/plg/ - powerlifting general

Happy near year. 2018 was the year of the dog, 2019 will be the year of the pig. Which reminds me of Isley.

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>can’t even move this fast unweighted

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Grip still gets worked with straps and you can just go strapless until your grip fails and then use straps, and eventually push forward the amount you can do without straps.

What a talent chad. Why can't I have those proportions instead of my deadlift monkey build.


Thank you dairy for the gainz!

Attached: a-range-of-fresh-dairy-products.jpg (1100x768, 103K)



What does it say about the sport of powerlifting that a 6'9 strongman can put up one of the best totals of all time with only 6 weeks preparation?

Indeed, blessed be whey.

Was far from that desu

That strongman has carryover to powerlifting

He still needs to work if he wants to beat Bloatlord Ray in sleeves.

Strength is a general quality

Year of the Pig??? FUUUUU

Attached: brapspin.gif (430x481, 1.97M)

The world's strongest man is good at a strength sport that contains mostly the same lifts?
You're joking me.

Everyone knows strongman is harder than powerlifting anyway and most strongmen started with powerlifting.

That Norwegians are based because they traveled to Iceland a long time ago and bred strong men.

Where are the new year comics

Ok that's a fucking nice 300x3 high bar.

If I wanted to laugh at something for New Years, I’d laugh at Se*n’s 1RMs

Strongman > Powerlifting
though. I mean strongman is more athletically demanding sport.

plg, how do I learn to squat A E S T H E T I C with such upright torso ? ? ?

Does powerlifting have carryover to weightlifting or strongmen stuff

Alright i cant really press the next 1-3 weeks because of some shoulder injury. How should i work around that or use the time in the gym i would use to do pressing?

>Does powerlifting have carryover to weightlifting
as someone who switched from national level powerlifting to oly: not really

can you do pushups or even assisted pushups against (ie. against table or some other object)

wish I knew
time to squat wide and adductor stretch

Either you're born with it or you don't.

1. Press with less weight
2. Use close variations - as close as possible

Can you do a floor or pin press?

I was not born with it; FUCK.

have short femurs, squat highbar and shove knees out in front instead of hips back

Have any goals for 2019 frens?

>Bench: 140kg ---> 152.5kg
>OHP: 80kg ---> 100kg
>Squat: 170kg
>Deadlift: 200kg

>Bodyweight: 87kg ---> 92kg

It starts to get better. I can bench 80kg painfree now but thats frustrating af because i benched 170kg for a 5rm before.
Pain starts at heavier weight when elbow goes below my torso. Maybe i will try floor presses thanks

It's gonna take you a whole year to do that?

>Squat: 165kg -> 180kg
>Bench: 100kg -> 120kg
>Deadlift: 220kg -> 250kg

But mainly I want to become less of a benchlet. How do I do it brehs?

>is 5/3/1 a meme?
No. It's great long term strength training if you are patient. If you are impatient and don't care about lifting for a decade, do a different "powerlifting" specific program.

> I'll add nothing to bench but quarter to much harder lift


>invited to a house party tonight
>cut my dick and a nasty scab formed
>looks like an STD
>painful to pull back foreskin
>nobody in their right mind would touch it
guess I'm spending this one at home

Lurked for a while since I’ve had meme depression and just stopped ages ago but I just squat today and was able to squat 115kgx8 pretty easily, HB, full depth although a little unstable.

Not really sure what a realistic squat target could be within a year providing I stay consistent? Open to bloatmaxxing.

British equipped deadlift record
British equipped total record

Or at least exceed them if I don't do a competition where they'll be recognised as British Records

Next year I'm either doing equipped internationals or classic locals
Depends on how this next competition goes :|

>Finish cut to single digit bf
>Bulk for rest of year
>run sub 25 min 5k
>ohp 60kg to 80kg
>bench 110kg to 140kg
>squat 160kg to 200kg
>deadlift to 175kg to 220kg

All the lifting goals are a bit unrealistic, gonna try anyway though.

Total 900 @ 125 so I can quit raw and start multiply

Also pulling 380 with straps would be cool

>what a realistic squat target could be within a year providing I stay consistent?
Just focus on quality of training one day at a time.

Leave plg normie scum

Shieeet I'm trying to do that single ply @105

>goals for 2019 frens

Squat 550 > 405
Bench 360 > 315
Deadlift 600 > 500
Press 235 > 200

BW 220 > 190

Fix my GDE Alex squat form (happens at 90%+) and stop being benchlet. I pull 230 kg while benching 115 kg.

My OHP is only that low because I barely trained it before. Now I'm putting a lot more focus on it. And 12.5kg seems like a good bit for bench given that I'm not bulking up much.

Goals are @82.5kg bw

280kg Squat
200kg Bench
310kg DL

It's around 8% for bench while that's 25% to Press.
Just some serious asymmetry there. You can probably do bit more than that on bench if you get your press that high.

Is it just me or is adding 12.5kg to bench not a decent goal at this point?

>Bench: 90kg x6 (108 e1rm) ---> 120kg 1RM
>Squat: 125kg x5 (145 e1rm) ---> 165kg 1RM
>Deadlift: 156kg 1RM ---> 200kg 1RM
And many qt girls. Happy fucking new year /plg/

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Hello roidaroo.

Goals for 2019?
Squat 3 plates
Deadlift 4
Bench 110kilo
OHP 75kilo
Weighted chin ups repping 1 plate

Its rather unclear to some lower back/hip issue if the squat and diddly are reasonable but it seems to be going the right way so i am hoping for it.

I mean the Polack can press 100kg and he only benches like 120kg lmao.

I'd be happy enough with a bodyweight press I guess.

Hit or exceed my old numbers from before THE INJURY is my main goal. Which means putting only 50kg on my squat but 92kgkg onto my bench, oh boi

Doesn't he bench 4 plates? Talking about Ben Pollack.

Yes. So?

Stop pissing on the floor with your dysfunctional roid dick in the gym please.

Sit on the toilet like little boys and girls.

Just PSA for roiders.

No, Yakob the Polack. The guy that trips here and can't speak English properly.

I compete untested. Noone cares

Just memeing my friend. Relax. Hope you achieve you goals. :)
O, him, he speaks it properly (private messages), just does it for meme I guess.

I used to have similar ratio in the beginning, OHPing 65-70 kg while benching 90-95 kgs. When I learned how to bench properly, bench just left my OHP behind.

I am not a normie, no bully

>used to have similar ratio in the beginning, OHPing 65-70 kg while benching 90-95
Same here, now my bench progressed to 142.5 and my ohp is still at around 75kgs. I was just benching with my shoulders too much.

He has an accent so think you can can it and sell it as meat pate in a polish food shop

Setting up bench by doing half bridge is like day and night difference to setting up without doing it. I can feel my upper back getting lot more stable, shoulders get in a lot stronger position to push and weight, even in the beginning when I unrack it feels a lot lighter vs. setup without doing the half bridge in the beginning.

I also started unracking before setting my ass down and that made it even more powerful and 'stable' with regards to upper back.


I was joking! I don't care. Hope you hit them goals.

I'm Croat so I can do Polish impersonation without problem IRL. :)

In my case it was just me not tight enough and using too close of a grip for my lanky, long arm build.

Shoo shoo out of Ireland.

>too close of a grip
I might only be benching 110kg, but I find that going thumb width from the smooth feels much better and actually stronger than going thumb length (more or less 5cm difference)

I want to do drugs

t. sean

i prefer very close like that too, like Konstantin tier but not quite. I suppose it's coping because I don't have much of a chest to do wider properly..

Isley, would you drop out of IPF if it went from tested to untested?
Don't worry m8. I'm staying in Herzegovina, if I ever go out (if my law career fails), it's gonna be Germany.
In my case it feels good too (use it for incline or close grip work), but ring finger on bar rings, feels best as it gives me vertical forearms.

How close? I'm 87kg 6'3" skelly and bench with hands about half thumb length away from smooth. 140kg max.

Just do more direct tricep work.

Technically we are gimping ourselves with this very close grip memery, aren't we? It does leave less room for amount of chest work in the bottom.


For close grip/incline, half thumb away from smooth. I'm trying m8, my arms are my most unresponsive parts, only grew lats from heavy chin work (55 kg weighted chin up) and I only feel chest on pressing work. I do 20 sets for triceps weekly in isolations (pushdowns, rolling db extensions and overhead extensions on top of pressing). I only feel my tris slightly on close grip.

Start doing JM Press for triceps. You will feel it.

>we are gimping ourselves with this very close grip memery, aren't we
No. If you can make progress and stay injury free, stick with it. Wide grip causes more injuries long term. Pecs and shoulders can only be unfucked so many times.

Will try any meme at this point, I hate being armlet.


It's my favorite exercise for tris nowadays. I do it twice a week and that's my tricep assistance for now.

Attached: 1543987880536.png (1920x1080, 2.01M)

Tfw it gives me elbow and wrist aids.

Start out with low weight and progress slowly. You have to get used to that kind of exercises.

Wasn't me that responded. Going to try in 2 days with empty barbell and see how it goes.

I've tried with just the bar, still happens.
Worth noting that the elbow and wrist that hurts have both been shattered when I was younger, so I'm kinda fucked.

i fucked up my arm doing this too heavy

Well shouldn't have done too heavy.
story time?

Why would you ever do an exercise that wrecks your joints when there are alternatives is beyond me. My favourite tricep accessory is overhead extensions. I've gone heavy, done them seated, standing, most of the time I use ez-bar but here and there I might use ropes and I've never felt any discomfort doing it. And it doesn't even need any technique like the JM Press, just extend your fucking arms lmao you can't fuck this up.

>Why would you ever do an exercise that wrecks your joints when there are alternatives is beyond me

Every single person who benches just got utterly blown the fuck out.

Press. Is. The. King.

Doing 3x15 Bulgarian split squats

I want to die.

Fuck this I'm just one set in too.

Why would man willingly subject himself to such torture?

It's worse than 20 rep squat meme.

This kills the bloatlord.

Satanic trips confirm it.

Brrrpftss splooooop

Squuuisssh sploooosh

Splooosh splaaaat
Squuuuuuuuiiiisssb plooop sploooooosssh splaoooosh

Brrr puff.... squuuuuiiiiissssshhhhhhh brrrpft splaaaaat splop!

This Norman khan is starting to just ooze out without much sound being made


Hmmmm there is quite a bit of Norman khan collecting inside of the toilet

Sqqqquuuuuiiiiiiiissssssshhhhhhhhhhhh sqqquuuuuuuuuuuiiiiishhhhh

They quite literally do.

Another session where I have to ask myself
"is John Hamson skipping his session"

They're alright to do with SSB bar as you can hold onto the rack, but still they're real torture with 15 reps per leg.

They are torture.
You using a bar or dumbbells?


Bar. With just 30kg

Two sets fucking christ.

Weak quads.