
Ashwagandha. Is this shit legit? Anyone have experience with it? The Examine page makes it out to be God-tier.

>decreased anxiety
>decreased stress
>decreased depression
>decreased fatigue
>increased power output
>increased motivation
>increased subjective well being
>increased sperm quality and sperm count
>increased testosterone

Like, wtf, Jow Forums?

Attached: ashwagandha.png (432x880, 447K)

Yep, but you have to be careful as it increases your thyroid hormones. For me, it gave me really uncomfortable feelings in my body so I stopped using it.
There are countless other herbs that have the similar effects. I like Gotu Kola and Tulsi.

ive been taking it for a month, not sure if thats long enough, and I dont feel much different.

try and see. even if you just get placebo, its still there.

Notice nothing at all? So are you going to keep taking it?

well, maybe some general anxiety decrease. Im 19, so I dont think i would be able to notice a difference in sex drive or anything considering.

Im going to finish the bottle (probably another month) then stay off for a little while to see what happens. Over all I will say lately lifes been better, but I cant say its the ashwagandha.

It allegedly boosts height too

I've been taking it for a bit over a year. It definitely helps with anxiety, stress, and general attitude. It will mellow you out at work and around people without your body feeling anything different. I am known as the only chill and friendly chef at my job while the rest of the staff is panicking and yelling. As far as motivation and testosterone goes, I don't think it helps with that.

I feel like these adaptogens only work short term and the body just adjusts to a new equilibrium

been using it for a few weeks now and im really liking it. All i really notice from it is that it reduces my stress levels a lot and that I am just slightly more content (may be a good or bad thing depending on your goals)

took 90% of a bottle 5 months ago. took it 3 or 4 times a week, fucked up my thyroid for two months.

the only noticeable effects were a) it make me incredibly lazy. even sitting up in bed felt like a chore, watching a movie felt like an annoyance and waste of tim. I would boot youtube then give up by the time the logo appeared. tink of the laziest you ever felt and multiply by 5.

and b) I had the most restful sleep ever.

so I only reccomend it a couple times a week, before sleep, on lifting days.