Protein bars that aren't literal fucking candy?

I know that it's better to get your protein through your daily diet and shit, and I'm usually pretty good about that, but sometimes I just need something quick and easy if I'm out of the house all day or just pretty busy. This is where the problem arises; almost every protein bar I've come across is designed and marketed at FUCKING RETARDED LAND WHALES who think that because they're eating something slightly higher in protein, that it's good for them. I can just imagine some overweight, basic bitch 170 lb dogmom plopping her fat ass down on the couch, putting on orange is the new black and popping like 5 of pic related in one sitting. Just the thought of this makes me furious that the people who fall for this marketing breathe the same air as me. same goes for gatorade but I'll save u another paragraph.

So what are some Jow Forums approved protein bars that aren't marketed toward fatties?

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>protein bars

Don't even fucking bother m8. Most of them, as you said, are literal candy bars. Not only this, but most of them contain s o y.

Just stick with a good old whey protein shake, milk, low fat greek yogurt (higher protein) and whole foods, you can easily get all your protein needs that way. It's also less expensive.

If you aren't a fatty I don't see the problem with eating some nature valley protein bars. I love salted caramel ones but I can afford to because I'm lean and I obviously don't gorge the whole packet.

Anyway if you're in the UK, Pulsin make high protein snacks that are actually healthy.
The yellow ones are quite delicious.

just take 0 carb 0 fat greek yogurt if you are too autistic to eat a single protein bar

I loved those gatorade bars when I was a fatty. Lost a lot of weight when I switched to Quest bars.

Kirkland has god tier protein bars with like 1g of sugar. If worse comes to worst you can make your own.

Did u read the post? I said that I usually do get my proteins from real foods, but sometimes need the convenience of protein bars, hence why I'm looking for ones to keep around that aren't junk

Any thoughts on Pure Protein brand? Their fucking cheap and have a lot of protein especially for the size of the bar but I'll be honest I haven't really looked in to anything past that

Birthday cake Quest bars are delicious.

I like the proteing CLIF bars. Yeah it's got like 21g or so of sugar for 20g protein but I don't eat any other sugary shit and I'm on a bulk so who gives a fuck.

A lot of it's incomplete protein like gelatin

Red pill me on Gatorade, user. I thought it was good for you to drink when doing long sporting activities?

Unless you're running a fucking marathon or competing in a triathlon, you don't need the extra electrolytes. Most people get enough salt in their diet that water would end up working just as well. Fatties will go 10 minutes on the elliptical and then guzzle that shit like it's some kind of fucking medicine, it's sickening how much sugar some people unknowingly pump into their bodies because they think it's healthy in some way.

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Hmm thanks user, any recommendations for something priced reasonably?

I eat one of those per day. I'd love to have a whey shake each day instead, but they ruin my fucking stomach. Plus, Builder's Bars are tasty enough that I look forward to eating one between lunch and dinner. Worth the sugar for me.

>take whey
>take oats
>take glue
>glue it all together in the form of a bar

i mean i love quest bars, especially as a dessert. heated up brownie quest bars are so good like legit taste like a regular 600 calorie brownie. i'll usually eat a chocolate chip one after my workout because i get hungry super quick

I’ll have to try this next time

broccoli has a fuck ton of protein just buy bags of precut broccoli from the store.

Can vouch that quest bars are indeed good. Decent protein ratio and not too much unnecessary shit. OP I would honestly go with pre packaged protein shakes if I were you. You can get some pretty good store brand ones at wal mart. 160 kcal with 30g protein. They're as portable as a bar and don't need to be refrigerated unless you open them.

Protein bars are just onions/whey/pea protein held together with artificial sugar. They are ridiculously overpriced to boot.
Just eat some nuts or fruit if you want a snack and wait to get your protein from a proper meal.

Make your own unironically

actually have tried w a few quest bar flavors and it's made them a lot better, just dont do it for more than like 20 seconds. i heard the lenny and larry's cookies are good heated but i don't really eat them cause they seem pretty high cal for what you get

what do you mean they ruin your stomach? I'm taking the double rich chocolate right now, anything I should know?

You made me want to puke. At least get your veg protein from black beans, you won't have to eat 10 kg of micro-trees.

Oh, I'm just very sensitive to it. Had loose BMs and my stomach always hurt for months till I realized it was my daily whey shake doing it. Was def just shitting it all out very soon after drinking.

You're fine if it's not bothering you.

Not this guy but out of curiosity, how much protein was in those shakes. I know whey can do that and I think I've experienced it before but I got back on it recently and try to take 15g max at once. Don't have any issue so far but I think more could do it.


The Costco brand from Costco is 190 calories, no sugar, 66% fiber. I could not cut without them.

I drink it on an empty stomach before I start working out, but I actually can't tell if that is better than drinking after working out based on all the theories so I just drink b4 lifting on empty stomach

Working out while you're digesting is always a bad idea imo.

luna bars and rx bars are okay i think

I dont care what anyone says those nature valley bars are fucking delicious

Fitx crunch. 300 caps an 30gs. Eat two bars and that’s 600 cals and 60 gs

I felt that way until I got short headaches while working out after drinking my shake

MyProtein oats and whey protein bars when they have 40-50% off. 22p 38c (3g sugar) 9f

Cliff bars and jerky are my go-to's

It's literally just water with sugar and salt. You're better off eating a banana or something.

It’s so easy and cheap to make your own beef jerky that there’s no reason to ever eat a quest bar. Stuff keeps for weeks and can be eaten on the go just as easily as any of these candy bars. You might be amazed how cutting out the “little here little there” sugar allowance makes a difference. 0 sugar daily is ideal and easily doable. But anyway, ya, make your own beef jerky. YouTube has many good vids on the subject.

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Nobody is disagreeing with you. It's LITERALLY a candy bar with onions protein in it. That's the point of the thread.