I am not a smart man.
But if women select men for height, muscles, face, then where do all the small, skinny, fat, chinless, bald men come from?
I am not a smart man
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I dunno op why don't you ask ur mum why she had u?
the selection will always be imperfect because of godel's incompleteness theorem and entropy
Who do you think referred me to Jow Forums in the first place?
10/10 women get to select, no one notices the ugly fat whores, sure a quick fuck but no one bothers staying with them
The uglies settle for literally anything
Unless he has a fetish (like pic related) or a mental illness (like jeb bush)
The gene pool was even more inferior in previous generations. Uglier, shorter, more chinless
We have twice as many female ancestors as male ones. Women do select, and it's not just the attractive ones.
Before the internet, women's options were limited. That 5'5'' guy was the tallest guy available in their village/town.
>We have twice as many female ancestors as male ones.
What did he mean by this
Ugly women are forced to have equally ugly mates
female selection was not the end all and be all of who gets to have sex with females 100k years ago user