How Can i make sure that a wound becomes a scar?

How Can i make sure that a wound becomes a scar?

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If you are intentionally looking to harm yourself in hopes to garner scars for aesthetic reasons you have severe mental issues that should be addressed immediately.

I don't Harm myself, i had a cycling accident and thought it would be funny to keep the memory

>haha wouldn't that be funny
Don't pretend you're not trying to look hard

It actually looks hot stop being so jealous of him

scratch the scab off, do not let it heal

You have to salt it. As soon as scab grows you scratch it down and put salt over it again.
Repeat for two weeks.

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just don't let it heal. upset the scabbing whenever it begins to harden
i'll show you hard bitch

That's easy. Get a nylon brush and rub away the scar tissue with antiseptic/disinfectant. It will be painful, but you will get a scar.

i learned this the hard way because I DID NOT WANT A SCAR

but here I am with a scar...

if you apply vitamin E (lotion) on a wound it actually keeps it from healing all the way

Don't know really.
I have a scar from where my brother cut my face with a nail.
But I don't have one from when I smashed head first into a tree.
This was despite the wound from the tree being deeper and larger, it healed completly but the nail cut (which was incredibly shallow) can still be seen 10 years later.

>tfw huge scar along my face
>feel bad knowing I'll never achieve facial symmetry
at least people say it looks cool and ask me about it

I bet a tanning bed would help it scar. It'll be a neat one, brother. Way better than paying for a fucking tattoo like some cookie cutter.

I actually did the opposite
I didnt like that vaccine scar on my shoulder because it looked like a crater so i burned it with a rod that i heated up
Now it's a lot smoother and a little pink but that fades over time

Burns scar like crazy.
But you shouldn't hurt yourself user. Just enjoy it while it lasts.

It used to be a fashion among German nobility up until the end of the Empire.

Look up fencing scars. They used to sew horse hair into the wound and other stuff to make it look as nasty as possible

keep picking off the scab as it forms.

I have a scar on my arm from when my brother scratched me because he a pussy ass bitch

Rub faeces in it

If your actual face is symmetrical then a scar will just make you look badass.

scar genetics matter for aesthetics.
look at the scars you already have, and keep in mind that any scar on your face is going to be larger due to vascularity and far more visible.

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There is some tattoo parlor that do scars

Just need to get it touched up every once in a while

Keep picking at it

>the absolute state of zoomers

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cover some part of your face with a band aid , it will have the same effect as the scar

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