Fit's Opinion of Operation Werewolf?

What is fit's opinion of Operation Werewolf and Paul Waggener. For those unfamiliar, here is a quote from their website.

Mixing together equal parts fight club, strength regimen, motorcycle club and esoteric order, Operation Werewolf is more than the sum of its parts. It is not an organization, but an organism- living and breathing by its tenets and watchwords, “Iron and Blood.”

Operation Werewolf is a lifestyle, one of constant self-overcoming and hardship. You operatives know that today’s effort is tomorrow’s reward, and that one must always strive to outdo themselves- each day must be lived as though it is Ragnarok, each hour the last one of our lives.

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a homo nazi biker cult
How cute

>so hard ore
>check out our website


>betas larping as tough guys and doing MGTOW

I think they're affiliated with Jack Donovan somehow. His book was actually a good read. He's gay but is more masculine than 3/4 of the guys I know.

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gay and cringepilled

this whole psuedo philosophical vanity disguised as self improvement shit is getting on my nerves and quite frankly we're gonna have to start revoking peoples man cards for falling for this shit

its the 2014 manly hipster crisis all over again.

this is from a guy who simply rides his motorcycle fast, to work and around the hills to unwind, and pumps iron because i like looking good
leave us the fuck alone

I'm gay and I don't find this appealing. So basically this seems like the masc gay version of that guy who posts threads about wearing short shorts in public who has electrolysis'd legs.

Fem4fem gay is masterrace since we discard the empty promises of heteronormativity.

Enjoy being a slave to your manipulative roastie whore!

Do you wear short shorts?

>operation ____
>equal parts fight club,
> tenets and watchwords, “Iron and Blood.”

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He doesn't speak very highly of gays in that book so he's not too bad