Who was the worst in 2018?

Who was the worst in 2018?

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I live in a 99% white area.
Haven't seen a non-white in over a year at this point.
Local gym 100% white.


Indians with out a doubt.

Blacks are relativly cool, and the asians usually stick to the rowing machine or the incline press but the indians are fucking pests.

All they do is take all the dumbells, don’t re-rack them, drag their smelly curry bodies around the gym, harras all the women and the gym staff. They always workout in jeans and a polo or a striped shirt.

Fuck indians

Living the dream, my man. Minorities are terrible.

Blacks are fine
90% of pajeets and chinks I encountered in the gym are retarded faggots who have no clue what they're doing, chinks are worse cause they're typically louder

Gypsies are worse than all of them combined

Old white boomers.

Seriously FUCK old white boomers. Not meme boomers either I mean legit fucking boomers. God damn get the fuck away from me I dont care what you use to do in high school you fat fucking turd.

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Never seen a nigger act out of line (at the gym). Wetbacks have fucked my whole workout up.

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personally I hate chinks

Indians, worst thing I’ve seen a nig do is play rap music on his headphones real loud, worst thing I’ve seen a chink do is that little squad thing. I’ve seen a poo take up four cable things, and superset each one. Fuck that guy

I know, that's why I got away from them.

Indians +1

Blacks are okay, except when they come in a group. They end up being real fucking loud and cracking jokes, and the entire gym can hear their pant-hoots through their earbuds.

Indians are nice and generally good-looking. The only thing wrong with them is they stink real bad.

I don't know how Chinese are bad.

Turks and moroccans.

Blacks, always dancing around like idiots and always on their phone talking to someone

Blacks are the smelliest
A lot of chinks at the gym I go to even though it isn't chinky part of town but they don't do anything dumb
Seen one Indian at the gym once.

What's odd is I've rarely ever seen a colored woman at the gym. Only their men show up. Meanwhile white men and women come in droves (and waste space).

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I saw a 40year old hispanic guy at the bench a few weeks ago.
>puts on 25lbs first, then 45lbs on the outside
>super wide suicide grip
>ass not touching bench
>half ROM

based. they literally make what equipment im using somehow smell worse

Indians fuck em. I hope they nuked out of existence

you know its indians

The pajeets at my gym just fuck around on machines so i don't give a shit about them.

Had a chink hog the deadlift platform for 45 fucking minutes yesterday.


T. Dutch

Indian and my gym is full of black Haitians

Currys smell like shit niggers dont clean up after themselves and chinks take up all the mirrors

Indians by far

Blacks in my gym are at least pretty big, chinks will stick to themselves and are friendly

Indians just take as much space as possible and are hard to even navigate around

t. pajeet



Had a manlet roider wog come in with his thot gf in her spandex shit, do two bench sets of 1pl8 in the smith machine then they left

do you by any chance go to an anytime fitness

You can't say that! That's cheating!

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Travelled a lot in the last two years and went to the hotel gyms whenever possible. My opinion:
1. Pajeets (always in polo and smell of noshower 365)
2. Sandniggers (Stink, no clue)
3. Turks (overbloated ego and no manners)
4. Asians (no clue and eyes glued to smartphone)

I'm actually hispanic. Nice try, though.

I saw one today. She was not in shape

Smelly Indian people are the worst, thankfully theyre only there for 10 mins. This one indian dudes fucking nasty ass cologne like stayed on the machine and I could fucking wipe it off. Apperciated him trying not to smell like indian food but if you have to use half the bottle dont fucking bother. Live in a kinda mostly white area and the black dudes and oriental people who come in are chill af

indians and white boomers with gloves

Indians, the stink is unbearable, they manage to stink worse than niggers


Niggers. They have zero regard for other people.

Blacks aren't actually all that bad when it comes to the gym, those that go to the gym probably care about their bodies and don't do crack and all that.

Asians are just usually the quiet ones, they're just there to workout and then go.

Poos are fucking disgusting, they sweat all over the equipment, are loud as hell and stink up the gym with their curry farts.

so Indians are by far the worst.

Savour every moment

Heaven is being white and exclusively around whites.

Hahah yeah I seen this indian kid wearing normal clothes today while working out. I couldnt stop laughing at him. Why even go to the gym if youre not gonna try

where you live brah?

>generally good-looking.
HAHAHAHAHA, Indians are by far the worst looking ethnicity.

That's chinks m8.

Gotta go with Indians on this one. Blacks, which are otherwise feral and obnoxious to be around, are usually well-tempered in the gym. Once their animal bodies are being exercised, their baser instincts are satisfied.

The Chinese are either shy guys doing 10 pound shoulder raises or decent weight on bench or machines. Usually sanitary.

Indians smell, wear out of place clothes, chirp loudly in their mother tongues, and treat the equipment without respect.

This is the fucking truth. Indian men and women are ugly as fuck. Litterally the ugliest ethnicity.

Indians, they literally all smell like curry and never clean up after themselves.

blacks by fucking far. Indians are dyel and smell but they aren't obnoxious. Asians that I see know wtf they're doing and are pretty based except for the vietnamese who kind of act like tools

must be nice. You live in the north?
Funny how people who are all anti-racist live in areas where there are no niggers and have never experienced what it's like in the south.

Indians. I’ve had several sub-continentals start singing along to the ethnic music they listen to while they leisurely use the elliptical machines.

My only problem with Chinese and generally Asians is them trying to act artificial cool. Some of them try to walk all masculine and it just looks like pure cringe.

I've never had an asian guy or indian offer to spot me before. Black guys do every now and then.

White people and indians just leave their dumbbells fucking everywhere and don't rerack their plates and never clean up.

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>Blacks, which are otherwise feral and obnoxious to be around, are usually well-tempered in the gym. Once their animal bodies are being exercised, their baser instincts are satisfied.

Wanna know how I know you don't lift?

Jelly non-white detected

I'm in Canada so my experience with niggers may be extraordinary to USAnons

Reminds me of this like 60+ year old boomer that comes into my gym and does the same retarded fucking thing every few days. Asks for a spot to bench 225 for 1 rep and fails. Tells everyone about how much he used to lift and how his shoulders are fucked up so he can't lift much (even though his bench form is FUCKED and he basically benches in a straight line with elbows not tucked).

He also comes to "squat" sometimes and he'll load up the bar with like 495 and do "front squats" where he basically bounces the weight up and down.

oh and a lot of times when I'm benching he'll fucking run over behind me and start trying to spot me. Next time I'm going to straight up tell him to get the fuck away because it's distracting when I'm doing like 285
Video related is actually him, I have another short clip of him bouncing like 5 plate but it's too large

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>tfw my autism compels me order the plates at any squat rack i use

Everyone sucks

t.home gym master race

Do white people like it when we use typical black phrases like YEAAH BUDDY and LIGHTWEIGHT BABBY to encourage them?

I just want all the Bros to make it


what about the aboriginals? truly grotesque people

I'm white and get irrationally angry when the plates are mixed up with different weights on one spot, or when a set of dumbbells is mixed up (ie 25s sitting in between 30s)

attached is part 2 of the boomer

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I can agree with this. The gym I go to has only whites, blacks and Mexicans. All the black people there are always cool. The Mexicans have a tendency to bring their children in to the gym. Also the only people that I have heard play music out loud have been Mexicans.
Nothing will ever beat the time I was working out and the ENTIRE time I was at the gym, some Mexican dude was doing lat pull downs nonstop. For like 45 minutes straight.

we're talking about humans here user

I am, just seeing him walk in the gym pisses me off. He like paces around looking for "his" barbell, and if someone (i.e. me) and someone else is using the power racks he'll sit there and stare at you until you're done, it could be 30 minutes and he'll just sit there when there are two squat racks next to the power racks.

>be pajeet
>conform to none of these stereotypes
>see other desis perform like FOBs
Can't save them all

Is that guy trying to commit suicide? Suicide is badass

Ohhh shiit dude I totally forgot about them. Good call my guy

Worst are whites. Never seen a chink or pajeet or nigger roid raging. Never seen a chink or pajeet do meme retarded crossfit shit. It's always whites.

Had an Arab roid rage at me just the other day, does that count as a pajeet?
>He's lucky he didn't get oblique kicked or heel hooked

White people, unironically
Everyone is fine if they're actually fit, but I only ever see unfit white guys and they're always obnoxious and smelly

>The Mexicans have a tendency to bring their children in to the gym.
There is a Latina wheyfu who brings her kids. They sit watch mommy get jacked like a manlet dude. It's kinda weird.

There was this retarded white roid rager the other day. He got two random dudes, one being my friend, to spot him as he did skull crushers with the heaviest bar in the gym. And by spotting, they were carrying 80% of the load for all 3 reps.
Then he fucked off to do 1 rep of every single exercise possible. Granted, get was a pretty big guy, but he was also like 40 years old at a university gym and nobody was happy to see him


the amount of manlet roid rage i have seen from whites compares to no other race , the niggers who work out, are usually fit already
the pajeest and chinks are just trying to make an honest effort to better themselves, and are usually also autistic to begin with

>tfw Jow Forums pajeet
>will never make Jow Forums friends because everyone is a closet racist
I don't assume every white bro is an incel school shooter, what gives?
Oh well, happy new year

Imagine being this subhuman you have to make multiple posts to feel better

Indians; I live in Hongcouver so there's Chinese fucking everywhere but they're (proportionally) about as bad as whites, there's almost no blacks and the ones who do show up are generally fine, and while even the Indians are well behaved, they all smell awful

what the fuck was that a rep? rofl

Fucking dead on about pajeets! I use the gym in my office and pajeets are by far the fucking worst. They always get in the way, will try to take someone's machine/dumbells between sets and take an eternity to finish, and I'd say maybe 1/10 will actually wear proper gym attire. They can't be assed to change out of their work clothes and it's not uncommon to see them try to sneak in with flip flops or sandals.

imagine going to the gym to rage at minorities instead of working on yourself

Oh well manlets are a different story my friend

Go desperately post more, subhuman.

Dont come in a thread where the master race shares experiences of dealing with sub humans if you're so easily triggered, snowflake.

I'm not that guy, but you are pathetic. Post face and body.

it is, without fail, always a smelly fucking disgusting pajeet. fuck those fucking sandmonkies

>t. subhuman

>Master race
Top kek. Post face. You aren't one of us

There aren't many blacks at my gym. The ones that do go keep to themselves.

There are NO chinks at all.

The few Indians/Pakis that go are weak, obnoxious egolifters who huddle around each other going, "SICK BROO, SICK BROO", over their mate's 1pl8 quarter rep bench.

Still nowhere near as bad as the white scallys who throw dumbbells around and spend more time looking in the mirror than lifting.

Chinks > Blacks > Pajeets

Indians smell just awful. Blacks also have a strong smell, but it is not worse than Indians. I have no complains of their behavior, only their smell.

Chinks are alright, except when the "workout" in groups, which basically means that 6 of them taking turns on the same machine for 1 hour.

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Italians for sure all they do is jump on goombas and collect everyone's coins

Back to the streets, streetshitter

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Fuck that's literally me. Yeah I'm indian

>Post face and body.
>Post face



There's maybe three or four black people at my gym. They're all pretty jacked and quiet. But are usually wearing hoods and can be rude sometimes.
Chinese are rare, but are either super scrawny or pretty built. Indians are almost always skinny fat and sometimes smell if they're actual fobs. But all of that is okay since they're working to improve themselves.
Whites are generally okay but they're the only race I've experienced roid raging.
Arabs are usually well built but just come to the gym to hit on girls.
Thankfully no latinos at my gym at all.

At least she's being a good role model to her kids

>the only exception is me
>"big" stevie

suprised by lack of people saying chinks
>meme exercises
>spends 6 hours studying from youtube videos per every 10 mins in the gym
>natty potential is bellow a average man in everything from looks to strength
>people will only notice if you roid
>take up all the equipment, rest for 10 mins to bench 5 reps of 75lbs
>attracted to self defence classes
basically if the females were a race
only plus i guess is
>quit after half a week

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