I'll be skiing next month. Old roommate left a shitty barbell and a few weights...

I'll be skiing next month. Old roommate left a shitty barbell and a few weights, what exercices can I do to build up my stamina or strenght for the upcoming vacations?

Keep in mind I'm a musclet skinnyfat.

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Bump you fags, I don't wanna bitch out at full speed.

Nothing to do about it. Your legs will hurt bad

Squats and deadlifts

Do shitton of squats with high rep counts. Skiing is mostly endurance.

Side jumps

Go inline skating every day

High reps mean lower weight though, right? Or is it some kind of hellish training combining longer reps and regular weights?

Thanks to you 3 for the tips.

>High reps mean lower weight though
Yes, start with the bar. 5 sets of 20 reps.

You're better off climbing stairs

Will do, thanks.

No stairs available where I live on a regular and intensive basis.

If you're not able to do the bar for 20 reps and finish on let's say 15, you do 5 body weight squats or what ever amount til you reach 20.
Do your squat sets 3 times a week, with one day of rest between your sessions.

If you got shitty cardio, start biking or running for 30 to 40 minutes after your squatting. Good luck.

Yeah, cardio is great as well, seconding this

Will try, then.

If I do it, then rest for a day, then do it again, etc... until I reach the mountain, is it the good planning?

yes. Just make sure when you're able to do 5x20 that you increase the number of sets until you struggle to do them again

Train your quads for endurance, high rep squats.
Maybe your calfs, too.
After a morning of skiing those muscles usually ache the most on the first vew days with me.

(for unknown genetic reasons, I have top-tier calves)
Thanks for the tips, anons!

Downhill skiing isn't difficult. Go running or do some stairs. I skied for years as a DYEL skelly and was very good at it.

Cross-country you'd benefit from training, but seriously don't worry about this; just enjoy yourself, know your limits and ski in control.

Oh yeah, and what are the best food to recover between every day? I was planning on eating mostly pasta and saussage.

High rep squats, make sure they're high bar, front, or goblet squats. You want to target the quads glutes and abs specifically.

unironically skateboard squats and wall sits