Talking to parents today about new year's resolutions. I come from a family of overweight, unhealthy, fat people. I tried to get them into health and wellness over christmas by giving them both a gym membership. They seemed fairly happy about it and I felt good for doing it. Today they got pissed at me for bringing up going to the gym and basically told me I have an "unhealthy obsession" with working out. How do you deal with family members who just won't change their fat ways?
Family thinks I work out too much
you don't.
Tell them they’re disgusting to look at, a burden on the healthcare system and you’ll be happy when they die. Worked for me. I mean idk if they fixed their problems they just don’t talk to me anymore which I prefer either way.
But I don't want them to die...anytime soon anyway. They just always tune me out whenever I bring up how much better they would feel if they would change their diet and started moving more. They just snap back with constant fat logic and swear they will go into "starvation mode" if they eat less than 3,000 calories per day.
Some peo0le can't be helped. Others will even try to bring you down to their level, because they don't like seeing become healthier than they are. Both of my friends and I have had that issue with our parents trying to make us stop going to the gym.
damn look at those jiggle physics when she moves her shoulder
That chick is 17 don't fall for it anons
unironically fpbp. fuck them, you are going to the gym for YOU. who gives a FUCK what they think about it, especially when they are lazy pieces of shit who won't do it for themselves.
bottom right corner you tard
Some people are just stubborn like that. If they refuse to make changes for the better, it's their grave they're digging. You really just have to deal with it, probable cancel the memberships you bought.
Also, you fucking retards who lose your shit over a girl with tits-- christ. Calm down you autists.
you're fighting a losing battle user, there's no changing them
if they seem interested, then help them out, but you can't force someone to be interested in something you dont give a shit about. Its like when vegans start telling you about how unethical it is to kill billions of animals every year, but u dont really give a shit so u tune them out
Ignore them. Honestly, it's not that much use trying to force people to change. Maybe show your progress and you'll strike a nerve of insecurity and inspire them. It's how I stay inspired. Dudes at my gym are fucking hot.
Is it her?
16 is legal in my state
It's difficult trying with people like that. Most people truly don't understand that they can better them selves. "Muh no motivation". It's a task that can't really be completed unless your parents decide them selves if they want to. Not much can be done to make them decide. Giving them some statistics can help. Showing them research. But it sounds like they will just ignore that and say it's bull shit. Good luck man.
Tell them they're being retarded
Fuck um. They're a lost cause.
if you really care bro like legitimately care about your family i can try put it into perspective for you. Jow Forums isn't the place to take advice religiously from, most people here hate their parents so I wouldn't listen to their opinions, but you do find some advice here 10% of the time.
If you care then it's going to be a long process, might take months might take years, i suggest starting off with you cooking every tuesday/thursday night or whatever, or you making them lunch with yum but healthy food over a period of time, this will introduce them to good food. Something chicken wraps or something. Then you suggest things like family outings, start with little walks around the block or going to the beach/lake and taking little hikes or maybe playing a social sport?
then once you've kinda convinced them after you've done those things you can introduce them to the gym. they're snappy and grumpy at you because they know they couldn't POSSIBLY lift weights. They probably haven't been active in years so their confidence when it comes to fitness is low as fuck. Just got to take it slow man, its not some overnight thing that'll just make them think "oh yeah sure ill go max out some deadlifts even though i cant touch my toes."
Obviously if they want to do it, it's up to them I get that, but my advice applies to someone who really cares for their family and wants to make an effort, if they don't respond to any of your attempts after that then its really their fault bro not yours. but make an effort before you let these autists here tell you to give up
if u were an adult you wouldn't give a fuck about what ur delusional family thinks. Is mommy gonna pick ur gf too? maybe she still does ur bed and washes ur clothes u fucking degenerate
>How do you deal with family members who just won't change their fat ways?
you don't, all my family members are overweight, they just don't care, my mom even has diabetes and I'm convinced one of my uncles wants to commit suicide stuffing himself with food
>come from a family of overweight, unhealthy, fat people
I think you know what to do
How would this information put anyone off?
Fat ppl tend to be competitive, say shit like dad you cant curl 100 lbs or bench 200, be creative, also they like to think they know everything, throw facts at them. Get creative. Or just lift in front of them. Say wooo like rick flare, fat fucks love wrestling.
seconding this. My family is overweight af, myself included now unfortunately (thanks to my gf if I'm being honest, but she wants to lose a little weight now too so it's about to get better. I started my diet a few weeks ago too) but anyway, when I was going hard as fuck in the gym nobody gave a fuck, up until they wanted to lose some weight too. Now they dodge the gym every chance they get and my mom especially refuses to believe anything I tell her in favor of all the facebook science and wive's tales she reads about, despite my last gym kick resulting in me losing 60 pounds in 6 months. My brother is making steady progress at least because he's way more open, but he's losing weight to get a gf so he'll balloon back up by the end of next year.
plz gimme a gf like her in 2019 I need it I will take good care of her plz this is the year im gonna fix myself gimme her plz i would love her forever and be good plz gimme
I think yall r fat n shit
thousand cock stare right there
Man if you were my brother and you bought me a gym membership and offered to help me out I'd have mad respect for you. I don't think that them not changing their fat ways is the main problem rn though, it's that they discourage you from going to the gym. I dont think theyll ever change user, but you shouldnt let that stop you
Impressive body but this girl is plain stupid doing this meme singing the whole time.
OPEE, I'm glad you're good people and care for others but have mind that things like these are hard. One cannot simply change people's mind, specially when they're old and have been doing the same things for years.
The problem is not the body, the issue lies in the mind.
I suggest you insist but that's all
Keep trying they’ll come to understand eventually
so realistic!
>imagine living in the land of the "free"
>unhealthy obsession about health
Parents and sister call me unhealthy because I work out too much in their eyes. Meanwhile they are overweight and eat unhealthy food constantly. Honestly, fuck them. Part of the reason I hardly ever go back home to my parents' place. Don't be seduced by the gains goblin OP
post moar desu
You can't help people who don't want to be helped.
Stop talking about it and go on your own without saying anything.
Monkey see, monkey do. Inspire them with actions, not words. You will never convince a fatty, you can only show him how good life is in a healthy body and make him think about his choices.
kek, i envy your freedom of speech but thats about it
>an insane obsession with being sane
it can work, if you are obsessed you can still do it wrong. but we know ops family are just fat and lazy
i feel you, you want them to want to change
as far as i see theres two ways and its
you coax them into it and they like it and etc. shit goes from there, they may or may not build a dependency on you to go to the gym
secondly, they see how good you've gotten, want a bit of that, make a bit of progress on their own and then really want you to help out
whast did i just say idk im not rereading
my fat mother kept trying to give me dietary advices untill I told her
>mom you're not in position to give dietary or fitness advices to anyone
and she never did again.
Felt bad desu. Shes not a bitch, just uneducated in this field...
Offer to meet them in the middle.
You will work out less if they work out more.
>thousands of cocks
>none of them was mine
Why even live
This, you can't help people that do not want your help.
Some people just don’t want to be helped.
Anecdotal evidence: I tried for years to motivate my dad to at least go for a walk every day and cut down on the booze, let alone do any regular exercise. Didn’t want to listen. He’s 73, had two strokes last year, can barely walk because of it and is probably gonna kick the bucket in the next 2-3 years. Sad, but quite frankly not my problem anymore.