/plg/ - powerbloating general

Seasons greetings edition

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bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.

nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".

bench. press. is. king.

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Fuk u mine wuz betr

redpill me on JM Presses

Best country in the history of the world.

better than nothing, worse than just about everything else you could do for triceps.

here ill post again to trigger that user
w2c 13mm belt in eu :^)

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but the guy that made them looks huge

>redpill me on JM Presses
Accessory exercise selection is not as important as the consistency of work over time.


You need a few accessories to look better and help mental health
So you dont get depressed when the manlets lifting half what you lift look better than you and girls like em better

just choose something. 531 (choose demanding template) , 5th set (run as 4x week UL) and twiceborns hepburn (with something else for deadlift) are programs you can run forever.

steroids will do that, yes.

How many mchickens have you eaten this week? I think im on 11

>thor pressed 200 with just a tiny bit of knee bob, almost strict
Holy shit

>good lifts
>jealous ex
>no comps this year
would you do plg? also isley, you jealous?

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>doing 20 rep squats
>feel it in legs at start, lower back only in latter reps
>what gives
any advice?

"Isley" is on mong's shirt though. Also find a comp to do and hatefuck/extort a threesome out of your ex.

Weight is too heavy for 20 reps because you're getting tired and form is breaking down, so either lower weight or do less reps.

This is bad advice and know it fatso

looking to hit my goals, of which a comp would interfere. It's planned for 2020 though, got to think long term.

Nah, I'm not going near her. Too much shit there. She posted on insta 2 months ago a pic i took of her wearing my tee (which is still in my drawers) and her sister added me on snapchat asking how i was for her about a month ago, No thanks.

I'd agree, should I give up and go to full Smolov though or continue until I get used to 20 rep squats.

Getting with any ex isn't good.

How do you know if a girl is just listening to you, or is genuinely uninterested and wants you to stop talking?

>I cant imagine how you must have felt
>I hope you're okay
>thank god
>that must have sucked

Like, these don't continue the conversation CUNT

just saw the ex is inserting herself into every faucet of my life i might live outside of my work. Hmm.

If she’s saying that stuff she either doesn’t care or she does care and is a moron. Either way drop her. Or alternatively stop boring the women you like with your incessant whining. Nobody cares about the shit you’re going through besides you.

Nah, it's a great thing to do.

There's no reason not to do a meet. Doesn't your training allow for regularly being able to test your maxes?

Should I do a 24hr fast during a bulk?

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Girl aren't men.

>Tell her to go to dinner with you
>Listen to her
>Be handsome and charasmatic
>Put bemis in berginer

It's worked 100% if the time for me.

Just for the record I was talking about some surgery I had, not whining, she asked about it and I explained what happened. So it bugged me.

you were winning about your foot on her every fucking day and you did the same to a girl in real life

kys dino, this isn't soc, fuck off

Actually I had to have surgery on my shoulder after fucking up Húsafell Stone carries

Nice e-celeb blog

can someone rp me on assistance exercises. i seriously don't get how doing something like dips is more beneficial to increasing your bench than just benching more. the only case i can see is for deadlifts since recovery is an issue

easy: you've got shit lifts and aren't anywhere close to needing assistance exercises since you can still benefit from linear progression.

guys how much time should I rest after a comp? I want to try sheiko for the first time and I want to be as rested as possible withput losing strengt

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Wendlers 5/3/1 for MMA has you only lift twice a week

Will I become small and weak if I switch to this?
Want to start doing bjj 2-3x a week

t. shit squat, deadlift, bench press, standing press, clean and jerk, snatch, push press, bicep curl, 40y dash time, vertical leap, broad jump, posture, Wonderlic score, mental health, body, IQ, card tricks, slapshot, fashion sense, hygiene, opinion of self, job (jk you don't have a job LMSIOATTOYDCFYPTCSYFTSS [Laughing My Sides Into Oblivion At The Thought of you Desperately Crying For Your Parents To Come Save You From This Sphincter Searing]), value to society, education, future, existence.

I knew your bitch-made jabroni ass was waiting until I left to post your embarrassing cope. Not only are you too pussy to post it when you know you'll be immediately BTFO'ed, you're too stupid to learn that I'll always just come back later and BTFO you anyway.

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Do whatever you want. If you have that kind of doubt then try running a regular strength program alongside your bjj and see firsthand why it doesn't work well.

>Nah, I'm not going near her. Too much shit there.

Good call, Brocho Cinco. Distance yourself from the Thot Menace and focus on walking the solitary Path of the Swole. And ignore MA, he fell to the Loving Family meme long ago.

what does “FIG” stand for
fat incontinent grannies?

>Wendlers 5/3/1 for MMA has you only lift twice a week

You can probably get away with 2 times a week. I'd recommend 3. Regardless, anything that remotely resembles 5/3/1 is going to be shit for whatever you're doing, no matter how many days per week you're doing it.

>Will I become small and weak if I switch to this?

Pretending for a moment that you aren't already small and weak, does low volume lifting only twice a week sound like something that would make you small and weak? Of course it does. Don't do it.

It was originally FIGJAM, based on a story I heard about Phil Mickelson (During a rain delay, a golfer I was playing in a tournament with told me he was friends with an older golfer who was briefly on Tour back in the 90s. That guy kept hearing people talking about "figjam" in the locker rooms. Confused, he pulled someone aside and asked who the hell figjam was. He was told it was Phil Mickelson, because "Fuck I'm Good, Just Ask Me." He, of course, was actually very good, I adopted the handle with a sort of ironic, avant garde neo-post-moderist detachment as a sort of barbell elevating, shitposting performance piece).

Then someone suggested I go by the current name, as a joke that I'm about as shit as S*an. Which was just too much dickery to pass up.

ahhh i see
well fuck, are you good?

what do you recommend if I want to do BJJ 2-3x a week then?

I'm 5'10 165, looking to add 10lbs and I'm genuinely thinking of making a kettle bell, calisthenics and weighted dips/pull up routine. thoughts on this please

you will at the very least maintain unless you lose weight

why does plg hate 531

because its not a powerlifting program and is made for non spergs who have a life outside lifting

>this obsessed, fat manlet

remember: THIS is who's behind this cringe inducing trip.

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>well fuck, are you good?

Only at squats. That's why it's ironic.

>I'm genuinely thinking of making a kettle bell, calisthenics and weighted dips/pull up routine. thoughts on this please

Kettlebells are stupid, and MMA fags are just marks that kettlebell manufactures use to print money. Some wrestling/grappling specific calisthenics is probably a good idea (especially if you can do some neck related training for grappling and avoiding getting KTFO'ed). Dips and chin ups are useful for any strength training regimen.

But otherwise, outside of specific MMA practice and conditioning workouts, your strength training should be done the way pretty much every other fucking athlete does it. With barbells and dumbbells, doing squats and presses and deadlifts and so on. I hear Daniel Cormier can deadlift 600 lbs. No idea if that's true, but he'd be a much more dangerous fighter if he could do that rather than only deadlifting 500 lbs. Of course, he's also a fat fuck. If you're going to be 175 lbs, a LMAO4PLAYT deadlift is something realistic that you probably need to be able to do.

>barely bodyweight

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doing a bench lads

>could have been born as anyone, anywhere and anytime in existence
>born in the greatest country in the history of the world as a straight white male who's not a gde
Anyone else know this feel?

>born in the greatest country in the history of the world as a straight white male
oh yes i know this feel
>who's not a gde
uhhhhhh i just started angrybovine 5x5 so i guess we’ll see?

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What bench only program should I run?
Im over smolov jr

Unless you are cutting weight for a fight, you are fine with any normal program.
BJJ isn't even that demanding physically after the first few weeks imo.
It's like cardio, you'll get used to it pretty fast.

One of the nuckles 3x
sheiko might have a bench only program.

Guys my right knee crackles when I squat/deadlift. It's not a pop but the sound of two things grinding together. It doesn't hurt at all but should I be worried?

What’s your 20rm squat?

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Did 90kgx26 once, Thought i was gonna puke by the end

Did 110x25 once which is weird because I can barely squat 160

Dont know and dont care.

Did 140kg ages and ages ago. And never tried since. I wonder if I can do it with 180kg.

Tfw I thought you really liked fig jam. :(

>go to commercial gym
>noticeable increase in thots doing grace fit banded whatever in gymshark leggings already
It ain’t bad tBh lads

>thinkpad x220/x230

I can only buy 2 of these right now.

Titan THP wrist wraps any good at 50cm size? Or can you recommend me something else?

easy choice, shoes and belt

b-but muh Jow Forums memes

I’ve always used myprotein for whey but everyone says it’s shit. Seeing as it’s time to reorder what’s a good protein brand? (UK)

likely if you try hard

Do you think its shit? If you like it why listen to anyone
Its cheap protein breh
I tried bulkpowders only so far and liked it with milk but hated it with water

How long to get used from one belt to another?
So if I buy a pioneer one and somehow get strong enough to compete and need a new one how long would it take?


All the top spots are for women. Does wilk points favor women?

TBh I assumed it might have something t do with the purity or stated protein per 100g or something. It ranks high on labdoor from a quick google but I’ve no idea how independent that is. Taste and price wise it’s fine for me

if you want legit guaranteed non spiked protein just eat real food

I do for the most part, protein powder just makes up for when I’m feeling particularly lazy / forgot to buy meat. Tbh for the amount I use it I imagine it’s probably a nominal difference between the “good” and the “bad”, was just a bit curious.

>Wendlers 5/3/1 for MMA
It's a good option. There isn't much else out there that isn't gimmicky.

>Inb4 fagpawg


Embarrassing bench press and deadlift
Watches pro wrestling
Doesn't have sex or love life
Jacks off to cartoons
Played rugby and golf
Thinks that 20 sets of squats is a good program for athletes

>Jim Wendler
Coaching gdes for 20+ years
Degree in English/creative writing
Played football
Elite lifter
Volunteers coaching HS football
Turned HS football team from losers to one of the best teams on Ohio.
Has sex.
Loves life.

Did you never own a baseball glove? It's leather. You will know when it is worn out, but it lasts years.


How this retard can be so strong and how he is not hospitalized yet?

>introduce deficit deadlifting
>regular dls start feeling off again
every fukin time i try deficits this happens

either because its because of the deficits or because of the lower freq of regular dls. thought?

Genetics and form was proven to not cause injury per se
>The Relationship Between Training Load and Injury, Illness and Soreness: A Systematic and Literature Review.

What's a good powerlifting belt for beginners (brand/model)?

Well yea its probably 19g per scoop and not 21g of protein
not too big of a deal if you eat good food on top of a few scoops

>born in the greatest country in the history of the world as a straight white male who's not a gde

Congratulations. Enjoy spending your entire life working to produce shit for the ruling class, women, minorities, and gdes to steal.

I did. It was just fun to say.

>physio puts me on program with a ton of banded shit for stability work
>still no sponsorship

are you weak from the floor? If deficits significantly change your pulling angles maybe it's counterproductive

What wrist wraps could you recommend for general use bench and low bar squats? Is 50cm enough?

>are you weak from the floor? If deficits significantly change your pulling angles maybe it's counterproductive

the thing is i dont know if the're beneficial cause you know the angles are slightly different so i go into regular dl with the same angles and obviously that doesnt work

but i cant conclude if it helps or not if my dl form isnt consistent

maybe try doing deficits like your regular dl rather than the other way around. Assistance lifts should be done with a weight that allows for carryover rather than just going heavy

Nah i dont go heavy on them

Let me explain so you can understand better:
>DL 2x a week
>1 day regular DL, which is heavier 1@8, 4@85%, 4@80% for couple sets
>second deficit DL, off of a 15kg bumper which i guess is like 2inches
>1@8, 6@79%, 6@72% for couple of sets these are easy as shit

idk mang my best suggestion would be maintaining consistent back angle for both

I can't get tight on conventional and I don't understand why. I'm like wet spaghetti when I conventional.

If I add deficit or snatch grip, I can get tight.

I just don't get it.

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clearly positioning is off

sometimes i see people setup perfectly, like bar over midfoot and stuff, but their own bodyweigh is not over the midfoot which fucks up mechanics

reeaurggggh IM SO FUCKING STUPID. My fucking snatch grip deadlift is at this point faster and better than my conventional which is like a fucking grind and half with same weight.

I can't grok my upper back in normal setup. I also lose all leg power.

do those weird candito sumo snatch grip deads in competition, you'll be a legend

Are strengthshop belts bad as in they wont last as long from being artificial leather?
Do they still do a good job as a belt like supporting the core or not?

Mine are basically like this. And it's so fucking stupid, same weight on bar, I snatch grip it faster than I conventional it. I feel like a fucking ass fucked retard.

(Vid link: youtube.com/watch?v=wjhwDl916xw)

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>use ab wheel
>actually get sore abs for the first time in my life
nice meme about compound movements working abs

t. obsessed, envious, 3rd world retard.

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Have you watched Duffin's bracing videos? Maybe you are not bracing properly in squat/deadlift variants?

film your regular deadlifts retard

t. sub 3 plate deadlift

>perform an move that strongly targets one area more than others
>feel more soreness there than from a major compound movement

retard finally tries an isolation exercise: the post

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