>no fap
>no porn
>go to church
>read the canon of all the major religions
And you?
>no fap
>no porn
>go to church
>read the canon of all the major religions
And you?
Other urls found in this thread:
>go to church
>read the canon of all the major religions
waste of time
i'm going /enjoyment restriction 2019/ because i hate myself
eat, shit, sleep, work, read, socialize
Get lean
Engage more with people outside of main friend group
>less fap
>normal porn
>improve shitposting
>no alcohol except social settings, max 3 drinks
>no weed (already do this)
>no nicotine (already do this)
>nofap + noporn
>save 50% of income
>2500cals, 120g protein minimum a day (skelly)
>no porn
>no fap
>go to church
>study more
>strict diet
>get some friends
>read more books
>Less wasting time on movies/TV shows
>Weekly cap
>Try to be nice to everyone.
>meditate daily
>use phone less
>>read the canon of all the major religions
waste of time, only catholicism is true.
>no fap
>no porn
>dedicating more of my time to God
>Wim Hoff breathing and cold exposure
That's a weird way to spell The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints ""Mormonism"".
the problem i have with all abrahamic religions is their good-evil dichotomy and their slave morality
for me it's a mix of pagan morality and hindu nondualism, this mix i currently see as the highest form of spiritual development
although from a cultural-societal and materialistic standpoint i do agree abrahamic religions are superior
>no porn/less fap
>follow gym program for whole year w/o falling of the wagon for weeks/months
>read more classics and nonfiction
>start running so I’m not constantly out of breath at the gym
>no fap
>no porn
>no weed
>go to church
>make more money
>squat 3pl8
Current squat?
Rereading my people's holy text.
this the only reason we have equal rights freedom of speech and non dictatorial governments in western society is thanks to our pagan roots and blood
worshipping a sky daddy who rather see you suffer for his ego then teach you enlightenment is ridiculous
>planning several different major overhauls in your lifestyle to begin at an arbitrary date
>ever working
This shit never ever works for anyone. Just like nobody can just squat 250 out of nowhere just because they plan to do so.
>go to church
Lmao fuck outta here christcel
>their slave morality
the whole point is that you recognize that jesus is God, and thus the strongest man to ever live. so you submit to him as the strongest and he takes care of you, almost like the mafia. "slave morality" is just a meme. it's more like honor morality and knowing your place. as if a strong person could never be anything but self-serving.
3pl8 is definitely doable, if you are totally committed to hitting 3pl8 squat you could get it by summer.
>good idea
>only for ottermode
>collection of memes
>Just like nobody can just squat 250 out of nowhere just because they plan to do so.
Pretty sure this dude was squatting 300 lbs at 15 years old. Could be wrong.
"know your place" is the same as "never improve"
No it is not.
>less fapping
>gain 30 pounds
>lose virginity (even if it's to some whore, I will not be a virgin by the end of 2019)
>get better job
not at all.
do you think its good for a woman to disobey good men? are you a feminist?
>checking peoples digits even if no one else does
>no fap
>no porn
>no youtube/twitch
>find a hobby that involves other people and socializing
check these
well it's the same as "never improve beyond a certain point"
if a good woman can disobey a good man he isn't a good man and she isn't a good woman
ugh, see he get!
>find a hobby that involves other people and socializing
I need this too. Any ideas?
Rock climbing, archery, tabletop games, D&D, running, free running, dogging, pub quizzes.
>if a good woman can disobey a good man he isn't a good man and she isn't a good woman
so if a woman disobeys a man, she isn't good by your own admission? thats just slave morality, bro, she should do whatever she wants!
>Matthew 5:48 Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect.
the whole religion is about self improvement
Only answering cuz trips
> no fap
> get a job
> get gf
> lose v card
>muh neechy
Literal God literally dwelt among men and was literally crucified on your behalf so that you could go to heaven. That is a real historical event that literally happened and that's why you should become Christian. Nietzsche is not an authority on Christian morality and you shouldn't listen to his dumb opinions
Join a coed sports team. If you google it, you should find some organizations in your area that do recreational sports and will put you on a team even if you can't form a team of your own.
>Christcucks ruin another thread
For fucks sake.
>less fapping and porn
>more lifting
>more reading
>find a hobby I like and stick with it
>focus on making social gains so I have something to do with myself outside of work
>get laid/gf
>maybe go back to church, I kinda miss it
>>get laid/gf
>>maybe go back to church, I kinda miss it
pick one and only one.
post body
Based and Urimpilled
What if I don't give a shit about all the God stuff and just like the singing and having an hour a week to almost meditate?
was thinking about rock climbing or a fighting sport, start to play chess irl again pretty hard to come up with something I want to do so much that it overcomes the initial autism of talking to new people
then go to karaoke night or something you fag
>no fap (longest I did was 4 months, broke it 1 week ago)
>no porn
>study and finish uni in july
>find work
Even if you don't believe the ritualistic benefits of attending church are great.
>bike 30 miles every single week
>eat no meat
>date a Latina
>avoid Latinos and Niggers like death
Oh and of course I forgot
>Legally grow weed
>eat clean
>wake up at 8 every morning
>gym and swim regularly, dont bitch out on swimming
>get a job
My gf wants to grow out her bush and leg hair all 2019. I think I'll grow a bush too in order to feel like my ancestors when they had sex.
>my gf wants to grow out her leg hair
Sounds cucky.
Why would you waste time looking through all the major religions? It's not like a gym where you can go once or twice, say "this is nice" and make a decision about it. You have to invest a ton of time and energy in understanding any religion unless you're just trying to get a surface level understanding. That said, you shouldn't spend any time looking into anything other than Christianity.
To stay on topic for this thread, my goals for 2019 are:
>1/2/3/4 for at least 1 rep each
>get up to 165 lbs body weight
>get a summer internship
get lean, get over my social phobia with graduated exposure.
>30 minutes of brisk walking at least 5 days a week
>physical conditioning class at community college
>1500 calories a day
>get accepted into nursing school
>get a gf
Sounds like a shit test
May God bless us and bring us closer to Him in this new year.
>no fap
>no porn
>continue to be chaste with gf
>continue to play violin at mass
>read the Bible
>get CompTIA A+ and N+ certified
>not be fat
>>continue to be chaste with gf
>>continue to play violin at mass
>>read the Bible
>maby a diet
Everything but the religious shit
except he didn't rise from the tomb publicly and he literally fallows all of the things mentioned below
hes a guru who learned allot from his time in the east and carried this knowledge to his judaic people
i mean nothing anyone says will change your opinion because thats how religious bias and brainwashing works but atleast dont post such ignorant shit
>no fap
>no porn
>only drink water
>only clean eating
>read at minimum 20 pages a day
>sprinting/jogging every second day
gonna slowly replace all my unhealthy eating habits with less shit ones. Swearing off fastfood except once a week.
DOn't be persuaded by the current societal belief that being a virgin is shameful. If you do it with a whore, you'll be ashamed of youself.
>stop hanging out with alt-right autismos that are giving me a bad rep
>save up for a mkiii Poopra
>No drugs (didn't do any to begin with, but trying to limit medicine usage as well)
>No caffeine
>Minimal alcohol, if any
>Semen retention
>Cold showers
>No soi whatsoever
>Raw milk
>Super jumbo eggs from local farm
>Morning meditation
>Start going to church if I can get a different job
Anything else I'm missing out on?
Honestely I'm getting to the point where i'm about to just say fuck it and start following christ.
My parents raised me as an atheist, my childhood was shit because of this and my parents taught me nothing. They're seriously the worst people I know.
But 2019 will be the best year ever, I can feel it guys were all gonna make it :)
52 weeks of lifting, one rest day a week.
Get on a fixed calorie diet with 40/30/30
Just see what comes of it.
Checked and blessed user.
I think I will join the Catholic church next year.
I was born into the Anglican church but family never took it seriously, but I was fortunate enough to go to a Catholic school.
I've been having a crisis of faith and realised I need god, but the cuckoldry of the Anglican church is not for me.
>mkiii scoopy
Got a MkII with a 1J. Swap it and never look back
>tfw my CRX is getting more attention right now
Dont become a catholic, you'll be disappointed and discouraged.
Don't even join a denomination, just get a king James bible, and study it.
Most Catholics are ignorant of actual scripture.
Catholicism was invented by the Roman government to control Christs movement, because we were getting too powerful and overthrowing them.
The Catholics invented the Latin bible, and murdered anyone who tried to read any other version. They only let the highest ranking Catholic leaders read the king James version.
Literally a Satanist scam.
All you need to do is pray for knowledge, study the bible.
Do that, and you'll reach the next level of consciousness.
Most Catholics have given up latin and the Churches in England have mass and the bible in English. It's not KJV, but it's close enough.
I am more interested in the social aspect of the church rather than the scripture.
The Catholic church, as cucked as it may be, is leaps and bounds better than the Anglican church.
Go for it
>no fap
>no porn
>eat healthy, no soda, no fast food, no candy
>get a job
>be more social
>study hard
>become god
>less fap
>Set 2 hours aside everyday to study 日本語
>Break at least proficient in the main lifts
>Read more non fiction
>Be more social
Catholics: following a literal heretic since 1958
Confirmed for never opening a fucking bible. 1 Peter 1:15 literally tells you to strive for perfection. Being human, that is not possible but in attempting to live up to Jesus standard you must, by necessity, improve yourself.
>only fapping to imagination and if I'm really in the mood for it
>cut to sikkunt mode starting today 01/01
>read more than I did last year (like 3 books total)
>look into educations and take steps towards one I want
Sounds fun OP. I however will be doing things that are actually productive instead of memes that trick my brain into thinking they are accomplishing something even though I'm not doing anything at all.
>No porn
>No fap
>Run everyday
>Consistant gym
dude saving money aint hard, especially only 50%
there are types of porn that are so morbid that literally make me depressed because of so intense feeling of guilt and disgust. Like cuckolding (not generic porn videos but websites of people from my city actually doing it) and zoophilia (women with animals, mainly with dogs)
Now it's been like 1 month since I completely cut off all that shit. Another reason to quit is I don't want that shit in my search histoty.
It seriously was an improvement. That's when you realise how bad porn is for you.
Now I just fap to my thoughts, and occasionally watch youtube videos of women doing lingerie show-offs.
In fact today I stole a dirty thong from a friend's mom and I already masturbated three times while sniffing the fuck out of it.
I did no porn for a month, and then I went into a porn website.
My hear was beating really fast, and it was like a drug. Fuck, why does feeling this high have to be bad for me?
I hate old people, why do they have to come to church too. They're all old at my church and sometimes it smells
>quit college
>ship my product (almost finished, just needs government approval)
>get back to the gym
>save up so I can move back to my country
im going to visit at least one hooker each month
Christ says to honor thy mother and thy father, what do you have to say about that?
>DOn't be persuaded by the current societal belief that being a virgin is shameful.
If having sex is important to you, you should do it. But don't do it just to do it.
I waited to find someone I really cared about to have sex with, and it was one of the smartest decisions I've ever made. Think about it.
>No PornMinimal Fap (only if temptation to use porn too great)Never drink aloneno weedless recreational internet timeget home gym setup, cancel gym membership, start lifting regularlylose 40 lbsget better at skateboarding (get: 3flips/nose slide/boardslide on lock, learn hardflips/varial heal flips/bs50-50/bigspin, do a hand rail)get a cert for my professionstart looking for a mother for my children
LOL at the idea of getting a KJV, instead of learning at least koine Greek to read it in the original. Modern translations are way better, I study theology and my professors all use NRSV or NIV, or translate it themselves from the Hebrew and Greek. KJV is beautiful poetry and writing, but it's not a very good reflection of the current state of textual criticism.
Also lol at trying to learn Christian doctrine from the Bible alone, the Bible is a brilliant document and source, but it doesn't actually contain all of Christian belief explicitly (what is trinity, what is Christology). To other user, read Athanasius "On the Incarnation of the Word" and other church fathers. Familiarize yourself with the Nicene and Apostles creeds, as well as reading your Bible every day. Knowing the scripture is tremendously important, but it's not enough to really grasp Christianity.
Mein Gott, what is soteriology, what is atonement, what is justification, what is regeneration. Read Anselm Cur Deus Homo and John Chrysostom Easter sermon, which while not the be all and end all of soteriology, are better than this bullshit.
The whole religion is about realizing that we can never be the source of our own good, but that all good rests with and flows from the grace of God. Self improvement is the opposite of recognizing our own wholy sinful nature.
Holy fuck I hate these new internet age Christians.
>more /out/
>more /diy/
>no delaying by spending too much time on background research
>be more honest and authentic with friends and family
Those are my goals, nice and open.