Steel Mace

Does Jow Forums have any experience with steel mace workouts? Do they really help your posture?

Attached: steelmace.jpg (1080x1080, 83K)

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>steel mace workouts

Chris Duffin is shilling this and some people swear by it but idk
Most things Duffin ever spoke about were correct so i believe him

Attached: cant muff the duff.jpg (1334x886, 178K)

Kek this

The retarded shit you people believe.

so its like the people beating on tractor tires with sledgehammers?

they had these at a convention i went to a loooong time ago
i was too into barbell training to even try them out

they never caught on anyways

but i mean resistance is resistance, they might be good for mma training or something

This. Holy fuck just lift heavy weights and stand up straight shoulders back. Done.

take the wooden Indian clubs pill

I smack a tire around with a sledgehammer. I think thats kinda the same thing

Swing it around while listening to metal

its not as simple as that
for example most people could benefit from oblique work because squats, bench deadlift dont challenge body in same way like for example farmer walks

thats why you should include them in your program.
Mace swings are a thing, and older than lifting actual weights apparently, it was used as practice for swordsmen.
Thing is, those shits in op pic arent loadable and you have to spend a pile of money for different sizes

your basic sledgehammer from hobo freight will work just fine

fwiw I found it to be a nice shoulder stretch and (unsurprisingly) good for wrist stability, though nothing life-changing

>not making 150% Damage against Undead gainz

Attached: Cleric.jpg (427x550, 24K)

Did 3 sets of this earlier with an 8lb sledgehammer. Not terribly intensive but I did notice more core engagement than I had expected.

Attached: fa9f4317d5bc6031af43c61cacf685cb.jpg (700x750, 107K)


>Not going gatormode

Attached: kroxigor.png (301x364, 167K)

Nigger that's from the Art of Manliness and you fucking know it

It’s a fun option but not anything special

Yeah I'm aware, that was just from a quick Google search.

Yes but you don’t need a mace. You can get the same results doing kettlebell or plate halos.

What's wrong with Art of Manliness

Looks like a single handed mace desu