/PLG/ - Powerlifting General

'bro it's just a form check i'm not actually looking at your ass haha' edition

ITT: bench press, squat and deadlift discussion.

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bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.

nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".

bench. press. is. king.

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get few beers at starter, check out some cutie, approach and ask if she will dance with you, she says yes, you dance, than you ask if she wants a beer, she responds yes
buy condoms before you go to her

Sounds good. If only I could dance...

dance with her holding hands not like a retard, dont look at your or hers feet just mantain eye contact, smile to her, if you afraid about stepping on her foot take very small steps if by accident step on her just smile and say say woops sorry, dont make it awkward, do some turns with her
like that youtu.be/zC6ejYRDZn8 just do one at the time until you're confident
>not having dad who teaches you how to dance
fail parenting

This is a degenerate western nightclub, cannot dance like that.

I dont go clubs where I cant dance in pair and still have to scream in order to talk to people
gay pepole go there who cant dance for shit

Based. But all of my mates want to go to these shit clubs, so I have to if I want to go out with them.

Than still dance with girls touching their body, its not so hard I mean salsa like in the yt video I sent you is really hard, I just showed it for a spin
remember to move at all the time dancing but dont go sperg and dont do awkward movements

My dad tried teaching me how to dance but I thought it was ghey, now I'm KHV at 21

apologize to dad and ask him to teach you

Are these too gay

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cringing hard. go be a racist retard somewhere else you shit stain.

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Back to redd*t you go dog

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>training (tomorrow)
Incline DB bench, BTN press, floor press, rack pull, BTN pulldown.

Trying to keep my carbs down in my quest to be not fat.

I've had "Night's Blood" by Dissection stuck in my head for like a week and a half.

I really want to get strong enough to lift all of the traditional stones in Iceland.


Depends, how Chad are you?

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>shit stain

sounds like a projection there doesnt it jigaboo?

Wtf. A 154kg stone? Do you have to lift it onto a platform like at strongman comps or just lift it off the floor?

There's a platform for it. It's not like the strongman comps, though, it's closer to hip-height.

3 Days into 2019 and I fucked up my life

Just blog it. I know you want to.

>be 3 days into 2019
>I fucked my life up


Why bother telling us you fucked up your life if your not going to tell us how you fucked up your life..?

hey hank, what did you think of that roider last thread that could deadlift one plate less than you?

is hank a racist retard like you or something?

guys give me your best tricks to endure my bench arch

Benching is a sad meme that should be abandoned by rational people in favor of more complete exercises like ohp.

textbook cope post for someone with a shit bench. actually, i'm fairly certain your OHP is shit, too.

go ahead and post that body/lifts so you can confirm my point.

I just hit the 1/2/3 portion of 1/2/3/4 boys, can only get 3 reps of 405 in deads though. So. Fucking. Close.

you don't know what 1/2/3/4 refers to, do you?

there was nothing in my post that was racist. christ, liberals are delusional.

i'm not a liberal, pussy boy. stop being so obsessed with them and answer the question.

1 plate ohp, 2 plate bench, 3 plate squat, 4 plate dead, all for 5 reps, no?

If an old woman jerked me off against my will did I technically lose my virginity?

kill yourself faggot

is not 1RM?

>Everyone in my gym is a fucking DYEL
>I've not even once saw a proper DL, maaaybe an RDL once in a blue moon.
>Liftmog literally everyone in the gym and I've been only training continuously for less than a year
>Everyone I know if a fucking DYEL. Maybe they work out, get ok looking arms (not me though lol i PL fuck biceps), but they can't lift for shit.
Do you know my pain? Are you the only person you know who gives a shit about their total, or even knows what that means?
It's a cultural thing, of course. I live in a town with a 100k population, in a country when PL is nonexistant

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It's hard to get a straight answer, I thought it was 5rm otherwise it'd be too easy

t. shit squat, deadlift, bench press, standing press, clean and jerk, snatch, push press, bicep curl, 40y dash time, vertical leap, broad jump, posture, Wonderlic score, mental health, body, IQ, card tricks, slapshot, fashion sense, hygiene, opinion of self, job (jk you don't have a job CSFIASMCACSITFAMGAL [Cackled So Furiously I Accidentally Snorted My Creatine And Can See Into The Future And My Gains Are Legion]), value to society, education, future, existence.

I knew your bitch-made jabroni ass was waiting until I left to post your embarrassing cope. This makes two days in a row you've tried, only to get humiliated BOTH TIMES. Not only are you too pussy to post it when you know you'll be immediately BTFO'ed, you're too stupid to learn that I'll always just come back later and BTFO you anyway. That's how it'll always be, because we all know that you know that you could never actually post your body/lifts because they're both terribly embarrassing.

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reminder: THIS is the pathetic, obsessed loser behind these sperg outs.

totally embarrassing, right?

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>racist, yokel retard spergs out because a black man lifts more than him

so obvious at this point

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Excuse me sir but African Americans are our friends, I for one love the taste of Tyrone’s cum with my girlfriends pussy

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I see you have no argument, and only projections and copes. As usual. I accept your rather graceless surrender and admittance of my physical and intellectual superiority.

Now go see a therapist and see if he can do anything about your compulsive LARPing and unhealthy obsession with some random SquatChad.

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>he always throws a bitch fit when that gets posted

what a fucking faggot

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>He ALWAYS responds to me

This level of obsession isn't good for you.

>what a fucking faggot

Neither is this level of projection. I hope in time that you'll get the help you need.

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lol i'm not even the person you're clearly obsessed with since you constantly respond to a copypasta. stop projecting and grow up, immature retard.

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>lol i'm not even the person you're clearly obsessed with

Stacking denial on top of projection for some sort of Autism stat multiplier. Nice.

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I'm reading Arnold's Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding and I'm about to drop OHP.

did 8 minute abs workout video 3 days ago and my abs are still ridiculously sore
bretty funny but i need to squat today

>squat 3pl8
>deadlift 4pl8
How do I fill in the gap?

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you've got shit lifts, so focus on form and volume

Thoughts on the hepburn program?
I mainly want to use it for bench. Because I wont be OHPing Im thinking instead of twice a week, ill train bench every second day. I will also be bulking on GOMAD so this should help me progress

>WAWTT (yesterday)

Deadlift 290kg 3x1
Belt squat narrow stance 225kg+80kg band 5x3
Belt squat wide stance 225kg+80kg band 2x20
Belt squat RDL 140kg+80kg band 2x20
Belt squat lockout iso hold 400kg 3x30sec

I'm doing upper lower 2x/week each Hepburn.
8x2-3 paused CGBP
3x6-8 overhead tricep extensions w/ EZ curl bar
50~ pull ups
100 facepulls
8x2-3 squats
8x2-3 deadlifts
50 reps of machine rows
Spinal decompression & stretching

I don't really like doing all these sets on lower body but it works.

My quads are so fuggin weak compared to my posterior chain. What did you who had the same issue do to balance them.
>more squats lmao
Going to start doing high bar as accessory, already doing front squats. But what else?

leg press, machine hack squat, belt squat, your quads can probably handle a lot more volume than squats alone can give them

Would you recommend not adding high bar then and doing f. Ex single leg press?

Anything without spinal loading so you can do more volume with less fatigue and not have to worry about anything else giving out before your quads are done

i don't think highbar trains your quads meaningfully more than lowbar

>100 facepulls

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A greater degree of knee flexion is meant to be a big factor. Which if true, zerchers would be the best actual squat for quad growth

What’s his routine?

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Which (((dumbbell accessories))) helped increase your:

S? B? D?

I like swings, snatches, and floor press personally

It's definitely one rep maxes. The 5rm meme started with SL and SS fags.

t. 1/3/4 club for life

I do 3x25 db bench as a warm up for benching, upto the 30kg dbs now. Other than that the only db work i do is chest supported rows with flared elbows to hit traps and rear delts

> Got 1 plate OHP before any of the others
just kill me

Hammie injury so no S and D. Gonna put my time and effort in UB mass and benchgains.
Smolov Jr. For bench and what extras should I do? Also 4 times weekly pullups, what else?

Pretty much everyone does.

How do you know that is helping you? Do you measure your heart beat to track your exhaustion? What I mean, is that not quite a lot of work before actual work? Why can't bench warmup you for bench?

t r i c e p s

i s o l a t i o n s

Good morning I hate women

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it stretches the quads more and i dont have to explain stretch + contraction under load is a good stimulus

I have the same issue just that i cant bench
Is smolov squat a good idea?

Brfpft squish plop


Squish splosh

Squuuuiiiiiiiiisssshs sllooooooosh drip!
Okay there goes some Norman khan into the toilet

Was getting worried I might be constipated there for a second on account of not disposing any khan yesterday

would you like to injure the rest of you?

How about bulgarian style squatting everyday

>I hate women

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You don't have the steroids and growth hormones to recover from that.

so do you think Hafthor can break total WR, 1100kg isn't bad..


What a A W F U L bitter brit
No wonder ladies hate him

OHP 1@8 70% of E1rm 6x5
TNG Bench 10@8 +2R
Pendlay 10@8 + 2R
Pulldown 10@8 + 4R
Arms 5x12

>OHP 1@8 70% of E1rm 6x5

Can we get kilograms too; also what do you think of

Christmas hit me so 87.5kg single than 65kg for 6x5

>crippling mid-lower traps doms from heavy dl triples
either I'm doing something very wrong or I'm actually doing it right for the first time in weeks

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ill redpill you on him
>can only deadlift 350lb and considers himself early intermediate
>does sheiko
>has erectile dysfunction
>is a chinese guy living in canada
>is a discord faggot who has literally admitted to this

post proof of those claims. i don't doubt that such a faggot exists, but let's see some proof.

How much do you pendlay row for 10s? They look really fucking awkward to pull off.

its a good foolproof way to progress. do 4 singles at 90% and add a single each workout until you reach 10, then reset back to 4 with 2.5kg added. rinse and repeat until you stall, then do the same progression but with triples instead of singles. when you stall on that, go back the the singles. a lot of people (including me) do seperate programming for deadlifts because of how taxing they are with this volume.

>ask for 1kg of bread from the bakery
>get 2 loafs
>I weigh them and find out they are 350g each
It's quite possible garagebro was only eating 350g of salt and pepper instead of 500g as he was saying.
Nevertheless, melting butter and dipping salted bread in it is fucking GOAT.

My bench warmup is
3x25 db bench
3x25 pushdowns
3x25 facepulls

Done in a circuit fashion, every session. Its helping me cause i havent missed a bench in 6 months and my pecs/triceps/rear delts are bigger.

Its something i got from Wenning, you never bench fresh in a comp. Using DBs allows me to get a bigger rom than a bar so helps get everything loose, especially the pecs. The pushdowns help grease the elbow joints, i dont lockout hard, trying to warm the elbow and pec tendons rather than pumping the muscles with too much blood. The facepulls help get the shoulder joint set to handle weight.

Also the accrual of volume over time is always useful, 150 extra reps a week over a year is a lot, regardless of "muh significant %"

Thanks for the long form, in-depth, answer.

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hes admitted to doing sheiko, being an early intermediate and having ED on here so you could probably find that in the archives. im not in the discord, i heard that from another poster but i dont doubt its validity given his ither claims.


About 70kgs

>abs still sore from ab wheel rollouts 2 days ago
why aren't you isolating your abs /plg/?

How I feel about the female of the species pales in comparison to what I feel about p(r) oles.

No one is PLG has abs.