Recovering skinnyfat here, currently at 67kg from 95kg...

recovering skinnyfat here, currently at 67kg from 95kg. what exercises can I do outside of the gym to straighten the circled area? are side planks sufficient?

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Youre the first dude to complain a out a narrow waist.

Anyway train your obliques

isn't my pelvis wider than average though? that was part of my concern

Dude, you just need to put on muscle everywhere anyways, don’t worry about weak points yet, your entire body is your weak point. If you feel a need to isolate that area do what said, but you should really just train and eat until you have some muscle and the problem will go away.
Good obliques don’t make you pelvis look wider by the way, they give a better visual V taper

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It's not your obliques that are small, it's that you've lost all the fat on your chest but still have a lot near your belly / hips ie lovehandles. If you made your chest and back bigger that circle area would be much less apparent.

Train lats and shoulder and it would look more proportionate

Grow your lats with pullups, obliques with landmine 180's, shoulders with OHP and lateral raises.

genetics bro, grow your lats
does your ass and stomach gain fat before anywhere else too?

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waist is a bit below that isnt it

You have to build the top up and cut the fat down below. Build your chest, arms, lats, and shoulders while working on slimming up your hips/waist.

You look normal dude. Dont kill yourself over stuff like that. Train right for 1-2 years and then look at your body again and asses your genetics.

>tfw no matter how thin I get I'll always have an hourglass figure
kill me

what an odd frame, your ribcage is barely wider than your skull

time to trap

Not OP, but I've just started lifting and I've got a question for you guys. I've found myself to be reasonably strong, so I'm wanting to use fairly heavy free-weights. The problem is my wrists are incredibly faggy. They are skinny as fuck and all carpal tunneled or something from using a computer at home and at work.

For free weights, compound movements, curls and stuff, they are holding me back. Should I get a brace or something or is there a way I could bulk them up?

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No, you can't bulk them, try to implement more dead hangs in your routine to train grip strength. At least that's what helped me to get to 85 k bench

>15.7 cm wristlet

op how tall are you? Curious as I'm currently 95kg too and wondering if you're near my height.

OP here I am 5’10”

It's not that you have a thin waste, but big hips. I agree with the other commenters that just putting more muscle on everywhere would make it less noticeable. But if you want specific points to train, train your obliques to widen your waist and lats and side delts to make your upper body wider to make your hips less noticeable.

>confused boner

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Will do, thanks

OP here I am 6'7”

Are you legs the same length? I have this due to leg length difference.

No bully, but you really shouldn’t give a shit about that at this point. Just keep getting bigger. When you weigh twenty pounds more, worry about it if it hasn’t gone away already.