Tfw 5'10

>tfw 5'10

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jesus I feel his pain

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>never gonna learn

You're not meant to learn. You're meant to COPE.

As the great Elliot Hulse says: God doesn't make mistakes

>When will they learn

hey tranny, can i join your discord?

>ywn be picked up by Chad’s big strong hands
God I wish that were me

>implying I'm a tranny and not just cute

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At that point the only thing you can do is swing. If you let yourself get man-handled like that you either go home with your tail between your legs and seriously consider what kind of man you are, or you stand up for yourself.

honestly in this situation just start swinging. grab something, do whatever, even if you get your ass beat. that shit is just straight up bullying

how do you not immediately ring this dudes bell?

What does he havein his hands?

this is the type of dude that would get cheap shotted in the parking lot and suffer permanent brain damage and his family would start a gofundme saying "he was a christian kid trying to help others"

hahahahaha. i've been to too many college bars, I know dudes just like this

looks like a phone
he's turned around too, dude could have got the nicest sucker punch


any stories?

Unless there's some kind of context I'm not seeing here, like the dude asked a few times if he could squeeze in to get a drink order in or something... Just clock the motherfucker. 100% justified. No one is allowed to violate you like that and then ignore you, with his chin angled perfectly to go lights out when you throw a hand at it.





Learn to rock someone's socks off.

First thing I noticed from that little bit there.
>Guy picks up and moves him
>1st charge. Assault.

My buddy is almost a head shorter than I am. His wife is gorgeous and taller than him by at least 3 inches. If King Kong here had touched him he would have been hanging off that guys neck like a fatty going after a caramel apple at the county fair. I would never get into a fight with him. He would reck me. I'm a 6' 3" lanklet. Be intimidating.

Donkey Kong is aiming to get a beer bottle smashed on the back on his noggin.

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though it's likely there is some outside context considering the perfectly timed filming of the event.

Do you think you could still get away with smashing a beer bottle on him and then just running out of there before the cops come or just to sucker punch him?

tons. I worked as a bouncer at a handful of college bars and these dudes ALWAYS come in.

>naturally big from puberty
>usually intimidate dudes smaller than them
>act super cocky like OP's video
>end up getting kicked out or out in the parking lot calling girls whores that didn't hook up with them
>one of the dudes they talked shit to will hit him with a brick or something when he's not looking
>get stomped out
>get literal brain damage that requires intensive surgery
>family will start a gofundme saying he was misunderstood and post a random pic of him helping someone with down syndrome
>talks through a tube the rest of his life

this almost exact scenario has happened 10-15 times in the 5 years I was working security.

good luck reaching his head, manlet

At that point it doesn't matter. He invaded your space. Do a favor and invade his.

I'm telling you, you put even a playful punch on his chin at that angle and he's going to sleep.


>Manlet stands at bar on his phone without ordering drinks
Chad was right to move him out of the way desu

interesting. ive been in fights but i never knocked someone out nor have I been knocked out. Is it really that easy? I'm not a trouble maker I just live in the city and had to take public transport home from school back in the day

I would literally buy that man a beer if I saw that shit.

Yes. There’s a reason boxers tuck their chins.

This kind of shit also explains why if women select for aggressive, large and "alpha" males, that we aren't all hulking chads. Being a cunt is a numbers game, you are just rolling the dice until you run into somebody who can throw a punch or is just crazy enough to stab you or hit you from behind.Chad can't fuck your bitch with his head caved in, so to speak.

My pops used to call it "ring their bell". Essentially (this is my layman interpretation of what I believe the mechanism is so take with salt) when you hit someone on the chin at a side angle it causes an erratic jerk motion that causes their head to shake back and forth, like a bell, which if done hard enough will rattle their brain in their scull which is what happens to cause people to get knocked out.

>"Yo dude record that manlet over there, I'm going to pick him up and take his spot at the bar it'll be so funny".

third option: don't let the gorilla man's antics throw you. just shrug it off and go on your merry way

hey louie

>Just be a passive little beta dude
You're ignoring the fact that he just wanted to get drinks, now he needs to wait till there's a spot open before talking to the barman again. Wasting his own time.
Imagine going the shop, going in the queue and when you get to the front of the queue someone just picks you up and puts you at the back of the queue, that's exactly what's happening here.

I am always confused in these situations. sure, the guy's being an asshole. but getting permanently paralyzed because you got drunk and screamed stupid shit at random people? sounds a bit too rough. getting your nose broken though? sure thing.


>ywn have cervical vertebrae as thick as an ox's

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I think the best outcome would have been the bartender telling Chad to go fuck himself and serve the manlet first

Which one?

If you keep being an asshole to people, you'll eventually meet that one person who'll simply snap and accidentally cause more harm than he ever meant. No one throws the punch thinking "Lets paralyze him for life!". They throw the punch thinking "He needs to be taught a lesson" not knowing that their punch has actually caused them to be paralyzed for life.

You can look at chimps for an excellent example. No matter how strong you are, two or three slightly weaker chimps can ally and fuck you up. It's one of the reason we're such social animals

no the best outcome did occur, the manlet was removed from the line and an acceptable male was able to get in position to order drinks

please go back to Jow Forums

haha epic :D

Don't listen to this retard. When a big mutha picks you up and your feet have already left ground town just look confused for a minute, tell your lady friend that drink is gonna be to go, and kamikaze dive over the bar, spilling the giant's barrel of ale and snagging yourself an entire bottle of the nearest liquor before darting out the door with your woman before anyone has time to react

hehe, thanks user.

the manlet was clearly into it

I'll take things that never happened for 400

only thing to learn here is that this is why you don't go to bars full of poor people. this guy thinks he's a winner because he's taller than the other poor losers at the bar, really he's just a big fish in a small pond. none of this would ever occur at any place with elite clientele

Thanks fucking god I'm not a manlet

I'd kill myself if someone did that to me

Never lived in a big city? Shit like this happens all the damn time.

it happens quite often lol

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He would have to be more than seven feet tall to tower over me like that. However if fucking Halfthor or the Dutch Giant did that to me I'm not sure I would tempt fate but in the moment I would probably do something stupid. This guy looks like a dandy though.

Taking things a bit too far isn't out of the realm of possibility when all parties involved are intoxicated to some degree.

>friends A, B, and I go to bar in college
>fairly upscale
>random drunk guy starts shit with friend A in bar
>friend A says he didn't do anything to him
>believe friend A as this transpired before we even received our drinks
>same drunk guy starts mouthing off to friend B
>guy gets kicked out after 5 minutes
>we leave after some drinks, maybe 30 minutes later
>same drunk guy starts shit with friend A again
>says he's gonna fight him despite that friend B and myself will obviously intervene
>to our surprise drunk guy turns around, walks around to side of building and starts pissing
>still talking shit over jet-pressure piss stream
>friend B is furious now as he has the shortest temper
>friend B finds a fucking sausage caulk in a box next to the service door of the bar
>drunk guy still talking shit about fighting us as he's slowly zipping pants on
>friend B swings the sausage caulk with the power of Odin himself
>connects cleanly with side of drunk guy's jaw
>drunk guy literally ragdolls and collapses in on himself into his puddle of piss
>I think he's actually dead by how lifeless he fell
>drunk guy starts moaning, still motionless
>we collectively realize this was a fuck-up and immediately leave

Moral of the story is that drunks, and anyone who is not sober do crazy unexpected shit. Do not turn your back on anyone who's intoxicated.

If you don't know what a sausage caulk is, imagine a 14"x2" diameter sausage package, but filled with caulk so it weighs close to 3lbs. Pic related.

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>If you don't know what a sausage caulk is, imagine a 14"x2" diameter sausage package, but filled with caulk so it weighs close to 3lbs. Pic related.

we call it "bear's shit" here for some reason lol.

He's lucky that manlet didn't elbow his teeth out.



dude literally gave you a free rear naked choke, just take it, everyone saw him assault you.

Manlet practically got raped

Bootlicking faggot