Be muscular

>be muscular
>someone asks me if I work out
>say no

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>Jesus guys I found a faggot with a stupid fucking thread
come check this shit out

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>user your arms sure look bigger. What have you been doing?
>"oh I just finally cut out the carbs"

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That image better be ironic or I'm going to report you

>6 feet
>claim 5'10

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That's a good one, I'm 6'3 and will use it.

Off topic but I keep accisently almost using the word Manlet around my mantlet friends

>freshman in college
>didn't lift or do any physical activity at all, but had naturally broad shoulders and "mesomorphic" build
>people keep calling me buff and asking what I do to work out
>I tell them I don't
>they don't believe me

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This is a power move.

Devilish always do that

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6'2" in bare feet but I say
>"I'm about 6 foot even, wearing my work boots"
whenever short people start talking about height. It's super easy because manlets can't even comprehend lying about how TALL you are. NOONE has ever called bullshit or got out the tape measure because they are terrified I'm right

I'm a manlet myself but I've noticed that most people always lie and add ~2 inches to their stated height. If they're called out on this, they'll mutter something along the lines of "w-well I'm that height in shoes..." or something

For example, I'm 5'8 and I know people my exact height who will claim to be 5'10 or even 5'11. Get the fuck outta here with that shit. And I honestly think this leads to further warped perceptions of height, because it seems everyone is doing this shit.

i dont understand this. why not just claim 6ft if youre 6ft. whats the advantage of claiming to be a manlet 5ft something?

To razz short peoples' balls

I'm 6'0 and I've done this a couple times, but only to people that are obviously lying about their height..

I have a 5'8 coworker that said he was 5'11. Obviously height difference between him and I. I started telling him "that makes no sense dude because I'm only 5'10

People tend to trust the humble guy more (Me saying I'm shorter than I really am) and he looks like a bullshitter. People think it's really funny.

>spend 8 hours a week in the gym
>"do you lift""
>no haha i played some sports back in highschool

What kind of amateur hour bullshit do you do for work that people are talking about height?

"Nah I just do a new push ups before I goto bed, and eat a lot of protein"

nobody actually does this, it's a devilsih meme joke. lurk more you newb fgt

>The topics of your discussion/jokes affect the skill of your labour
Fuck off, retard

>nah I just play a lot of Wii Fit and eat a protein bar before bed

Small college town and sadly the highest paying job that's flexible with a college schedule is one of the retail chains.

I heard this one on Jow Forums a while ago and I love it
>My garage door opener broke so I've had to open it manually

fuck outta here

fucking with the wrong one there buddy

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I don't get it. Are manlets so short that opening a garage door manually is a problem?


You can't open a motorized garage door by hand. It's like trying to push a car forward with the gear in reverse as opposed to neutral.

*pounces on you* shut the fuck up!!! okay??

NOT TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Just disengage the motor??? It's not that difficult.

>do good mornings
>it's actually 6pm

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This. That’s what the rope with the red handle is for.


no joke.

Because the tall guy has no reason to be insecure and by lying to make himself seem less tall he makes the actual manlet look like they're over compensating.

Not from the outside, retard. That's what was implied by the post.

I say I’m 5’8 even though I’m 5’10
It’s kinda funny

Same here

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>be getting fucked from behind
>he whispers in my ear "yeah you like that?"
>say no

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>pick heavy thing up like it's light
>hand it casually to weak 50yo virgin coworker

Stop reposting your garbage

You dont know shit about what I have been through
You won't even believe my story
None of you will

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Tell us your story, Ancient One.

You're about to get a good newspaper wap on the snout if you don't shut your whining, boy

I am pretty scard up and I have tons of scars on my head
What I could do is actually listen to your story and provide some advice but be warned whatever advice i provide you're going to get a ton of guys in here claiming they have better advice..
Look i'm an old as fuck sage, I've been through more battles than you kids have even dreamed of, i have dealt with shit that is fucking mind blowing and to be truthful here I still wake up every morning and try to put on a smile on my face even though my back hurts, my knees arent as good as they used to be and my anger is through the roof since im aging even more

Not to mention i have other shit to be angry about but trust me the shit i deal with and go through are 100x worse than your shit
Unless you have lost over 3 family members the same day than your "life story" doesn't compare to my experience in these trenches and fuck off if any of you have anything to judge me about you couldn't deal with 30% of the shit i have been through

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I can't keep up with all the new pasta memes

The fucking filename is what got me.

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Is it you and you're recognizing my posts across platforms?

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“I do a lot of push ups and sit ups, and I drink plenty of juice.”


its like the next 2 threads up you dolt

>Claim to be only three feet tall

haha based old man wolf poster. haha it would be funny if he was like gay or something and took me against my will me with his powerful wolf body or something haha lol

I do this too

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>user how are you so buff?
>I just fixed my diet and stopped smoking, that's all ;)
works every time

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>his powerful wolf body

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>"Do you workout?"
>say no
>"Wow, I guess I'm probably a lot stronger than you. I benched 135lb this morning."
Get yourself out of that one, chaps

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>What's "bench"?

i just tell normies to drink onions for every meal to weaken competition and keep my onions stock afloat

Is wolfposting a thing now? I've seen it on at least three different occasions.

Yea I have some serious shit I'm working through
Lone wolf for life
Just call be Jason, Jason Bourne

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>Oh really? Maybe I could come and try that sometime.
Then outlift him while claiming to have never lifted before.

>will you show me?