Inspiring transformations

Inspiring transformations.

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Bugenhagen definitely conspires with other YouTubers against Alex behind closed doors.

Openly hated on Alphadestiny, refused to colab with him. Has spoken with bugez behind closed doors about Alex, Possibly conspired against him. Juji's buttbuddy is the one who revealed that Eric has a "negative" opinion of Alex.

>Dairyland strength
Famously turned on Alex when he thought it would get him views. Revealed himself that he's conspired with Eric to bring Alex down. "Haha so my GOOD FRIEND Eric and I were talking... He gave me permission to make this video... " Gave a biased and scathing review of Naturally Enhanced. Openly mocks Alex, his fans, and everything they stand for in multiple videos. Listing everything would take too long

Made a fool of Alex. Called him out on his lifts. Called him out on his personality. Bugez specifically chose to collab with Alec to make his channel bigger. They both clowned rack pulls in a recent video. It's possible that they're conspiring against Alex off camera

>Jason Blaha
While Eric and Blaha have never actually collabed, they share a strong mutual respect. Blaha talks up Eric. Eric chooses to leave Blaha alone because Blaha (whether anyone likes it or not) is a powerful figure in YouTube fitness, and makes his living criticizing Alphadestiny.

Alex is the best Alex is the best I love alex


But he's still an Asshole

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He looks like he just shaved and got a haircut. He's standing much straighter in the after pic than the before (which I think is intentional) also stomach appears larger in before because he's wearing a button shirt which isn't tight against his gut. Sage because fuck e-"celebrities"

How is he still so fat

that's the power of surgery


good for him, that has to be what, 100lbs atleast? he might make it after all

so... where's the transformation?

Before and after divorce.
Gotta take his own picture

>roiding for this

>be morbidly obese
>extreme chance of death
>it's the fight of your life
>give up and get surgery in your fifties
>make zero (0) changes in diet
>melt for a while because most of your stomach isn't working
>stagnate at, guess what, still morbidly obese
>in no time it will stretch back and it's back to square one



>get surgery in your fifties
pretty sure he's only in his early 40s

A physical and metaphorical piece of shit

anyone else used to like boogie before they got into fitness?

>get a surgery paid for by his fans
>plateau about a year in from shit dietary habit
>still croon on as if any of the "progress" made was actually his to brag about
Boogie you're not an inspiration, you're a cautionary tale against complacency.

Did his girl leave because boogie isnt gonna eat himself to death afterall?

I don't know anything about the guy besides his old videos, why is he an asshole?

She left because she fell for the same meme that his fans did that he'd get better with surgery. When the realization struck that she wouldn't be able to collect several juicy checks from life insurance and telling his fans she was sad and needed money for the funeral she opted to cut ties.


His biological age is probably 60 desu. Being that fat for that long ravages your body

His heart is probably significantly older than 60 as well, being obese ages the heart rapidly.

Bulkan hard

Look how thin Boogie is!