What are your goals to achieve in 2019

Another year gone, another year further away from the old glory days. All I see is self pity and loathsome threads about how bad 2018 was. Nut up and set your goals. It's a new year, what are your non gf goals?

>lay off the sips, stopping soda completely
>dedicate more time and planning to my postgrad
>get out of debt
>make some friends

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I'm taking the year off of medical school to work on some bullshit kidney illness that's been fucking me up for the past several months.
I just want to feel healthy and get back to my normal life.
I'm 23 and the problem is entirely genetic, living like an old-ass dude right now.
guys i have lost so much strength, mass, will to live, etc.

What's happened to you user? Is there anything you can do to maintain?

adonis blet
that's it

I'd rather not go into it, just some bullshit I could not have prevented. Trying to get over feeling like it's unfair or whining like a bitch.
Yeah, once some numbers get back into place and I start moving around a little more easily.

> Finish army training/education
> Start strength and conditioning program
> Get a second source of income
> Get a car
> Save money
> get back into playing/making music
> Read more, write more

>work off a couple years worth of chub I got from doing eff all, already worked out my macros and what I need to eat to get them
>read more, quit watch low-effort television (might still watch Legends of Tomorrow, a guy needs one nice thing)
>do better at uni, no more late nights the day before my assignments are due

>get a gf
>get a job
>graduate uni in spring
>get stronger

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>Get Back into fitness
Why I came back to this accursed board. It helps to surround yourself with fitness culture. Also got plans to start with a boxing gym so might go full Hajime no Ippo and make boxing central to my life. I already run drills so it's a matter of intensity and sparring
I have leads but I need to be a man and prioritise time with them to get something going
>Survive year of education
I've grown to hate my university course (not the content just essay work) so basic survival is key. Maybe set a goal to finish every essay I'm set as early as possible to avoid deadline rushes
>Read more
Ebay a kindle or something and try and read at least 2 books a month
>Other hobbies
I wana practice my guitar more and be competent at it for the summer. That'll require a lot of casual strumming and drills