Studies show that males that pursue fitness inevitably start to lean to the political right...

Studies show that males that pursue fitness inevitably start to lean to the political right. How do I fight that and stay on the right side of history while still making gains?

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Been doing it years and just solidified me as a centrist.

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It's impossible. Having muscle causes testosterone levels to increase.

>the far center

That is the whitest looking person named Ramos I've ever seen.

>not getting johnny bravo on personality test

Wym? Argentina is white.

Beat the system and realize that there is no "right side of history"

>the right side of history
>literally with the world’s greatest mass murders

This. History is written by the victors. And I promise you none of us are winning, here.

Meant to reply to that guy.

>Lift advanced to exceptional on everything.
>Don't care about politics.

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Not all Radical centrists

Yeah, me too. Living in Temperley and white.

History always becomes more left as time goes on. The ways of the right are the ways of primitivism and darwinism, where religion, violence, hierarchy, and traditional gender roles made sense in the laws of the jungle. The ways of the left are the ways of Star Trek, technology, egalitarianism, universal healthcare, post-scarcity economics, and virtual-reality catgirl waifus, where there is no need for genders, race, or physical strength.

t. soiboi

nothing worse than soiboi faggots who think they can lift

>bad grades

They misspelled tendies

>gets robbed and left for dead by a pack of niggers
>gets raped by muslims while waiting for the ambulance
>ambulance takes ages to arrive, due to an over stretched emergency service
>paramedics can't get to you yet as minorities aren't finished and they dont want to go through cultural sensitivity training again
>get to hospital, government states your demographic is not a priority to be seen this month so wait for hours
>see female Indian doctor who nearly kills you because she was fast tracked for no reason other than her demographic, and government needed everyone working in hospital to be equally representative of their goal society
>get discharged
>get charged for hate crimes by police because a Muslim hurt his dick inside you
>go to prison, get murdered by spics because you're white

Im looking forward to this star trek utopia, we know that this is what we will get.

>mass murderers on the right side of history
U wot

I've never seen someone disagree with a post and prove it right so well

>a-any day now, libs!
>y-you'll see!

I absolutely agree, but I think to achieve that we need to kill all white males first. they rule and control the entire world and are at the very center of teh patriarchy.

>religion and hierarchy
>laws of the jungle
Those are literally what pulled us out of the jungle user. Social engineering is a farce.

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This but unironically

This but ironically

>being a shitty fence sitter

This but post-ironically

This but post-unironic-society

Don’t confuse winning side of history with right side of history.

wanna know how i know you get your worldview from cherrypicked and specifically targeted news and websites
99% of all the "SJW" shit is incredibly overblown, exaggerated or misrepresented
the rest is megaphoned to all hell as an example of what leftism is
keep licking that boot of the corporations that don't give a shit about you.

But user, everything he said was true.

Exactly, right wing/fascist factions have won wars, that doesn't mean they were right. This user knows what's up.

Do you actually feel good shutting down such an obvious joke? His are far from the most legitimate reasons why SJW's are not overblown. Being embedded in education and being able to bully the news media, Hollywood, and literally the government of the united states. That is not overblown, an exaggeration, or a misrepresentation.


Seriously, if you don't get raped by Muslims everyday waiting for the bus you're lying.

I do

>the american government is left wing
oh i am laffin

But user I didn't say anything about how great our corporate overlords are. Where are you getting the bootlicking from? I'm the second poster in this thread and I think I'm centrist because I'm an unhinged paranoid fuck who distrust every form of state equally. Also:
>Falling this hard for the bait

disregard this, i'm hungover as fuck and cant read

Fuck, I wish.

It's okay, i structured the sentence a little weirdly.

Once you've realized that only you are responsible for your gains, and you hate gains goblins, your world view will adjust.

Politics tends to be very much " us vs them". To many, centrists don't exist. Rightist consider me a libtard because I'm against theocracy in all forms. To leftists I'm a conservabigot because I'm pro gun. Do you and forget about those that don't matter.

That's a good point. I'm not a centrist because I have strong opinions... but those opinions are mix-and-matched from both sides. This is the main failure of a two-party system. But the truth is that you can get along with people even if your politics disagree. I've got Right and Left wing friends and we get along fine.

>I'm not a centrist because I have strong opinions
>but those opinions are mix-and-matched from both sides
That's what a centrist is. People who are in the middle aren't centrists, they are just weak faggots.

The right is on the right side of history. That's why it's called the right. Also, the Latin word for left is "sinister". Really makes you think...

Good luck.

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The reason I don't call myself a centrist is because the people I've met who DO call themselves centrist have the very stupid "compromise is always correct" mindset. Compromise is rarely correct, and is really only good for placating people when no other agreement can be reached.

Test in the top right?

Big corporations love the song of diversity that way everyone is a potential customer. The spectrum of acceptable public opinion is overwhelmingly left and in Europe is enforced by law. You're the bootlicker you cretin.

>people invested in activity that rewards personal effort are less inclined to support the political gibs faction

what a suprise

Yeah it's pretty fucking annoying how spineless retards have co-opted OUR WORD

>>being a shitty fence sitter
> I value extremes
> Muh tribe

I've been lifting for 9 years still pretty central.

>Big corporations love the song of diversity that way everyone is a potential customer.

Look how well that has worked out for EA and WWE. Trying to force "diversity" and other SJW bullshit has killed their customer base.

So quit flapping your gums and come for it then, pussy. I'll meet you force on force wearing nothing but a plate carrier and a boner.

>thinking modern conservatives are pro theocracy when their standard bearer is DJT
>aligning with liberals ever when you aRe “pro-gun”

>Ramos took about 30 minutes to strangle his mother with his bare hands, investigators said.
>After killing and burying his mother, Ramos called Ceglarek and Porras to help him stage a burglary at his home in an attempt to cover up the crime, investigators said.

wew lad

>implying modern conservatives arent pro theocracy when one of their biggest voting blocs is Evangelicals
>implying this thread isnt off topic

Perfectly balanced, like all things should be.

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>evangelicals are inherently pro theocracy
Separation of church and state is a pretty common sentiment among the right.

Desiring anything but an absolute monarchy with your self as eternal liege is cringe and blue-pilled.
All of life is a cope with this reality.

>The ways of the left are the ways of Star Trek, technology, egalitarianism,
And also 1920s Weimar Germany. The left is so progressive that it's repeating what happened 100 years ago.

I don't understand why lefties bring up star trek.
It's an example of a post scarcity society, it's so non applicable it's hilarious to use it as an actual argument for modern politics.

Technically if you're an extreme centrist, you'd enjoy Fascism. Real fascism not the muh tough guy kind found on the internet. Don't read other people's opinions of it, start with Origins and Doctrine of Fascism by Giovanni Gentile, then The Doctrine of Fascism by Benito Mussolini (it's really short and written for the working class so if you're ADD, start here). Then finish off with Codex Fascismo, the authoritative text of modern rebirth of fascism.

Jow Forums hates it because it's a lot harder to explain than practically any ideology, and not obsessed with race and jews like national socialism.

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Youre right. We should spend our tax dollars importing lots of muslims and align with them to outvote evangelicals. They are quite secular.

The world isn't ready for this pill yet user.

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Have you been living under a rock? Lol

>>mass murderers on the right side of history
>U wot

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Link to tests please OP?

>keep licking that boot of the corporations that don't give a shit about you.
Big business is center-left, you cretin.

Utopias don't work in the real world, so they have to look at fiction for an example.

read The Invisibles

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Except the Federation isn't even a utopia. It's pretty much if the United States drafted it's constitution after the advent of effectively infinite energy production.

This is the most fedora tippy thing I've read yet.

be a non-democratic socialist or communist. it's only western liberalism that has an extreme aversion to violence and physical power, though you won't make many friends because the entire modern left spectrum is controlled by libs as opposed to comms