Uni Thread

Post your uni, get a lifting buddy, meet hot local autists in your area now

This school’s way too big for me to be the only one, I know one of you autists go here.

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who else Princeton?

One more shot for NY.

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Boston University?

Hardly ever seen a cyclone on here.
CPRE here.


We’ve probably seen each other in Stephens

IU sucks
I graduated like 3 years ago though

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Sup bro
ME reporting

I know plenty of people who go here but I dont

State or Lied?
I've been lifting at my work's gym recently, usually go to State since it's just down the road for me.

Part of me peruses these threads to make friends with similar interests
Part of me also hopes I get to hookup with a hot fit autist
Either way there's never anyone who goes to my uni

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I go to state most of the time for the freeweights but I use my apartment's gym when it works for my routine.
Been dying to hit the gym since I've been home for break.

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Where my vols at?
>tfw work schedule wont let me lift in based hper

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Me too. Still in Indy?

always worked out at parents home gym, but trying out the campus gym when semester starts up again

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reminder that you're small unless you lift at JO North/South

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Shoutout to the one other dude who goes here and posts here

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You ready for the NY crowd tomorrow and especially next week?

I usually wear a red Eddie Bauer graphic t-shirt and I'm fairly tall too. If you ever see me at State say hey.

JO south represent

IU's retarded hippy cousin reporting in

forgot to add image

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Where do you lift op? I'm a junior and all my buddies lift in the WIC basement. Comfy vibes down there

Gonna start here in the fall, just about done with ivy tech, gonna get half off tuition.

Any tigerfags here? Save the dots!

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rsf or memorial stadium?

RSF. Shame the main weight room is closed until the 12th, though.

see you next monday with 1 million guys benching sub 2 plates

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SRSC, too used to squatting with mirrors, WIC is good for everything else though. My first semester here as a grad student, how the fuck’s a guy supposed to make friends around here.

I actually won't be lifting until February thanks to some health shit. The crowds will be cleared by then I hope

I'm sure it's a little more awkward for a grad student so I can't relate totally, but I'd say FAC at killroys, other bars, and the basketball courts are a good place to meet random people.
I'm in a fraternity so that makes things easier for me


Rutgers, anyone?

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ayy 3rd year tigerfag here

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go cougs

how'd it feel getting beat by wazzu at the alamobowl?

good job taking down UW in the rose bowl today

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Same bro, hopefully I never see you

same. definitely not ready for the new years resolutioners, the gym is too crowded as is

>going into debt for a worthless education when you wouldve made more money working

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t-thanks you too

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>IU sucks
>goes to Purdue

Whats your major?

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how is the gym there and the place in general? thinking of applying their for grad school because colorado seems like a comfy state. does it smell like weed?

Imagine being a shelf stacker at wallmart at 50, making 10$ an hour.

Yeah you have more money early, but its all about late game.

there* fuck me

fuck this shitty ass place

whats wrong with it?

>he couldnt get into columbia

what's right with it? average student is either a social activist or some faggot striver poor who despite going full tryhard still weren't smart to get into an actual good school

nigga just put in work in high school and get full tuition or full ride it aint that hard

middle of nowhere, shit tier school with "ivy" being its only merit. I wish that I hadn't been accepted.

other than the flukes, everybody is disillusioned with having settled. If anybody is considering Cornell as an option, don't.

I fuck heavy with the WIC.

Can't wait for the rezzers to swarm it

I recall last year when I went down there it was so crowded and humid I started sweating before I even did a single exercise

It’s so fucking warm down there at all times I can’t deal with it during the summer months

Also what the fuck is there to do around here besides the bars

RSF. It takes forever to get anything done at memorial with its lmao3racks.

I'm not in town at the moment, but would you be interested in meeting up and getting lunch or something at some point? I'm dyel as fuck and none of my friends are into any kind of physical fitness. Also kind of curious to see what Jow Forums posters are like irl

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keele. will be at the gym today dont talk to me pls lmao

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Any loughboroughfags go to Powerbase/Dynamite?

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anyone from sdsu planning on going to the gym before the spring semester cause I sure as hell aint

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Moved to dirty south for a job
Purdue's the best school in the state tbhfam
I got my degree in nuclear engineering

I’m at Rutgets too!

някoи фит тyк?

I go to IUS

Any Hawkeyes here? Iowa checking in

Betting a 100 (EGP) there are no other Cairo University students here.

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There's a gook behind this post


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Any brisbane bois?
QUT here

Eew I just moved ot of Oklahoma, I went to OSU
Germanna reporting in, just taking a few classes until I can qualify for out of state tuition

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Do you have separate Abbo and white gyms?

sorry to hear that

Nah we just chuck em in the abo pit

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I doubt anyone from there is here but what the heck

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lf gym buddy

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based and abbopilled. Whenever I'm in Australia, I get pissed off when I see Flubbawubbanoonga bitching about whitey in literally every I watch or see.

What’s up boys, aere reporting in

Minnesota Twins Cities?

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UQ here broski, live about 10 minute drive from QUT though. where do you train?

Gym called Quany's mate
fuck if someone here goes to my gym it's gonna be so obvious who I am lmao


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nah i don't go to that one. Only 5 minute drive from my house lmao. What are your lifts?

My guy

They're shit. 45kg OHP 75kg bench 100 squat 135 diddly but stopped squatting and diddlying because legs keep blowing up and getting massive.

Why tf not. When are you back in town?

80kg ohp, 105 bench, 140 squat, 170 diddie, but my back is fucked so i can't squat reeee. You got good proportions for your lifts though, should train together sometime (no homo)

Ayyy man what's up?

sick ohp breh. I miss squatting too, wish it just didn't blow up my quads so fast. You got discord? Add "C H A D I N E M#2841" nohomo

Just got aaccepted to UNT and UTD. How are the gyms?

Oy vey!

At Southampton, but not at main gym anymore. Overcrowded as fuck

r a r e

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pink clips?

Luminy, pretty sure I won't find anyone but I'll try anyway

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lol no Im a different autist. he has a pretty big ohp tho