How bad was the NY resolutioners today Jow Forums?

How bad was the NY resolutioners today Jow Forums?

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>those 5 faggot ladyboys


Nonexistent because the gym was closed. Ask again tomorrow

Would love to stuff an all american burger into the left most ones virgin chink mouth. All the rest can go to the gas chamber.

me on the right

Any gym that closes on New Year's is gonna have a bad time.

I don't know user
I was working brunch and my gym closed early
a mixed blessing, because I took my preworkout before I found out they were closed early
hopefully it isn't mad gay tomorrow though

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Why do they look like aliens that reproduce asexually?

idk it's a very comfy gym. mostly white boomers. classic rock at a reasonable volume. no one has ever given me trouble.

I counted 4 new resolutioners
>2 friends, one fat one stick who jumped on the treadmills
>one walking around with lifting gloves and a full sized towel
>one extreme fat old guy talking on speaker phone

it's a really big gym so 4 is a really small number, I think times are changing and people are giving less of a shit about fitness

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2x hit or miss girl

Wrong, 5x Kanye

Went to my local Gold's at around 10 this morning. It was just the usual NPCs plus a few new faces, but I attribute those to the fact that I'm normally not at the gym on a Tuesday morning,

The Resolutioner Hoardes will arrive tomorrow and then disappear by the 12th.

Hit or miss girl, john lennon, mozart
Only the best musicians pls

MC Ride and Varg

Fuck bros how do i look like this.

Only way to get quality pussy in 2019 desu

1. be born Korean
2. have a fuckton of plastic surgery

two on the right look like pepe

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This is YUH, wow

MC Ride and Nyaa

I wouldn't know

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>reborn as a gook
>change self to not look like a gook

i only saw 2 new people but i went early so who knows.

Based and Redpilled

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Too hungover... not probably going to do home gym tomorrow and not see what I’m in for until the next day... glad it’s 24 hours though so I can skip it all and go at night.

Varg, Mozart, and the 3 guys worth $1. Strength in numbers.

Like 5 people came

varg , ye , viper and creepy tom

My gym was basically empty. The only people there were super hardcore lifters. No new years resolutioners at all.

same amount of people at my 24/7 gym when I went at 2am, there were like 3 people.
I assume its wagey that makes the new years resolution to get fit after workey.

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shit guide desu

Mine had free snacks and drinks at noon which is exactly when I got in after hangover and car retrieval.
3 extra treadmill ladies
1 fit grill I recognize brought her bf who only did machines as she did free weights
At least 8 grey hair boomers looking so new and clueless, luckily all corralled by staff to do some meme group circuit class
New staff grill offered me to join when I got a water and u best believe she got spaghetti for her trouble

Gym was pretty empty, even though I went during normal peak time. I did see two incredibly fat bitches come in together, spend about 8 minutes on the elipticals, and then leave.

there was this ugly skinny persian butterface with a side pony, big tits and a big ass on the stairmaster, i imagined mouth fucking her and hammering her ass

Varg and MC Ride

Streets were pretty empty apart from a few people doing the weirdest kinds of running exercises. Regarding gyms, I have a small home gym, so I can't exactly tell.

went around 10pm, gym was pretty empty. I drove by this morning and it was packed though.

>that's the joke

Fairly empty. Went in the afternoon, which on a normal Tuesday can be crowded, however today felt like arriving at 7 am, very little people.

Alot of you guys are reporting empty gym, wtf is going on here.

gym was actually emptier than usual..

then again i go to a serious hardcore lifting gym.i sometimes also visit a more commercial "normie" gym and that one was packed from what i heard

yes, this is the way

regular gym goers don't go because they fear it'll be overcrowded
newcomers don't go because they fear it'll be overcrowded and don't want to feel like the black sheep

Most people are on holiday, away somewhere nice, new years resolutioners don't arrive for a while yet, and are mostly imaginary so gymgoers can circlejerk about other people daring to want to improve themselves

>at gym today
>gym filled with regular faces as usual
>2 or 3 new years resolutioners, but it doesn’t bother me
>doing curls, when all of a sudden I see this lanklet bursting through the gym
>looks like pic related
>could smell him from here
>never seen him come to this gym before
>he walks up to the guy working next to me
>lanklet shouts to him “I hate it when people like this flood the gym. All of these New Years resolutioners are gonna be gone anyway.”
>whole gym hears
>tfw I’ve never seen this guy come to this gym for the 2 years I was in it
>the lanklet proceeds to go to the squat rack to CURL
really grinded my gears

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the fact that you didn't see it as an obvious joke means it's for people like you

This guy came in wearing nothing but boxers and a CK shirt. He started squatting and his dick was dropping out the bottom of his boxers. All while he did this directly in front of the mirror.

>mfw home gym
>mfw when squatting with balls and dick showing

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Based and Yeepilled.

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Only one there besides this dude who came in and stretched and did one set of 65lb OHP and then reracked the weights and left. I’ve seen him come in and stretch and leave after 5-10 minutes before today too. I wonder if he is really anxious in the gym or something. He probably browses Jow Forums. If you’re reading this just be confident bro haha

I was really hoping for an Allahu Snackbar to kick off 2019. I hate New Yorkers and it would've made my night.

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>mfw when squatting with balls and dick showing
tell me all about it user. do you have IQ?

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How do you deal with the boomers? In my experience they always interrupt an otherwise good workout to tell you either how impressive your lift is or that they used to do the same lift really heavy but can't. I honestly don't care for either. Although I may be biased bc this one boomer goes to my gym and absolutely reeks. I'm talking like hasn't showered in 6 months reek. He's also a dirty old pervert. His comments might be funny if he wasn't 3x my age.

Markorepairs is finally fashionable.

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I don't even need ten dollars. LilB, Mozart and Ye will blow their minds

Holy shit that's the worst fucking guide I have ever seen +lying picture
I literally have cancer now

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She never miss, so with the gun they will be unstoppable

It's a joke meant to trick normalfags with mom science.

Oh you were fooled by it?
Sorry to hear that.

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I'm in the military so it was the same as usual. No one active duty ever "decides to get fit" unless they're deployed.

As a side note, I'm home for the holidays and I'm easily the third strongest peeson at this base's gym according to their leaderboard(which lists no bw), feels pretty based.

gym had 3 people in it at 6pm, god I love my gym

Based and Hydepilled

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saw some guy I've never seen before do 150kg squats that were barely 1/4 as deep as they should be. He also used a neck pad

my gym is open to us normies now that school is out for this week. so cant really measure new ones until next week when i go regular times.

today was full of fit qties and some athlete dudes. i felt vibes from a few qties, too bad i have chubby gf and im faithful