How do I max from Brad to Chad?
How do I max from Brad to Chad?
You realize Chads are born, not made right?
Chads are effortless and unaware of their Chad-state. By definition, trying to become a Chad is inherently contrary to ever being one.
I don't share your opinion. Anyway, how do you optimize yourself as much as possible?
he unironically looks worse on the right
Both are Chad user. It depends on which social circle they happen to be in.
Most likely to be upper class guy that vacations in the Hamptons, Bahamas or SoCal
Could be a blue collar worker. Possibly drives a nice truck he can afford from welding or working on an oil rig. Vacations at the Bahamas, Florida or the Outer Banks.
There are a few variables of course. It's all what you're looking to achieve.
That's a same guy, but I get your message
user, forgive me. I just woke up and didn't realize it. Holy cats it's the same dude.
Left looks /thicc/er and therefore better.
You'll never be maxxed. Just keep looking for ways to improve yourself. It shouldn't be that hard if you're being honest with yourself.
I like right's body more but prefer left's aesthetic as a whole. I wish I didn't have a mega gay alien skull so I could buzz my head.