen demon Who? Just started, but I'll be reporting in soon enough.
David Scott
Because rice apparently.
Thomas Martin
sorry, /swimbro/ again, i'm at 209 lbs- so in about 9 more i'll wear small again, not 4 lbs
Jaxon Torres
gold brick
Jack Edwards
hey /fat/ bros. I'm trying to save for college, I need $20k by august. I'm picking up a second job so I can do it, but as far as spending it's down to absolute necessities.
Is a membership at Planet Fitness worth it or a waste of time? It's really all I can afford to spend. I would want to use the cardio equipment but I also want to lift.
If you live in a place that has no snow, just go for a long run outside my dude. Save money and find a park you love that you can run in as long as you physically can
Oliver Perez
the only parks close to me have big ass hills. I should stop being a lazy bitch
can a 26 years old man who doesn't know how to swim still learn how to do it? and if yes, how could one start?
Jordan Cruz
I'm 28 in march user, you can do it. >low impact, high cardio >gives you sense of shame for your body >watch the regular pool-goers sit in the hot-tub >slowly become more skinny than those old men
Just paddle your arms and kick your feet. You don't even need to hold your breath if you don't want to. Just tread water lots when you get to the deep end.
At first you'll be slow and it'll be frustrating because little girls will pass you, but sooner or later you'll be able to do laps quickly.
Nolan Howard
im going to a party tomorrow night and there is going to be a lot of food and a lot of booze god help us all
Jace Gray
Being fat is eating like it's Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Years every day. A few days of feasting a year is fine. It's binging every day that makes you fat. Have fun tomorrow, just know you can't live like that.
James Green
Swimming is pretty easy. You just need to have access to a pool and to be relaxed and confident. Read up a little on learning to swim as an adult. It really isn't hard to figure out how tread water if you're calm.
James Hernandez
>Is a membership at Planet Fitness worth it or a waste of time? Don't fucking do it. Planet Fitness is not a gym. They quite literally advertise saying that it is not a gym. They do free pizza nights and free bagel mornings once a month each, every month. They have a pathetically small amount of lifting equipment, and mostly focus on having 76 of the same type of cardio machine available for use. $10/month is stupid-cheap, absolutely, but it's also a place to stagnate after your first month and a half of going to the gym and lose your gains to the goblin that is unmonitored free, unhealthy food. Also, $10/month isn't a considerable enough sum of money to lose to really motivate people to go to the gym more than once a week, or even once a month, if even at all, so the prospect of wasting $10/month and just choosing not to go to the gym far more consistently than you do choose to go isn't a big enough motivator to light a fire under most peoples' asses to go to the gym multiple times per week.
I'm absolutely not trying to shit on you or your desire to go to the gym, really, I'm not. I guess I'm just trying to elaborate on the difficulties behind the choice you're making. Fuck, I'm too tired to be trying to advise others in their own best interest. I'm sorry if this reads as a putdown.
Aiden Morales
no worries bro, i know what you mean. As far as the pizza and shit, I've been doing keto/carnivore for 6 months so I've pretty much transcended junk food.
If there's no real weights I shouldn't waste my time there. I have a beautiful wilderness park super close to me, so I'll start running there. pic related
Based. I wish I was in the same position to run in a scenic area. I'll just make do with the neighborhood. It's hilly enough to keep things intense. I bought a package of animal crackers tonight and ate about seven crackers and the guilt is eating at me ;_;
I would've been at 1300 calories today, but i got a coffee and now i'm at 1600. :
Cooper Morales
I didn't sleep today
Jordan White
I bought some chicken wings and the bag doesn't tell me if the calories is with the bones or just the meat on the bones. I'm going to assume it's with the bones?
Lost 92lbs in the past 4 months here. I've been eating 1lb of hamburger meat daily(750 calories) and spending 1 hour on a treadmill I bought for 150 bucks daily. I just put on some anime and walk. Thats it. Losing weight is really fucking easy. I don't know why the fuck I spent so many years as a fat fuck.
Don't eat chicken wings fatty. Chicken lowers your testosterone which will make it harder for you to lose weight. Eat red meat. If you can't afford red meat, then stop buying anime figurines and figure out how to afford it.
Noah Cox
are you drinking coffee with sugar?
Zachary Wright
Fuck off chicken has made me lose 20pounds so far. So keep your bullshit to yourself.
Don't go to college you absolute fucking retard. It's a big fucking scam.
Tyler Gutierrez
My cock is 7inches you dicklet.
Nicholas Gomez
You fat nigger are you serious? How many fucking calories do you think are in bones? You're just trying to squeeze in more wings since you didn't eat the bones you fat fuck.
Jackson Nelson
Post it with a timestamp chicken boy.
Chase Ross
call it a sunk cost fallacy, but i'm 80 hours in so I can't stop now. I'd be done with trade school in about the same time. I'm going for engineering so I'll make more money early on and have a higher ceiling later in my career.
Jack Ward
I can't stop losing weight. I started at 96kg at 180cm. I then slowly reached 73-75kg last summer. You may remember me complaining about it and desperately wanting to reach 65-67kg but being unable to. Today I weight 62.1kg. I'm not even trying to lose weight anymore. I even lost half a kg these last few days despite enjoying the holidays binge. I'm getting worried. I'm still eating the same calories I've done for months: 1500-1600kcal counted which means I probably ate at least 1900-2000kcal because I don't count everything.
Is there an explanation for this that isn't literally cancer?
You're overestimating calories and not eating enough.
Adam Perry
>gives us the "I don't know why I can't gain/maintain weight!" song and dance here's your answer every time, retard:
Easton Carter
I ate an entire frozen pizza for a whopping 1700 calories and I regret almost every bite
Aiden Martin
What should I drown my feelings in now bros? I’ve tried to avoid binging in the past by going out for a nice health you walk but by the end I go for a drink and end up eating. This shit stinks.
Brody Ramirez
As of today. I'm officially over half way there to making it....just 89 more pounds now :^)
Gabriel Young
Will i have loose skin if I'm going from 320 to 150
Isaac King
nah, you'll magically disappear with the power of autophagy
Gavin Walker
A small bale of hay here.
Easton Davis
last time you posted this i was >a gold brick now i am >a newborn calf target is still >an average adult man
Chase Gomez
At least we don't have people replying with EVERYTHING IN CAPS LOCK for some reason. That's literally the reason I'm never at /fast/.
Easton Rogers
>3 hours to go before 2019 here in aus >working till 11 then gym >gonna be lifting as the clock strikes midnight
Gonna be a good year brahs, we make it this year.
Jaxon Howard
How long did this take you?
Eli Price
who here lose around 100lbs and avoided loose skin? how
Charles Reyes
Liam Collins
amount of cheese an american eats a year
Colton Parker
I lost about 50 and doesn't seem to be any yet and my stretch marks were a dark red/ purple colour but they are definitely more faded now. I'm 18 so my skin is probably more able to contract after stretching maybe
David Ortiz
> > >
So since imgur is being a nigger with uploads i had to post them some were else
https:// postimg. cc/gallery/28ap7v0yk/
its ~113 pirtures at ~ 44mb often multiple pictures of the same wojack in high/low res or diffrent development stages
Don't bring your wallet with you when you walk. Get a new hobby.
Ryan Ward
>10 dozen large eggs and aiming for an elephant penis G-Go me.
Eli Ramirez
I watch a video of JoeysWorldTour eating chicken if I ever get cravings.
Bentley Kelly
Drink black coffee. When we talk about coffee we mean black coffee. Don't put any shit in it.
John Rogers
Are you a pregnant woman?
Bentley Martinez
same, my favourite videos of his are the one where he eats the kfc bucket and drinks the kfc gravy and the one where he slurps the grilled cheese pizza.
Julian Gutierrez
Not yet ;)
Alexander Moore
>https:// postimg. cc/gallery/28ap7v0yk/ Thank you user
Adam Bell
To anyone who drastically changed their diet when they began their weight loss, how did you deal with the digestive issues? I traded a lot of simple carbs for a lot more protien and I started eating vegetables consistently for the first time in my life, and now I'm gassy and (more) constipated. Do I just have to power through until my body is used to it?
Carson Sanders
Maybe I can help you out with that. I'll give you the number of my wife's bull.
Josiah Collins
Just got inside from my first run since I graduated high school seven and a half years ago, and even back then, I never ran with any effort exerted, and only ran in PE with as little effort put forth as allowed me to just barely pass. I'm feeling bretty good. Also, I had to walk intermittently, which added 10:04 to my run time overall, and my neighborhood is a ridiculous rollercoaster ride with all the steep hills and severe inclines in it, so I was fighting against gravity for most of the run. The feeling of accomplishment is unequivocal. Bros, is this what making it feels like?
What do fatties in particular need to be wary about when it comes to their wrists and hands? Mine are fucked up from too much computer and smart phone usage, but that's not a fatass-specific problem.
Jaxson King
i was able to go from no pushups to 20, but I'm 262 and i guess my wrists could not handle them or it could of been the 2pl8 squats i can do now but i doubt it
Adam Gonzalez
>chromium yikes and yikespilled
Isaiah Scott
that's not chromium
Gabriel Campbell
Oh, yeah. Fatties always need to be careful about how much weight they're pounding into their joints. I'm not even going to bother with pushups while I'm cutting.
Probably. But lose slowly, 2 pounds per week and you'll minimize it. Loose skin is better than staying fat.
Luis Brooks
Thank you both. I'm going to keep going. There's no stopping me now, no more excuses.
Andrew Cox
but that's the most based poster with all the right answers
Jason Stewart
>hate lettuce with my whole soul >Used to remove it from every meal that included it >still acknowledge that it is the equivalent of eating water and would be a great ally to lose weight. >Bought a whole lettuce today. >Eat 3 leaves (41g) with a slice of meat(71g) >Still fucking hate the damn thing. >But still want to make it 2019, this is my year fat bros. Let's make it together.
Isaac Martin
I'm going to drink tonight and probably tomorrow night. I have a bottle of Gentleman Jack's, Sparkling wine and Chardonnay. 8 hours left in 2018.
John Edwards
>went 1000 calories over my TDEE with a single meal, for the second day in a row Berate me bros. I need the encouragement
I don't hate lettuce, but it strictly has a time and a place. >tfw I organized my calorie intake for a day to include a burrito I was craving >decide to add lettuce to burrito because it was basically no calories and some extra nutrients, hurrah for trying to be healthy >ruined the texture of my burrito and I ended up picking the lettuce chunks out toward the end I'll keep doing my best too.
Liam Miller
new years is upon us, boys. lock and load, fat squadron
just take a break bro, it's no big deal. what's a couple of cheat days? there's always time tomorrow to get back on the train. you're doing great, don't worry about it so much!
Caleb Cook
Alexander Scott
Any of you had ED as a side-effect? days ago my dick stopped working properly. I can get and maintain erections just by watching a catwalk WEBM, but they're not as strong. At first I thought my deathgrip broke something in my dick, but nothing hurts, there's no swelling, whatever. Then I figured if it's just a side effect of being 250lbs & 6'1", drinking and eating junk food every day for the past week.
I'm scared... I'll probably go to my Urologist when my exams are over, in about a month.
Fuck you fatass. [spoiler]D-did that help? Hope you make it friend[/spoiler]
Chase Parker
Being fat lowers testosterone. You probably have the test of a 75 year old man.
Jordan Campbell
How does that make my dick go from rock hard on Saturday, to getting subpar erections after wanking it 4 times on Saturday? I was just as fat on Saturday as I was any other day during 2018.