You can pistol squat, r-right user?
You can pistol squat, r-right user?
Yes, literally everyone can retard
not true tho
>t. retard
i can with left, but not with right, twisted my ankle a while back, couldnt run (inb4 cardio) for about a year, and i still dont have good mobility, i might even never
pistol squats suck, they dont do anything after 10 reps
anyone who does strength training and reaches above 1.5x bodyweight for 5 reps+ can pistol squat 10 reps no problem as long as there's no mobility issue
the problem i have is that most people who think pistol squatting is cool are hipsters with chicken legs who aren't interested in heavy squats
most likely like you OP, you chicken legged hipster
I'm doing them with rubber bands, do you guys have tips for the form?
It's way easier on right leg than left leg btw.
>there's no mobility issue
Mobility is hard as fuck.
Not anymore, guess because i've gained weight
>do heavy squats
>finish workout with pistol squats
only way to make it
i cant but i probably could if i trained it, its a balance gimmick more than a strength exercise
This is true for any exercise though, that's why there's a thing called progressive overload. Start doing renegade pistols and shrimps
>balance gimmick
stabilizers are real muscles, moron. do you bench on the smith?
Anyone who's not a fatty can
I could do 50 reps on one leg before I started lifting
Coping for what exactly? Answer the question. Do you know why nobody who knows anything doesn't do compounds on the smith?
I weigh 200 lbs and have juicy legs. Hipster is pretty accurate though.
Do you bench one-handed?
Post legs
Terrible picture, I know
In those shoes I can do anything
you can just start holding plates while doing the pistol squat
>what's a dumbbell bench press
>sub 90 iq, the posts