How much have you changed this year?

This was me on January 1st, 2018.

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And this is me today, 112 pounds later.
6’4 205 for reference

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do you own a red t shirt that says OUCH! in big white comic sans lettering?
gah damn

get rid of your acne faggot

real inspiring user! proud of you.

I’m working on it mate.
No I’m not big enough to be chad yet. I’ve been focusing on cutting so much that my lifts haven’t gone up much at all despite being in the gym every day. Im not worried, but want to continue cutting to 190 and then bulk back to 220.

wash your face

Yeah no shit user. I’ve been on accurate for 3 months

Thanks user for the motivation.

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great job user

fucking zoomer haircut

I am a zoomer tho
np mate

Idk Boomer here, looks pretty acceptable to me. Way better than that moppy Bieber baby hair shit kids had like 5-10.

8/10 would employ

>would employ
appreciate it but i have my own business thanks

I got a good skincare routine for acne in response to other comment, ever hear of the Korean skincare routine? Its a simplified version, pretty much use an oil wash, then a foam wash, then a toner, and then a moisturizer. That's all you need really, if you wanna take an extra step use derma-e scar gel which will help smooth out any acne scars as well as provide a protective layer on your skin from any other damages.

Why the long face

Got a Josh Brolin vibe to ya. Good stuff user.

post face you seething coping incels

Crogmagnon and horse faced

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Good job user, keep it up.

You too incel

It would be a really huge improvement.

You tried glasses for style?

Good Job, seriously. Now ascend and leave us, you dont need us anymore.

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Was close to 190-200lbs last January. Now down to 165lbs (was 155 before the holidays).

>January 1st, 2018

>Entirely burned out from previous work situation.
>6'1 ~210lbs 30%bf
>Low energy
>Start new years resolution with personal trainer Jan 2nd

>Dec 31st, 2018
>187lbs, gained muscle and strength
>Working out ~4 times per week, mixing cardio and strength
>Worked out many of my mental health issues with a therapist
>Working on my masters degree
>Generally a much healthier person
>Invited to a qt grills NYE party and I have a good feeling about it

Getting there boys. 2019 will be the year of routine.

Jan 2018
>depressed engineering faggot
>5'9 and 187lbs
>Had many friends but always felt lonely.

Jan 2019
>Changed course to finance. Fucking loving it.
>Reading more books and learning to become a code money
>Life's good.

2019 is OUR year bros.

Wash face more often to get rid of that acne.
Start chewing gum for an even more defined jawline.
Keep cutting.
Good job so far

OP here
good work guys, you’re gonna make it this year

nice! thats good work brah

t. aspiring chad

>t. aspiring chad
How does that even work?

You look really off. I think the chin is too fucking big. Get a bigger jaw to match it.

>Get a bigger jaw to match it.
How do I go about doing that?

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Chew a lot. Hard chewing gum, harder food, make sure you chew everything you eat through before you swallow (no homo). I can't tell, but if you're idling with your jaw open, close it. It'll bring the chin closer to your lips and you'll look better.


Here OP, this was my last summer.

Attached: 150kg.jpg (549x688, 187K)

>Feb 2018
>no muscles
>left arm (shoulder) fucked up

>Dec 31st 2018
>fitter + noobgains
>can move my arm freely
>hitting the gym five times a week
>all my clothes are too loose

still got to work on that mental barrier in my head for the left arrm

this is 60 kg later today

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This board is crabs in a bucket lmao





I finally shaved it off bros - 2019 is going to be my year

Forgot pic

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okay this is epic

from nerd to chadlite.
I'm slightly proud of you.

Atta boy user. I've been fat all my life so this is a welcome change.
>t. OP

Why are you doing the douchebag/grandma facial expression?

Have sex with me

nice, now take the neckpill

Yes brothar, good job man keep pushing.

How did you go about achieving this user?

Dye your eyebrows

June 192lb

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same to you man, never felt this good in my life. t.190cm 90 kg.

December. 141.3lbs
Even tho I only started in January I feel like 2018 was good for me and I'm so excited to see what I can achieve in 2019.

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cleaning up good job goy

literal giga chad

Added almost 30 lbs onto my body

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Based and fucking redpilled.

Still a lot of work to do, but you took a huge ass step into the right direction user, don't stop now.

January 1st 2018
>jerking off to solo/lesbian female porn
>can't bench 70lbs
>can't OHP the bar
>curling 15lbs
>6'2" 155lbs
>can't do a pull-up
>skinny fat
>never kissed a girl

December 31st 2018
>jerking off to gay porn or straight big dick porn also futa/yaoi hentai
>can bench 1pl8 for reps
>OHP 95lbs
>curling 30lbs
>doing sets of 3x5+ for pull-ups
>weigh 180lbs
>acne has cleared up
>have a toned stomach and getting pecs
>have kissed a girl

Still have a lot of work to do but I'm miles better mentally and physically than I was this time last year.

Attached: cheers.jpg (736x593, 52K)

Super gay tattoo, but good job on the progress. Don't stop.

Will ya show me?

Attached: brad.jpg (900x900, 78K)

Josh Brolin with a Pignose

January 1st
>extremely dyel, literally weaker than a woman due to unintentional muscle atrophy
>anxious and uncomfortable around people
>shit diet
>s o y as fuck

December 31st
>Stopped caring about what others think of me, don't feel anxious or insecure anymore, even if I'm a sperg
>Feel jaded at times but overall I feel good
>Have become significantly stronger, arms doubled in size, back doubled in size, pecs coming in, abs becoming visible
>Good diet
>Regularly fast for extended periods of time
>Have become religious

It was a good year, even if I didn't develop much in my financial or social sectors, here's to hoping 2019 will be even better.

Got on Jow Forums around january as a Jow Forums transfer due to the fact that I just found you guys funnier than them. Lurked for a while then in June i just started to diet on a whim. I was 6'2 240lbs and my former powerlifter dad who was 450lbs joined me. I'm now 174 lbs and am working on gaining back muscle. My dad is now about 370lbs. In the later part of the summer my 170lbs mother decided to get on the weightloss train and now shes about 152. They are both losing more each week and will both be around for many years to come. Sad though it is to say I couldn't have done it without you guys. Remember anons its never too late to change, its never too late to come back . You autists are partially to blame for keeping my parents around longer and I have to thank you guys for that.

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Post body and face or shut up fag


Ho Lee fuck

What was your diet like breh?

And how often did you lift / do cardio

god you had to ruin all with such a shit tattoo?

good job user. You look like Morrissey now

Lindsey Graham Jr

>tfw started as a skelly so my face didnt improve at all

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Not too bad... I'm impressed...

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I believe you user

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fuck you chad get off my board


>fuck off chad
user you have to be born chad. As you can clearly see from the first picture, I had to work my ass off for that.



>was working without a fixed schedule
>now have a Monday-Friday job
>completed 8 classes (32 units) at my local community college with a 3.5gpa while working 40 hours a week
>managed to save up about 2k
>moved into a better apartment
>was 212lb
>now 190lb
>bench up 25lb, squat up 80lb, deadlift up 80lb
>was running 2 miles at 10:00 pace
>now running 4 miles at 9:07 pace

I’m sure only 25lb added on bench in a year is pretty shit progress but considering I’m on the run about 80 hours a week, I’ll take it.

I'm not gay.

good job man


Still no homo.


Jan 2018

>got my own place
>fucked 4 girls in de first 5 weeks of januari (never done that before)
>got a gf, single now sinds december
>got a different job, learned alot
>got back in touch with my childhood bestfriend whe're best friends again
>learned a shitload about women and life in general, because of experience and selfreflection

Jan 2019
>got a second date with a hottie tomorrow
>talking with 2 other girls, getting drinks with them soon
>Looked good before but now better than ever

Jan 2017 was my shit starting point, I initiated, experienced en had the balls try nd sometimes fail to pursue what I wanted. 2018 I improved on that and adapted.

2019 I can only see it getting better.

am i attractive? i never considered myself to be until i recently got tinder and got blown away by the amount of 10/10s swiping right on me, i cant get a date but i do get compliments and flirts

Sup Junior Lenin


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