How's the holiday season treating you, Jow Forums?

how's the holiday season treating you, Jow Forums?

pic related

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I had a great NYE but I just woke up and I’m still drunk

I had a terrifying mushroom trip last night. I think I'm gonna be fucked up for a while into 2019.

Fantastic. I'm up 10 lbs from the last time I weighed myself

terrifying how?

Haha mushrooms, even bad trips, usually reset my brain for me and give me a better outlook for life. Acid on the other hand... Well thats why I stopped doing acid

Like the taking a dumbass dose I wasn't ready for, fighting the ego death and not even realizing I'm doing it all while convincing myself that I'm literally drowning and having a heart attack simultaneously, kind of terrifying. Like a 6 hour panic attack.

It happens to the best of us I guess. Even Terrence McKenna had a trip on a fairly moderate dose later in life and it scared him away from shrooms for years and years.

I'm doing great. My body continues to lean out, didn't give into the holiday temptations of eating like a pig, didn't drink at all. I feel good starting out the new year knowing I didn't take any steps backward over the holidays.

Yeah, tried acid and hated it. worst experience of my life. I'm good on ever doing any type of mind-altering substance now.

>doing drugs like a degenerate

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Psychs aren't degenerate at all. They're not addictive and don't have any physical health dangers while providing useful alternate perspectives
Also they're fuckin sick

My bulk went a little too hard. Going to do maintenance for a couple weeks and start cutting

please fuck off Joe Rogan

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I am sick as a fucking dog, haven't worked out for like 11 days
on the upside a woman fell in love with me
on the downside I didn't fall in love with her

get on my bloat level
started cutting today how can I spare my hidden muscle mass
should I waste my money right now on a fat burner?

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>pic related


nah you'll be fine in a few days just a little ego death

You're right. DMT and other vaporized tryptamines are the only psychs that can truly "throw" you back into your ego real fast because of how short their half life is.

The rest (especially lsd and some of its analogs) pull you away from it for a good 24 hours just because they last so long and you slowly start feeling individuality again as you stop peaking.

fat burners suck, just drink some type of caffeine (black coffee works best)

>tfw get fucked up like this similarly when my mind wanders too much
>never done drugs
was it autism lads?

nigga I drink like 4 cups of black coffee a day
Should I start drinking Green Tea and maybe supplement with L-carnitine?

user... easy on the whey