I'm 5'11" or 180 cm male and I want to do leg lengthening surgery because I feel inferior around taller dudes, it feels weird looking up to taller dudes as I don't feel as confident also I feel like a kid talking to them atlough they r like the same age as me. I wish I could be 185 but I guess the only solution at this point is doing leg lengthening surgery. First of all I'm not memeing I've been extremly isolated socially so whenever I go out and talk to taller dudes i feel like crying inside.
I want to do leg lengthening surgery
>i feel inferior to other men
>i want eggshells for shins
stop being an insecure little bitch you sound like a woman
manlet/woman whats the difference
The real redpill is that you’re suffering from a mental disease called low selfworth and being in isolation has made you more vulnerable to quantisisying social worth based on height.
You could get LL but you’d just suffer even more in isolation + pain + financial stress. It wouldn’t make your life better, but only worse.
The real redpill is psychotherapi user. You need to work on your mental health just like your physical health
Imagine falling for memes so hard that you’d fuck up your legs for the rest of your life for strangers who you can’t control and don’t care about you.
Its not about them but me, It would feel much better walking around confident because I'm tall.
don't worry you'll not be confident you'll find another insecurity
>when the memes get to you
People live with severe deformities and you can't handle being 180cm? An above average height in most places in the world. Pathetic.
All your problems are mental issues, not physical. Nothing's gonna change after permanently fucking up your legs. You're just gonna find another excuse to justify your issues. Why don't you wear high-heel shoes first to see if it magically turns you into chad?.. because it won't.
How can I get rid of this then, do you think I want to live with these negative thoughts? But still it does effect me.
You've taken the meme way too seriously
5'11" is fine and certainly not worth destroying your body over
dude 5'11 is the average height for men among the tallest countries in the world (northern europe)
hell if you do dead hangs and inversion, you can stretch to 6' even, then in shoes you're 6'1
in any case, someone post the comic, you know the one
180 cm is the best. Pretty comfy. You can also bloatmaxx on top of that for an even better body.
I don't even do it for girls but dudes, I feel pretty insecure when I have taller dudes around me, i don't know how to explain it, the meme became my reality. I wish I could just accept my height....
dude guys definitely don't care about your height, some of my favorite and most respected people in my life aren't super tall, it means nothing
now your dick size on the other, that is what you should be worried about
It's not about what they think, but the reflecitons if what girls think when I'm next to a tall guy, if it makes sense. Like I'm inferior because I'm not tall enough.
I'm 6'4 and was a big, chubby, social retard in high school who girls despised, the biggest chads were like 5'8 on average, there was this one guy who was like 5'4 who had a straight up orgy with half of the girls volleyball team, just his manlet ass fucking all those girls and they loved it
height means nothing
I think what you need is not surgery, you need martial arts and to keep working on your strength and mass. Glass shins won't make you more comfortable. Knowing that you can stand up for yourself and not being afraid of confrontation certainly will.
>I want to do leg lengthening surgery
Is this bait? Or are you really truly this pathetic?
Not bait, I legit have these thoughts inside my head and I need help.
Sure, buddy.
You don't need surgery, you need psychotherapy.
If not bait, then all the doctors you go to will insist you go see a psychologist for evaluation first, guaranteed. You won't be allowed any dangerous and unnecessary surgery, you will be medicated instead.
Now stop wasting our time.
But I want to be taller and I want cute guys to look up to me. :( Can't you just tell me what I want to hear? I'm gonna get the surgery
no, i jsut feel inseucre around taller ppl.
>clearly a bait thread
into the bin it goes
Im 167cm and live in The Netherlands. I feel like my height is ok.
I dont get any female attention.
are you dutch? at that height probably not. you don't get any female attention because you're a shitskin, please go back to your own country