Are gloves good or do only pussies use them?
Are gloves good or do only pussies use them?
I have a homegym and they really fucking help, especially when I'm doing shit like OHP. I always used to have fucked up hands
I use gloves. They help to hold the bar. Most of thetime your hand will be wet from sweat and you can feel them sliding down. Gloves he;p with that. Also in the public gym, all kind of unwashed assholes go and you can limit contact with whatever weights in there and avoid whatever mushrooms they have going
They're okay. Quit being so insecure that you care what some other faggots think
How do you fuck up your hands when OHPing?
oops, wrong one
I do a full OHP, and start by picking up the weights of the ground each rep. When you life the bar upto your chest level, you have to turn your hands around the bar quite a lot
try spending some money so your bar's bearings actually spin and aren't seized. that's literally the purpose of them, you might as well go pick up a stick from the ground outside and use that
That must be some rough knurling
Anyway, I didn't know you had to pick it up from the floor. You should get a rack
Use chalk and wash your hands after you work out. It's not just that gloves are a bitch method, it's also that gloves create a barrier between you and the bar. A barrier that can slip or rupture at inopportune times.
Anyone who lifts and doesn't use gloves will think that you're a pussy, but are you going to let them decide how you treat your own hands like a beta faggot?
No you don't...what the fuck bar are you using.
If you don't need gloves to lift, you're not lifting heavy enough
this doesn't make sense
They look cool and keep my hands warm
Rippertoe is a literal cuck fetishist, i ain't lisrening to that goon
No one who uses gloves lifts heavy.
if you get cracked skin easily or need to keep your hands soft for work or something, theyre a great idea
i like my deadlift calluses personally
Gay as fuck
Gloves are for Jow Forums /diy/ & /out/
Not Jow Forums
yes and yes
That's wraps, not gloves.
I was thinking of getting gloves for grip training. Currently my soft ass skin is preventing me from going 110% with dead hangs and farmers walks and I don't want to wait till callouses develop naturally
i use hardware store gloves
Do you want the skin on your hands all ripped up from the knurling machined into the bar? Because sore, bleeding palms just make your day so much more fun for every single thing you do.
>manly men always do everything in the most inconvenient, uncomfortable, dangerous ways possible, because they're manly men!
If you're really this insecure then you need to take a step back.
Nice bait
Nu-male faggot. The strongest steel goes through the hottest fire. Stop trying to rationalise your way out of the basics of being a man. It has, and never will change.
>proving everything I said
Grow up, little boy, real men aren't so insecure as this.
>no refutation
>thinks the nu-male trend trumps the rest of history
"Real men do what I say" is the argument of the single mother you slag. Don't fall for it
Only pussies use them, all you really need is chalk. The real question is liquid or powder?
>"No true Scottsman", he says
There's nothing to refute. You're clearly and objectively wrong.
Post body with timestamp. I'll bet you've never even been inside a gym your entire life, you pudgy little manlet, and you fap to trap porn.
Lol do you even know what a strawman is? Lmao kys brainlet fag.
You unironically believe that its not worth going through some pain or hardship to become stronger/better and accuse me of being DYEL?
Show PROOF that NOT using gloves somehow makes your muscles bigger
>rhetorical; you clearly CAN'T
cope harder
>"I'll take "What Is False Dichotomy" for $500, Alex!"
I got tendonitis and inflamation of the joints in both hands, so I wear the most padded gloves I can and have to avoid some barbell exercises. Fuck "only pussies use them", my hands are my fucking livelihood, I ain't throwing away my well-paying career for internet toughness points, I still lift the same weights I would without them.
>Look, everyone! LOOK at my MANLY, TORN-UP HANDS!
>manlet can't even hold them up to average eye-level
>nobody pays any attention to him
>gets fired from his job because his hands are bleeding all over everything he touches
Your hands bleed? Wtf, my max deadlift was 585 or some shit and my hands never bled. If anything bled ever, it would be my nose once in a blue moon.
>Show PROOF that NOT using gloves somehow makes your muscles bigger
Point out where I said it would?
Don't try and back track to change the argument (another female tactic).
This board has gotten soft, workout gloves are for pussies.
Your hands aren't going to get torn up unless you're pulling serious weight on a deadlift, just make your grip stronger. My gf loves picking at my callouses anyway. If you find your hands are getting chapped or dry, use a moisturizer. But train your grip strength like a man.
This. Using gloves is an advantage, not a disadvantage.
Every lift you can do with gloves, you can do better and more safely without them.
Now this is a strawman !
>back track to change the argument
You meant to say "move the goalpost" sweetie.
Ill take the win. Thanks.
Who said fighting on the internet was retarded?
When you get to really heavy weights, you should use them.
For (You), I guess. After all it's the only place you win fights, ever, without a doubt.
Use gloves or don't use gloves, it doesn't matter. You lift the same amount of weight regardless, make the same gains regardless. Saying you shouldn't use them is baseless.
no you.
If anything using gloves will IMPROVE your grip strength, because not only is the skin on your hands protected from rough surfaces, but they'll slip a little therefore you have to grip HARDER to move a heavy load.
I guess only poorfags who can't afford proper equipment don't use them.
Also the garden-variety trolls of Jow Forums would probably enjoy convincing you that using them makes you less of a man or somesuch bullshit, just to sabotage your workouts, and make you endure having your hands damaged for no reason, such as trolls are.
Use gloves if you like, OP, they're an advantage.
>that's why everyone setting world records powerlifting wears gloves
Oh wait they don't, you're stupid.
All the girls tell me they love it when a guy with small, soft hands hold them
Nobody here is a world record setting powerlifter, they're all just a bunch of edgy teenagers and twenty-somethings trying to 'make it' (whatever the fuck that means) and will quit in a few years when they finally (hopefully) have a Real Life anyway.
Also why should anyone care what you think? You're some anonymous cunt on an anonymous imageboard. I'll do what I please and you have no power to change anything; does that make you angry?
>yes, yes it does
>centering your entire life around what women think
Keep those hands soft for those cocks then
Nice bait kid. If he said straps you'd be correct, but it sounds like you're trying to make people compensate for their lack of grip strength. Stop giving out fitness advice.
>this whole thread
the absolute state of fit
>they think I care about anything they have to say
Stay mad, keep posting, it amuses me how mad you're getting.
What if I use gloves because I'm fucking tired of getting warts from using equipment that thousands of more than likely disgusting people also use? Is it acceptable yet?
If the warts dont get ripped off while diddlying your opinion doesnt matter
>ripping off the product of a virus cures the virus
>I do a full OHP, and start by picking up the weights of the ground each rep.
That's called a clean and press, dude. Good for you for doing them, but it's not the "full" version of an OHP just because you're doing another movement before it.
That's like saying a "full" bench press is rolling it off you and doing a burpee over it each time, then getting back under it.
If this isn’t bait, I feel sorry for you.
>Tries to call me a strawman.
>Strawman's himself
lel lmfao
>another female tactic
Ask me how i know you're a geeky incel with body dysmorphia you loser
not an argument. return2reddit
It's not an argument, some of us are intelligent enough to not use the three vocab words from our freshman philosophy course in online """debates,""" Dennis. I'm just making fun of you for being a faggot, return2facebook loser
>I'm just making fun of you
check the ip counter next time, friend. i'm not the other retard in this potato fight you're having. please lurk for at least 2 years before posting.
Glovefags, which gloves would you recommend? I don't know who to trust with these reviews online
I mean, I gotta be real dude, I just wanted to make fun of the guy the other guy was fighting. It's a little sad that you jumped in with a "n-not an argum-ment" for someone else, but go off