Any /cancer/ bros here finishing chemo before the new year?

Any /cancer/ bros here finishing chemo before the new year?

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>implying this whole site isn't cancer
let's face it, it's never been good and only got worse from there. good luck on your chemo though

Nope, but I wish you luck dude.

I thinkni have throat cancer from hpv but im just goning to let it kill me

no, i don't have trash genes

Good luck wish you recover

We dont have chemo therapy we are half life warboys and i am awaited in valhalla!

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What kind of cancer you have and which stage you are in?

Good luck my dude. I had a benign tumor on my spine, and another one on a close spot but beneath the skin.

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Ay bro good luck with that hope you recover dude, sending prayers your way