Plg power arguing general

keep it science based in the new year

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What was Feigenbaum's purported trip?

feigenbaum has better stuff to do than post on a japanese underwater basket weaving board

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I never memorized it, but he posted pics with timestamps.

Faggots and women have no place in powerlifting.

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>science based
Anecdote and practical experience has worked for 100 years.

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where did the fucking dwemer go?

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>feigenbaum has better stuff to do
Except he doesn't. He posted here. He even got banned from Reddit for being a faggot. And he spams the SS forums too.

I wish Barbell Medicine Q&A videos had content listed with timestamps, there are so many and I'm definitely not going to randomly listen to +1 hour podcasts without knowing beforehand whats for talk.

This guy comes up to you in the gym and tells you that there is no correlation between form and injury.

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>this retard thinks that science doesnt matter
lmaoing at your sub 100iq brain

How do you even put a singlet on?

Science is woefully inept at exercise science.

>some studies done with absolute dyels as participants and researchers are more valuable than the shared experience of athletes and coaches

I'd trust dudebro with good total over some faggy science made with random people with shit results.

>hip tendinitis since august-ish
>when that cleared up dislocated thumb playing rugby in november
>lost a stone in weight
>first gym session back yesterday
>pulled 500 for a reasonably comfortable single
Not too bad really all things considered. I did 450 for 10 pre-injuries though and I'd imagine it'll take a while to get back to that

the capitalist system is not well suited to sports science. soviets had a far more advanced sport science

We don't even fully understand how a muscle fires. It's all voodoo. Think less, and do the work.

thats why you quit Jim

powerlifting attracts really dumb people

yeah alright how many super bowls did the commies win? fuckin none, ivan. go pretend to work.

Yeah this

Cute seeing all the new years resolutioners in here :3

Im gonna look cute in these
no homo

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Myorep's is bbm templates is annoying as fuck and i am wondering if there are actual good reasons to have them in the template other then making it look more complicated then it is?

not with this face
>complicated anything
imagine how brainlet you have to be

You can do a full exercise in a minute, and you'll get a massive pump.

myoreps is a complete meme some roidhead developed to do even less work than in dogcrap

>power perfect 3

The more bells and whistles the more £££

>brainlet the post
they even stated they dont give a flying fuck about myoreps and they throwed it in just for fun


Wtf how ray williams is so good squatter.


"Do some curls and pushdowns" doesnt get people interested

You have to be really slow on the uptake to think that guy is natty.

He fat :D

cheating by bouncing off of belly

do some myoreps with them doesnt get me interested aswell tbf
just train

I curl in the squat rack and I feel no shame.

>muh time efficient training
You are not that fucking busy. Shut the fuck up.

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I've been to gym same time with Bull and he is a top tier comedian.

Yeah but is it productive training that offers anything better then the "regular way" of doing 3-4 sets if 8 or whatever?


That is what i am thinking. Feigenbum said in one of the podcasts that when he worked as a personal trainer he would throw in core work that he considered to be mostly fluff just so the clients would get an intense burn and DOM's in their abs so they could say that they had worked hard and felt that was productive. "omg the burn i got!!"

The first 4 weeks use myo reps, then after that it changes to 3-4 set of 8. I am thinking i am just gonna do that from the get go.

How imporant is core work?
>pic related

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>igenbum said in one of the podcasts that when he worked as a personal trainer he would throw in core work that he considered to be mostly fluff just so the clients would get an intense burn and DOM's in their abs so they could say that they had worked hard and felt that was productive. "omg the burn i got!!"

Based, I am starting like this Feigenbaum dude.


Thats normal for PT, people that need PT dont want some boring routines, they want that sweet B U R N

Yeah but then when you get their fucking templates and he put the fluff in there for you to do it so you can be the dumbass that goes "omg those myoreps fucked my chest up good with the insane pump and that abb work omg man!!"

that is not cool

>How imporant is core wor
Ask sean.

If you can't do a hanging leg raise and bring your feet to the bar, you shouldn't do anything with axial loading.

Do you guys wear underwear under your gym tights or no

wrong thread pal

Oi slut when we playing games?

Missed the initial plops and splashes of this Norman khan disposal so I’ll just write that I am currently disposing some Norman khan

First of the year!

There's a study that says, in regards to hypertrophy, the only reps that matter are the last few hard ones when your muscles are fatigued.
i.e. in a 10 rep set only the last 4 drive muscle growth.
Myo reps used so you can do those last 4 reps over and over in a short amount of time.
Essentially doing 6 sets worth of useful volume in a minute.

That's the idea behind it, whether any of it is true I don't know.
I'm not sure which came first, the research which then myo reps were based off.
Or if myo reps were originally bro science that got studied.
I'll try find the study.

How important is core work?

Why don’t you make a New Years resolution to stop being a fucking loser and leaving the kid shit in the past

Do you fatties ever use chains on your deadlift?

yakob is a pedo and czarny had a tiny dick

There’s good core work and then there’s bad core work, so you gotta work that into your equation

Do you have any personal recommendations you would give to someone after LP which is different from The Bridge?

can you recommend me some lifting documentaries? I've seen pumping iron, generation iron.

That’s stupid useless Westside shit

How is it useless? Makes you have to contract your muscles harder at the very least

What is good core work? What do you do?

Anyone train at S&S barbell in brooklyn nyc?

Nice try homicide-rapist.

nice try se*an

I recommend going to the gym and training whats weak.

Upper/lower 2x a week each.

Imagine reading books and shit instead of just lifting, eating well, resting and lifting harder the next day.

Sorry meant to say pointless, just add more plates and do more volume to progress

Pretty much just planks and stability shit at this point, if I wasn’t injured I’d probably be doing that shit where you hang from a bar in the air and raise your legs to point in front of you to form a 90 degree angle and repeating those for reps, only cause it got me a completely shredded six pack in 30 days

Very cute user they're good shoes

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Why don't you make one to get some friends?

I don’t want friends they’re for the weak minded

no, too far away from me. looks nice though. i go to harbor fitness, which only has four platforms. there's almost always a wait.

I go to Gold's Gym with 3 platforms and they're always free lmao.

Are you the short pajeet 'coach' at MoC who sumos a whole 2 inches from the ground to lock out?

im your friend bro

tomorrow maybe I need to sober up get back to eating right and to training, 1.5 week of getting trashed is about to end

How was your training? Were there lot of NYEfag sin the gym?

This is my lSt day of holiday

You take that back motherfucker

>went back to full body training yesterday
>DOMS like crazy from the heavy squats
>deadlifts today
>didn't sleep great last night

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Isley mogged by teenager lmao.

jock strap

>Reminder if you get hurt on ph3 you are a little boi. But daddy welcomes you into his harem.

wdm by full body

by metrotech?

Squat/Bench and Deadlift/Bench instead of U/L like I was doing for 2 months

Fucking no user, this thread has people from around the fucking globe, not just from your Mutt neighborhood.

(I wish I was American)

did madman of you actually squated than deadlifted and than some assistances?

Do you have handicap tags on your viper?

If I couldn't do a hanging leg raise, I'd call an ambulance lmao

Not as simple as that
What it is that you perform some reps and sets of a certain exercise and you think you’re all good but then when you’re getting out of your car the next day you feel a slight tinge and then that’s when you know you fucked something up in your rehabilitation processs

That’s what makes recovering from certain injuries difficult because there’s no direct immediate feedback

What did your doctor prescribe for your rehab?

Yes. It was hard.

You're fucking dumb, it's obviously an increasing thing. Second rep is more useful than the first, the third is even more useful, etc. There isn't a hard cutoff.
But you can't only do the last 4 reps of a 10 reps set, you have to do the six other reps before them!

What I just told you

>family is playing cards (which i hate), i have to go to the gym
>mom says "user fill in for me one rounf i have to pee"
>she ends up shitposting on faceberg with her boomer friends for 4 hours
>8 pm, taki g a shit now and then going to the gym
For fuck's sake

imagine doing other stuff, working and fucking your wife afterwards
I bet you drink shit ton of coffe and preworkout

What do you do for fitness? Do you run or anything? If I didn't exercise I'd kys.

Today is the first day I've taken preworkout since my meet. I usually only drink coffee one day a week, 95% of the time is one day on the weekend when the wife and I go out for breakfast. Because I like the taste and like what it does, but I want to make sure that it stimilates me like that every time I drink it.

I drink coffee 3x week, every time hour before training. Seems to give me extra focus and power, but that's probably pure placebo.

Works anyways lol