Does meditation actually work or is it a meme?

does meditation actually work or is it a meme?

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Works. Takes practice and patience. Try listening to one of Alan Watts' guided meditations on YouTube.

It's a placebo.

placebo literally means that it works

Since it's all in the minds, you could technically say it works. Just don't think it does not work.


Just make it work brah

Just listen to Rihanna five times a day and make it work

it's hit or miss

It actually physically changes your brain, so clearly not placebo.

i look it as dharma. i am a hindu and when i meditate i aim to accomplish the best unselfish karma as possible to make sure im good in gods books so that i dont have to do "life" ever again. it works out since zen meditation involves sitting with some thought exercises. the book i read regarding was zen mind , beginners mind fyi.

It has its benefits but I think people really talk it up to be this miracle.
Taking time to sit back and focus on relaxing and getting your head clear is a great idea, but it's not going to give you special abilities or whatever the fuck people tell you.

It works. But IMO, a better option is to "lose yourself" in tasks that you enjoy doing, be it reading, lifting, running, martial arts, etc. Vidya can also work to a certain extent, but rarely are they ever productive.

I guess they never miss, huh?

>deliberately uses brain to make things better
>"bro you're only using your brain to make things better"

Worked for me a handfull of times when i could pay attention and relax for long enough, At least i think it was meditation, i lost all of my senses, sounds just blended into one another untill they turned into background noise, my eyes were closed so everything was dark, my body was fully relieved of all tension, and i was just peacfully aware, then i started feeling an eletric ball in my head, sounded like electricity and felt like what i imagine eletricity feels like but with no pain and i was able to just think about what part of my body i wanted to move this ball to and it would move there, really strange, then i freaked myself out thinking i was gunna lose my soul or some shit so i stopped. The hours after this experience were some of the most calm and tranquil iv ever experienced, the hours afterward it was like i didnt have a care in the world, i was just happy with no troubles weighing me down. I really want to learn how to do this more effectively and not be a scared little bitch to push further next time, it has some real potential if i can learn how to do it at will.

I've never gotten past the taint chakra point. It's apparently the first. But the one month I tried meditation I did it in the sauna and tried to silence all thoughts and focus on the expansion and contraction of my breathing. Eventually it began to work and I felt the taint chakra.

Waste of time imo, playing music is better.

Of course it works OP, there are countless studies proving it.

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Just do mushrooms op


I'm sure it doesn't work with cucked incels like you