Danberu no kiro moteru guides

theres a shitty Jow Forums manga that have some guides,ITT i will post most of them

Attached: kyussrodeo.jpg (715x1011, 148K)

Attached: kyusspacecadet.jpg (715x1013, 141K)

Attached: kyussgardenia.jpg (960x1361, 300K)

Attached: kyussdemoncleaner.jpg (960x1361, 227K)

Attached: kyussdayone.jpg (715x1013, 226K)

If you have it, can you post the OHP one?

Attached: kyuss1.png (303x193, 31K)

wtf is ohp?

Attached: kyuss2.png (178x305, 51K)

Attached: kyuss3.png (283x185, 39K)

Attached: kyuss4.png (637x238, 94K)

Attached: kyussgreenmachine.jpg (715x1013, 173K)

>kyuss filenames
yo, op you know what's good. That's like my fav band

Attached: kyussfreedomrun.jpg (715x1013, 154K)

Attached: kyusscatterpillarmarch.jpg (715x1013, 178K)

I dropped this once I saw her squatting with shitty form.


Attached: kyussthongsong.jpg (960x1361, 300K)

Attached: kyussyeah.jpg (728x1029, 110K)

Attached: kyussthumb.jpg (728x1028, 133K)

not american desu

Attached: kyusswrithe.jpg (960x1361, 289K)

Hmm. I’m not an expert but I’ve been taught to lean back and pull the bar directly downwards, instead of the angled movement she’s doing. Am I wrong or are they both ok?

Attached: kyussmondogenerator.jpg (960x1361, 322K)

the guy at my gym told me to do like the pic so i think it would be better

Attached: kyussmoltemachine.jpg (960x1361, 285K)

Attached: kyusscapsized.jpg (960x1361, 214K)

Over Head Press

Attached: kyussallenwrench.jpg (960x1361, 317K)

Attached: kyuss800.jpg (960x1361, 415K)

Attached: kyuss500millionyeartrip.jpg (960x1361, 313K)

Attached: kyuss16.png (832x368, 132K)

Attached: kyussspaceshiplanding.jpg (960x1361, 243K)

Attached: kyusstangyzizzle.jpg (960x1361, 318K)

Attached: KYUSSELRODEO.jpg (960x1361, 197K)

Attached: kyusssizequeen.jpg (960x1361, 187K)

Attached: kyussoneinchman.jpg (960x1361, 201K)

Attached: kyussphototropic.jpg (960x1361, 200K)

Attached: kyussjumboblimpjimbo.jpg (960x1361, 198K)

Attached: kyus.jpg (870x1233, 259K)

Attached: kyu.jpg (870x1233, 223K)

Attached: ky.jpg (870x1233, 224K)

Attached: k.png (960x1361, 770K)

Attached: kyusshurricane.jpg (870x1233, 194K)

Attached: kyussglorialewis.png (960x1361, 182K)

Attached: kyusglorialewis2.jpg (960x1361, 284K)

Attached: howtofuckinghikeImao.jpg (960x1361, 225K)

/thread , thank you everybody it was very fun, i didnt post all the guides because i thought some of them are useless,Danberu nan kiro moteru? guides

Thanks, saved it all!