Tell girl i work out

>tell girl i work out
>"so do you have abs?"

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Don't tell people you workout, let them think it's blessed genetic

I'm on 5x5 stronglifts, I'm getting more and more confident in my ability as time passes by with each session, the feeling of stronkness is intoxicating and I've developed measurable muscle mass which I thought was impossible.

But I look like a fat fuck, probably even fatter than before, is this the curse of stronk?

That and nobody likes the guy who constantly talks about gym stuff to non-lifters. I only talk to other lifters about my gym shit.

>"so do you have abs?"
>"can I see them?"

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formerly visible

am I retarded if I for example train curls twice a day? One time 9:00 and 2nd time 16:00

at a total of 6times per week.

sneed abs


No, but all that tells me is that you're not training hard enough if you can "just go for another round lmao" the same day, not to mention doing curls 6 times a week.

Lift heavier, lift more until your arms are sore.

>tell girl you work out
>don't work for a goal girls appreciate
Why even tell her? If you're not going for pure aesthetics, she doesn't care anyway and it's just another hobby.


I use 11kg dumbell, I'm kinda lightweight. But still kinda good for me.

I don't go for maxreps. I just do 10x5 and stop there. I could have done more. I'm autist with routine and numbers.

Retarded? More like ascended.

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More weight or reps, whichever you prefer.

I usually just tell people I play sports and go hiking.

I am too, and my gut hasnt shrunk. It's not supposed to, though; ss and sl and other plans like that are to build a strong foundation of fitness. Once you reach a respectable point is when youre supposed to focus on aesthetics

If you cut you'll look good shirtless, just not a lot of mass if you're a novice. You offset the dyel arms with a nice proportional chest + core.

Keep lifting and cut eventually.
Being stronk is intoxicating but not as intoxicating as being stronk/aesthetic
Stronk = beer
Asthetic = Vodka

When girls jaws drops drop and eyes widen as you take your shirt off, now that’s a high
Not that I lift for women or anything, fucking thots


i never in my life admitted to have a homemade gym, and my friends overnight saw me from dyel to shred and strong as fuck when i was 16/17

they kind of suspect im into something but i only tell them i do swimming at college lol

even if they find my homemade gym i will tell them i just put it that day

never admit going to the gym so when you really ADMIT IT you get noob gains again

also going to the gym is like being gay everyone know you into it, but still dont fucking admit it NEVER

>Of course! Everyone has abs!

You start off lifting for the girls. When you eventually stop caring about females and living it. That's when you made it brah,

Don't stagnate my dude, maxreps are also just as stupid.

11 kilos is okay especially if it's only 10x5, try adding additional sets/reps little by little but don't stagnate like that, that leads to nowhere, always be at least a bit better than the you of yesterday, just keep on adding even just one more rep a day but be sure to do more my dude, only go up in weight when it starts turning into cardio

Never tell anyone that you workout. Let the normies think that that drinking enough water will get them fit.

If I had no abs I would be walking like a slinky

tell them to masturbate to 2d girls lol

Try pyramids instead

Yeah i started for girls until I lost my vCard at 18 and realized most women are stupid and not worth the time and that sex is mostly just hype

>tell girl I workout
>She says "oh are you like into fitness?"
>Asks me to lift heavy stuff for her, "wow you're so strong!"
>Nicknames me Bruce because I'm "like the hulk"
>Just went on a date with her

>Nicknames me Bruce because I'm "like the hulk"
what adult knows the name of hulk lol

user you are never gonna make it if yuo keep going after granies.

I can smell the reddit

We are both under 20

>I do some push ups and sit ups at least once a week

>"oh you're pretty swole user, what sports do you do?"
Well, Jow Forums?

>"miss I have strong abdominals but due to my fat storage deposits I tend keep most of my body fat in my rectus abdominus. My obliques are lean but no I dont have a six pack."

>marvel movies are the biggest out bar maybe star wars
I wonder who under 30 would know.

do a le epic ownage and say bowling haha just imagine that

>"I play Dota at a semi-professional level"

Competative Wii Sports Resort

and I wouldn't be lying

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>Implying I haven't gotten every stamp on swordplay and archery
That's definitely why my lats are so big

Kind of not related but in my first week of classes last quarter I decided to wear a sweatshirt on the first day of class and intentionally spilled coffee on myself so that I would have a reason to take it off and show off my body before slowly reaching into my bag to take out a t-shirt.

No one was looking so I'm going to try again next week.

wii fit and zumba

absolutely genius

This may be dumb, but reading Baki made me stop caring about lifging for girls and made me lift to overcome obstacles.

>be me in 2019
>still lift for women
I am a disgrace. Gonna give that Baki thing a chance, hopefully it helps.

You mean activating your endorphins by almost killing yourself

is the bar for muscles getting lower and lower? I'm barely out of DYEL and the girls I've been with though my pecs were some sort of wondrous thing they had never felt before. I guess a lot of college guys just don't lift at all

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Table tennis.

Dude here are my stats
6", sub 15%bf
Squat 120, OHP 70, DL 145, Bench 75, curl 30
And people comment on my muscles. I am under average in everything but I guess it's the bodyfat.

>well it's still only january, so i'm on a bulk
>"a what?"

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>6", sub 15%bf
nice to hear your dick is okay but what's your height?


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