I managed to lose over 20 kg's

And now I'm 70kg with a height of 172cm. How do I lose my belly fat now? I tried doing abs workout every day but shit wont go away.

How many times a week should I hit cardio? I dont want to be a skelly guys, I already lost too much and my arms look really narrow.

Attached: belly-fat-man-gty-2-thg-180420_hpMain_4x3_992.jpg (992x744, 67K)

Count your calories and markros. All of them. Then you see that you eat way too much and thats the reason why you a manlet Shrek.

>he thinks 'spot reducing' is a real thing

Attached: READ THE FUCKING STICKY!!!.png (400x883, 124K)

I guess I have no choice then, can you recommend me an app or program?
Sticky is old and most of the links dont work anymore


You are still fat, and the worst mode too, a skinnyfat, no muscle all fat.
I'm the same height as you, cut until you are 60 kg or so and maybe you'll lose most of it, then lean bulk.

Is this what you have done? How should I lose more? I cant get down somehow for months

Fasting, no joke.
Go in the fasting threads and read on how to make snake juice (it's potassium and salt in water btw).
Then lean bulk, learn how much calories you need through scooby calorie calculator.
For me at our height and 63 kg of weight i bulk at 2100 calories.

Scientist found out there is nothing magic about fasting. Well at least you won't stuff came down your through on the road to muslimhood

Attached: i_want_you.jpg (746x1071, 148K)

The hell? I'm not religious at all, and my country isn't a muslim shithole.

So why doing ramadan then?

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>Fasting, no joke.
Go in the fasting threads and read on how to make snake juice (it's potassium and salt in water btw)
I rather not do that unhealthy shit and slow bulk then

I don't eat during the night either you absolute faggot.
Fasting is the fastest and best way to cut.

You are an idiot and I regret giving you any advice

> best way to cut

Had Allah told you this?

Attached: justice.jpg (730x1095, 127K)

Dude im already starving when sleeping, fasting would make this alot WORSE

Ghrelin goes down after the first day or so and you don't even feel hungry anymore, read up on it.
Anyway, I want to shoot the muslim poster.

Ill read it up but why the hell cant I slowbulk on my weight now?

myfitnesspal on ur phone

You can, but you'll still be fat.
Cut when you want to, but keep in mind fat won't disappear by itself.
And fat raises estrogen and lowers test in general, so I prefer not being fat.

Alright thanks for the advice. I hope I can somehow get an ok body til summer

Don't bully him just because he's muslim dude.

>How do I lose my belly fat now?

Yohimbine, bruh. You can't do "spot reduction" but you can tell your body to stop holding onto all the fat in your belly.

Pic related, url in pic 100x more related.

Attached: yohimbine_infopic.png (587x436, 36K)