Shave head because I don't feel like paying for a haircut

>shave head because I don't feel like paying for a haircut
>notice that the top of my head is flat
I'm not pic related but man, maybe I shouldn't shave. Anyone else /weirdskullshape/ here?

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post pics, I could use a chuckle

Kek this do it ya fag

Pics or it didn't happen

having a weirdly shaped head has resulted in me having long hair my entire life to cope

why would i volunteer myself to get bullied

Because it's fun.

Bully this

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>Parietal lobe is on top of the brain
>I sometimes stutter
>this is probably why
brb actually killing myself

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If you're military you're such a boot I'd be ashamed of being seen near you. If you're not military you're a larping faggot.

Private, get over here

honestly a based haircut, who cares about the military associations. it says "I'm a young man with a full head of hair but I'm choosing not to let it grow".

picture this guy but instead of 30° it's like 5° lmao if I weren't already a shut-in I would be kms right now

It's not based. Get a fade at least. High and tights make you look like you want everyone to know you're in the military or you forgot to get a cut on Sunday and had to shave your own head to be in regs.

it looks good with a fade as well but high and tight looks good as is.

>honestly a based haircut,
It's a "newly enlisted Marine" haircut. You're a poseur if you aren't one of those and a boot if you are.

It was when I joined military school idk how to say it in English. Everyone needed to get their heads shaved. After that you are allowed to have it up to a certain length like pic related. If you get caught with hair longer than you are allowed to you they shave you bald. That still sometimes happen to some people, along with physical punishment of course

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Flat head is better though. I hate how my head almost feels like it comes to a point or bump at the apex.

looks retarded because the angle of the cut goes up rather than straight.

op here at least I can balance something on my head haha take that Jow Forums

Good on you. That's how you say it in English. Unless you mean boot camp or officer candidates school. Military school here is either a private school for high schoolers or there's military academy for college.
And it's a based hair cut for when you're doing any of that.
Get a fade as soon as you can as long as it's in regs. Feels so good to get rid of the high and tight.

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Yeah idk what American things like academy, college etc all mean, our education system is different I think. That first pic is me when I came in and second pic is me from few days ago. Honestly I am living in the edge, much longer than this is not allowed, you get more privileges on hair as you go higher in ranks. Haircut is mostly associated with "barely not FNG anymore" Have you served/serving in military? If so what role?

Basically if you're in actual school you're in a military school. If you've begun your military training you're not at a military school, but boot camp if you're enlisted or officer candidates school if you're going to be an officer.
I'm a Marine officer attending law school, once I graduate I'll be a judge advocate, which is a fancy word for military lawyer.

looks comfy user
i like keeping my hair short because it feels good

Oh I get combat training but also things like science physics chemistry navigation communication etc which are all in classrooms. Btw I sleep and live in this school as well. Maybe our country uses different system. Greetings from Russia friend
When you get sand, mud, wind and rain in your hair everyday at one point you don't care being about being bald or not. Also if everyone else has it it doesn't feel so bad. But if you are considering going bald I don't recommend it for aesthetic purpose

Are you in the military now or is it just school? What happens when you graduate?
Cheers from the US.

It's not normal school it's big camp outside of any city. We sleep and live here, sometimes we are allowed to leave camp to go get drunk in city orso. It's physical training as well as fireweapons but at same time you must prove you are not 0 brain and do subjects any person must do in normal school to get high education level. (Language lessons and science and so). When I graduate (soon) I will be soldier but with higher rank/leadership role than person who would be soldier without doing this military school. From there I am allowed to choose to specialize in certain role as soldier

Sounds like a form of military academy then. Best of luck to you. Much respect for the Russian military, would be a worthy adversary or ally. 'Til Van Halen, brother.

I recognize you, you're that guy who posted some shit about 'mogging' while looking like fat woman from the front, with a matching pencil neck

Oh fuck off. I'd drop a bomb on user and he wouldn't know what hit him.

Don't go to war with the US, user. I don't intend to harm you, but if you fuck with America I will be sending the Grim Reaper to your door.

I didn't say we wouldn't fucking obliterate them.

So you’re literally a brainlet?

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Good, cheers pal.

Do i have a weird headshape guys? Hehe xd

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