My skank whore of a step mother is slowly trying to force me out of the house by waging a psychological war on me and simultaneously coercing my dad into kicking me out for "my own good". She's a vile reptilian cunt and I'll leave it at that.
For Christmas, she bought me a Fitbit under the guise of "motivating me to live healthier". Of course this cumbucket gorgon quickly attached unreasonable strings to such a nice "gift", for example syncing the watch to her phone and monitoring my activity. She coerced my dad into agreeing that I can't order pizza or have any good food (ie not her kale and quinoa bullshit) unless I meet the 10,000 step goal (DAILY goal, I might add). And even when I do that I can only have a "treat" (like I'm a fucking dog) once a week.
I've averaged 2200 steps the last 5 days and only managed to reach 4000 steps yesterday when I attached it to our neighbor's dog for a couple hours. I don't think I can do that for very long because the results are suspect and I don't have access to the dog much. Also, the heart monitor was off and my cunt-mother questioned that.
What are ways to fake Fitbit movements and increase my score? I was thinking of a paint shaker or something but that would be too obvious (eg 8,000 steps in 5 min) not to mention the heart rate thing. Plus I'd have to take the bus or walk to the nearest hardware store so fuck that.
Any ideas?