29 yo boomer

>29 yo boomer
>decide to get Jow Forums
>go to the gym and start just doing every thing
>try so hard to turn on some machines but I just can't figure how
>Jow Forums guys and chicks laugh at me
do you also laugh at poeple who try to get Jow Forums ?

Attached: 9e1.png (1920x1080, 305K)

Absolutely stale b8 friend

which machine user?

>average gym goer
>does shoulder press with like 50% ROM
>not gonna make it

why b8?
I honestly just started a week ago and this is how it goes everytime, I figured out how those electric bicycles and running carpet work, but can't turn on those long leg pushing thing

everything is electrical, some machine that you pull a string with the force of your legs

>running carpet

And here we see this dyel specimen. Note the converse and red sleeveless shirt along with the coke bottle dork glasses. This one looks quite frightened, as he is clearly outside of his natural habitat. Let’s go in for a closer look, their species is a very timid and submissive breed.

Attached: 8DBEF949-88D4-4B23-994C-5CD8774D4FE6.jpg (256x386, 34K)

>trying so hard to much fun of this kid
cringe, please never post again

>t. 25%bf 210lb 5'7 manlet

nah I'm quite tall with beer belly, but yeah it's quite awkward when everyone is fit and knows shit and I'm strolling around and doing random shit

Not funny
Wasn't even funny the first time

>doing random shit
the fuck? do you not have a workout plan?

Alright, first, cut all alcohol and count calories
Then, when your gut gets into a norml state, bulk and pick up a begineer program (reg parks begineer 5x5 is my favourite because i'm a pullup fanboy, but as long as it's not SS it's fine) and just lift, simple as that
Machines are gay, use the barbell

well I have an app that tells me what to do, but I don't know how to make workout plan

No, but I just find it pathetic when people run like spastics around meme machines.
I suggest you to find a beginner program with not that many machines, check the form on every exercise and then do the plan.

Are you triggered because he reminds ou of yourself?

>Machines are gay
Amen brother.
I would recommend PPL as a beginner program tho.

See here Use PPL

cope harder friend

You don’t know what that means, do you?

This sounds good, thanks

I do, thats why I used it correctly
