Boomer Monster or Zoomer Bang?

Boomer Monster or Zoomer Bang?

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Water, you pussy.

neither. Energy drinks are bad for your heart.

roids are bad for your everything and people here seem to be fine with them

Fuck you suck my fucking dick dyel faggot

user please stop using roids

Roid rage

I stick with my Doomer Sip

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I used to drink bang, but i now wonder if it just makes me too aware

Redbull for me

Bang babby here. Monster tastes like ass, Bang tastes like melted jolly ranchers and I'm enough of a sugar addict that it matters to me.

Still only drink 1/day max and only at times I really need the energy, like when I have early work.

I'm a Zoomer and Monster is GOAT.

water nation reporting in

rockstar fruitpunch and the guava are pretty choice

Rockstar tastes like asshole

Rockstar cause its cheap as shit, tastes ok, and is loaded with caffeine.

low in carbs and sugar. None of that fake aspartame or any other cancer causing bullshit. 100 kilocals in the whole thing. $2 each.

I keep 10 of em around

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Bangs are a absolute game changer and monster is on suicide watch

You don't need stimulants to train. Period.

gas yourself

>I'm a zoomer

Kill yourself immediately

>all these people mad because other people on a cantonese spelling bee preparation website drink meme soda

Silly OP, this is the one true Bang's

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>2018 and not eating ass

Stay a virgin

bro if you dont learn to read cursive you can never read the constitution

Barqs you fucking mutt

>the literal dollar store size can

There is no reason to drink monster anymore. They recently rose their prices to match Bang while having inferior flavors and caffeine content.

lol dunno why everyone shills Monster, in terms of caffeine content it's pretty weak at only 130mg per can whereas Bang has 300mg