Do gay people hit on everyone or they just cant resist really attractive guys?

Do gay people hit on everyone or they just cant resist really attractive guys?

Does this happen at your gym too?

Attached: 0991A5F7-BAC7-43A4-B501-8174575888E2.jpg (600x546, 52K)

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Depends. I’ve known very polite gays that don’t hit on everyone. I’ve also known creepy gays who think being straight just means more of a challenge.

Never been approached directly but holy fuck I've noticed so many god damned fags in the gym lately.

One is like this short little Hispanic fuck that's like the instructor for one of those stupid dance workout classes at my gym. One day I was OHPing like double what he was benching and I kept noticing him looking at me in the mirror. I looked at him directly and he gave me this gay as fuck smile and like nodded at me. This isn't an isolated incident, it's like all the God damned time. I usually respond with the most dead eyed look of disgust but they don't seem to get the hint. Maybe some of them are just looking because I have good lifts to normies but it gets old

Yes I have been hit on by gays
But they back off when I tell them I am straight

You're so closeted lmao

Never been hit on, but have been eyeballed by creepy old fucks

Maybe he isn't a homo, you fucking faggot. Have you ever heard the word "admiration"? What about making a "polite greeting" when someone catches you looking at them?

Do you guys know how fucking disgusting being gay is? Sorry, but being gay is not normal or OK. Every gay person I've me has had some serious mental problems or been extremely unhealthy and disgusting. It's no wonder since gay people have exponentially higher STD rates than straights. Like can you imagine actually sticking your dick into some guy's shithole that's had 100 other dicks in it before and has never been properly cleaned? Absolutely fucking repulsive.

Guys approach me but i give off a welcoming vibe in general. But they usually stop advances once i let them know im not gay. I think you gotta live well with gay guys and eventually theyll throw a girl at you, and if that happens its cause the girl is starving for dick.

It's because deep down they all know that what they're doing is wrong.

Based and redpilled. Of course every homosexual you've met has a mental problem. Homosexuality is a mental problem

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I had a fag hit on me in a bar once. I told him i was straight and he said that hadnt stopped him before. I told him multiple times to fuck off and he kept getting more grabby. When he grabbed my dick I smacked him. Fucking degenerates.

idk about the gym but i decided to visit /soc/ and holy shit those fags are desperate. everyone is a skelly or obese and they all want to fuck each other

Picture is fucking retarded, some of those facts are Lulsy because of how bs they are..

True, but goddamn if I don't love twink boipucci

>made up
>studies are all cited

I'm blind without glasses and I don't wear them to the gym obviously. I literally can't see shit and it's impossible for me to make eye contact across the room. I hope people don't think I'm staring at them when I'm really just staring into a blurry void.


Attached: Anti fag.png (1506x3976, 443K)

>doesn't know there is a study that says vaccines cause autism

Multiple peer reviewed articles are the best way to go. Not one scientist found this correlation once.

>Not a single source from the past ten years.
>Majority of studies cited occurred 40 years ago.
>Some of the claims don't even cite sources.

Attached: Not Really.png (500x475, 87K)

Thanks for the images lads

holy shit this is retarded

>if being gay is infertility than it's a disability

what? literally what?
>if being gay is oral sex than it's a fetish?
Bro what?

>if gay people are just close friends why do they have sex

they aren't?

>if straight love is the same as gay love why do gay people have more sex?

because men are hornier and less picky than women you fucking idiot, also they don't really have that much more sex

the second post is

>if you can't resist sex you're a disabled addict

you could resist sex, and everyone does at some point except incels but what?

third post is

>Christianity says gays can't marry therefore they can't marry religiously and they can't marry legally because the government won't let them therefore they're bad

law-morality fallacy

>gayness is a choice because they could be abstinent

>being gay is caused by a microscopic parasite

wow so that's why gayness has existed since the dawn of mammals and birds? that's why human cultures since cavemen times have had gay sex? a parasite goes in and requires the brains pleasure system and basic mating drives?

literally so delusional. there isn't a single valid point in that pic except gay people are sluts but guess what, if men could fuck women as easily as gay men can fuck men then they'd probably have just as much sex.

in my country such behaviour is rewarded by being thrown off the roof
so they better resist, for their own sake
Reminder death to faggots

Imagine a disease which sortens your life span by 20 years and makes you infertile.

That is homosexuality

>being straight just means more of a challenge.
Fucking this lmao. Gays aren't anymore open minded and progressive than straight people. Many if them literally can't wrap their heads around the fact that some men aren't into sucking dicks.