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Manlet thread
Austin Perez
Austin Jenkins
How do i cope with the feeling of wanting to go bear mode but also being a 5'6 midget
Asher Richardson
I'm 6'3" and I hate it. I wanted to be an airline pilot but my naturally heavier weight and space considerations put me at a disadvantage in training. Especially G-Forces. Also tall people have higher risks of cardiovascular disease. I wish I was 6 foot, even 5'8" would be fine.
Daniel Phillips
I'm 5'4 but im going to keep workin at it anons. Dont give up!
Jaxon Evans
if i'm 6'1.8 can I just round to 6'2?
Landon Adams
5'6" reporting in.
Luis Watson
You are beyond consideration of suicide, you are literally attractive because you are a dwarf. Given that some girl find that attractive.
Joshua Young
Go dwarf mode. What's keeping ya from being Gimli?
This guy in webm is 5'6'' and lifts 300kg
Camden Price
Elijah Perez
More like 5'4 also he isn't bear mode at all, this is bearmode
Christopher Mitchell
5'9 here
Don't really feel any different desu
Adam Williams
>tfw 5"8 and 5/10 face
Gabriel Ross
>Finally took the true redpill and started therapy along with cardio & lifting
>Finally feel at peace with my height and everything else
Ian Moore
I'm 6 '1. Buy a pair of timberlands you look 2 inches taller
Kayden Roberts
>tfw 5'7''
Cooper Reyes
>Finally feel at peace with my height and everything else
That height being?
Just don't tell me therapist pulled Tom Cruise or Napoleon on ya to make you content.
Caleb Ortiz
>Even girls are now this tall
WHERE? I want to breed a tall girl with big tiddies
Levi Adams
Little do they know this is their daycare thread. Look how happy everyone seems.
Owen Rivera
Practically, speaking, can manlets ever truly be considered human beings, rather than stunt children?
Oliver Ward
Jace Garcia
Elon musk is secretly working on sending them all to mars I think or the sun doesn't really matter
Benjamin King
Sheit in that case he could fit them all on a single rocket
Justin Powell
What's there to cope with? You are above average male, unless you are on Balkans or in Benelux, ya aint's getting mogged easily.
Sebastian Davis
i envy manlets
i take my 6' for granted
manlets have to work at things to compete and end up with better discipline
Tyler Bailey
>i envy manlets
Me too. The get kids price on everything among other perks
Austin Price
5’7 here, I never really gave a fuck about my height until I started frequently coming on this board wtf.
Easton Ross
Nah mate it’s a lot more complex than that. My height is 5’9” (175 cm)
Alexander Ward
Do you feel embarrassed when girl taller than you moggs you?
No? Yes? You should either way fucking midget.
Elijah Jones
>I'm 5'4 but im going to keep workin at it.
You can't turn shit into lemonade user
Adrian Turner
He can at least add sprinkle to the shit, maybe he will find scat fetishist gf then.
Connor Price
5'9 here. How bad do I have it?
Isaiah Ross
I'm not gonna lie I've never been very confident and have often suffered from depression, but a few months ago I have found the most amazing remedy. Whenever I'm feeling anxious or depressed I just remind myself
> I'm white and 6'4 everything will be just fine
Jace Watson
I stepped on a manlet once. Took me hours to get him out of my shoe
Dylan Kelly
Based, you should not be wasting your genetic gift. There is no point in pretending to be compassionate to manlets ( me being one ) just use your advantage and don't even look back.
Josiah Lee
>Be me
>Every girl I know litterally don’t give a fuck about height
Everyone is tall here in Scandinavia, so girls don’t really care about that shit. They only care about how manly you are/look. Just don’t be a faggot
Liam Miller
I'm 6'2", once I went to chicfila and the girl who took my order had to have been 6'7c". I felt emasculated looking up to a girl. That was the day I got a two minute glimpse into being a manlet. I pity them.
Hunter Harris
I am 5'7'', always been short in this tall country.
Once in the gym there were two guys both 5'6'', they both looked like kids to me. At that moment I glimpsed how I look to taller people.
Nathaniel Cruz
I got a bj from a manlet once. It was weird because he didn't even have to get on his knees
Caleb Gray
> 6'
>thinking you're not a manlet
Ryan Cruz
>be manlet
>have giantess fetish
Life is good.
Camden Flores
Post height
Brayden Cook
Don't feel bad user. Even aliens have manlets.
Levi Lee
Nahh, not embarrassed. If anything, slightly turned on, but I go for girls no taller than 5’ anyway.
Owen Morales
>he is also a cuck fetishist
Should have guessed, that's given when you are a manlet.
Logan Lewis
>not knowing what a cuck fetish is
Jose Davis
>this level of cope
kys femdom retard
Hudson Flores
Being a brainlet must be hard on ya
Jackson Hughes
>always say i am 6' so manlets feel short
Ian Lewis
Guaranteed replies and insecurities: the thread.
Jordan Mitchell
Manlets are like human version Grunts from Halo. They'll make excellent meat shields come time of battle.
Dominic Russell
>tfw 5'11
>no twinkish manlet bf to act out my gentle femdom fetish upon
Daniel Lopez
>5’9” (175 cm)
and what is bad about it ?
its still an absolut normal hight
Jason Lee
Kayden Wilson
Are they learning?
Josiah Hall
There is nothing more pathetic and vile than a male under the height of 5'9. Everywhere you go people will be laughing behind your back because you're a cretin and no one will ever love you. I'm 6'3 and I would love to beat the shit out of every manlet on this board.
Nicholas Thomas
5 ' 8", even though some people are taller I never legit feel like they're that much bigger. Do manlets and lanklets just walk outside thinking of height all day?
Grayson Mitchell
Josiah Ross
Jesus, I guess so. Well, no one said happiness is the meaning of life I suppose.
Samuel Lewis
>it's another lanklet thinks hes better than everybody episode
Mason Wood
I'm 6'3 telling everyone I'm 6'4
No one ever notices
Lucas Cooper
>Go dwarf mode. What's keeping ya from being Gimli?
Dude Gimli didn't even have a girlfriend in the movies. He kept trying to sex that elf dude, Fagalas or whatever.
Brayden Howard
> Little "people" coping
Colton Sanders
Underated post
Hudson Lewis
This. All manlets should be made useful, by using them for human experiments.
Nolan Ortiz
damn it feels good to be king
James Cruz
>All manlets should be made useful
>Manlets useful
Pick one
Bentley Mitchell
>he does not want world to find best cure for cancer and all other diseases, to develop genetic modification, augmentation and all experimented on manlet subhumans
Jason Parker
The only time a lanklet ever said something truly pejorative to me I asked if he was coping with anything. Immediately became irate. I didn't even mean it in a mean way. I just can't imagine letting this be such a huge part of your existence.
Jason Long
How do I cope with being 6’5 and realizing that existence is pointless even when you are born with what others crave their whole life
Samuel Scott
Just because it is pointless doesn't mean it is meaningless.
Matthew Perry
kek nice one
Joshua Diaz
>tfw 5'5" and have a loving gf
Blake Gonzalez
Notice how he didn't mention her looks
Luis Reed
I think she's gorgeous.
Samuel Torres
I honestly cant blame lanks for being this autistic.
Ayden Ross
In that case I'm happy for you. There's nothing more cute and adorable when a manlet finds a mate.
Oliver Russell
>6 foot somethin, I dunno...
Bentley Davis
Looks more like 4,6
Nathaniel Powell
Or maybe it is because 5’6 men are litterally the same height as children
Adrian Turner
>mfw 5'7 and gf is 5'11
I'm half Mexican anyway so at least I've got an excuse
Ethan Garcia
Shitskin and short. Ooaf.
Landon Jackson
your gf isnt white right?
Michael Cruz
6'4 nephilim here, nobody fucks with me because I'm an ANGEL
Eli Gomez
Just get yourself a gf with glasses. They either have to strain their neck to look up to taller guys or look over them which makes them appear blurry, and therefor less attractive.
Isaiah Wright
I'm 6'5 telling everyone I'm 6'5. I am a beacon of measurement and truth blazing out across a black sea of lies.
Matthew Sanders
Yeah women don't have height autism here desu.
Brody Hill
>tfw 6'5 and 6.5/10 face
Feels pretty good desu. shit tier extrovertion though.
Brandon Campbell
>claims to be be 6'3''
>set the bar at a suspicious 5'9''
Asher Jones
D-do they work?
Austin Bennett
Colton Adams
how the fuck is it that men have regressed so much?
Gabriel Hill
im 5'11 and 18,can i still make it bros?i started lifting 2 months ago
Nathan Allen
You guys just need to find mexican chicks.
Hot as fuck and short as fuck. Thirsty as fuck for white dudes. You dont have to be 6 ft, you just have to be taller than the girl you're chasing.
Only downside is the body hair but you can shame them into getting rid of it religiously